Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 410 Tang San and Meng Yiran

Chapter 410 Tang San and Meng Yiran
For a long time, the lips are divided.

Meng Yiran's face was as red as an apple, and Tang San's face was also slightly red, "Grandpa, grandma, let's go."

Meng Shu thought for a while and said, "Yiran, let's absorb it here. It just so happens that I also have a good chat with this Tang San. This cockscomb snake won't live long."

"Grandpa!" Meng Yiran coquettishly.

She came to the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, and the snake blade stabbed directly at the cockscomb, and then a purple thousand-year-old soul ring appeared, and she began to sit down and absorb the soul ring.

Zao Wou-ki also saw the actions of the Unrivaled Dragon Snake couple, he knew that if Meng Yiran encountered an accident, or launched an attack by himself, these children would definitely die.

"Everyone get up and protect Meng Yiran." Zhao Wuji said loudly.Everyone also moved quickly.

"Thank you, Brother Zhao." Meng Shu said, under his signal, Chao Tianxiang stayed where he was to protect Meng Yiran, and he brought Zhao Wuji and Tang San to the side.

"Boy, what sect are you from?"

Tang San said: "The junior is not talented, currently he is alone and has not joined any sect."

"Then do you want to join our sect? We also have a sect anyway." Meng Shu narrowed his eyes.

Zhao Wuji saw everything in his eyes, and thought, old man, if you know Tang San's sect belongs to see if you dare to be so presumptuous.

"This... this junior doesn't want to join any sect for the time being, I'm sorry Senior Duke Long." Tang San cupped his hands.

Duke Long was furious, and pressed Tang San with outburst of tyrannical spirit power, "Huh! You took advantage of my granddaughter, and you just want to let it go? Say it out, do you want to lose your reputation! No matter what, you have to Join our sect, or I'll break your legs and bring you there." As he said, the dragon-headed crutch in Duke Long's hand hit the ground heavily.

Zhao Wuji said: "Brother Long, why don't we move forward and talk about it."

Duke Long Mengshu took a deep look at Zhao Wuji, I want to see what nonsense this blind man can say.Afterwards, followed Zhao Wuji to the other side.

"Senior Long, to tell you the truth, our dean actually knows Tang San's life experience quite well, and I know some of it, so why don't you tell me?" Zhao Wuji said with a wink, and he could tell at a glance whether it was true or not. What a good word to hold back.

"Speak!" Meng Shu glanced at him and said.

"Actually, Tang San is from the Clear Sky School." Zhao Wou-ki approached Meng Shu cautiously.

Meng Shu was surprised, "What did you say? Haotianzong? How many years has Haotianzong been closed? Don't talk nonsense here. Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

"Don't dare, what my brother said is certainly not false, we have seen with our own eyes that Tang San's spirit is from the Clear Sky Hammer."

"The Clear Sky Hammer? Isn't his martial soul the Blue Silver Grass?" Meng Shu didn't believe it.

"But what if it's twin spirits!"

"Twin Martial Soul?" Meng Shu frowned. If this child is really like what Zao Wou-ki said, then he is simply extremely talented!Moreover, I can't afford to offend myself!Where is the identity of the direct disciple of Haotianzong!
"Hmph! So what about Haotianzong? Will they know if I kill him? Or kill you together." Meng Shu threatened.

Zhao Wuji smiled, "Hahahaha Brother Long, Tang San's father can't even offend our dean. Let me remind you and you will know who it is. The surname is Tang, and he has a relatively good reputation outside the past few years. "

Meng Shu frowned, "Who is it? My child, I still guess!"

"Haotian Douluo!"

As soon as these four words came out, Meng Shu's eyes widened instantly, and his hands were trembling. That crazy guy is not something ordinary people can afford.

Meng Shu took a deep look at Zhao Wou-ki who was complacent, he was not stupid, since Tang San was Tang Hao's son, he still put Tang San in their academy.Then, there must be something special about this academy, maybe it still...

What's more, Tang Hao must have met Zao Wou-ki and the others, Zhao Wou-ki is so proud, maybe... Tang Hao is really nearby!

Meng Shu sighed, and walked over to Tang San, "Boy, no matter what your family background is, you still have to be responsible for your reputation."

"This junior knows that this junior should be responsible for the transgression." Tang San gritted his teeth.

"Hmph! If that's the case, I'll leave it to you in the future. If she gets hurt a little bit, I won't show mercy because of the relationship behind your back!"

Tang San frowned, the relationship behind it?Did you mean the teacher?That's right, the teacher, his mistress, and Dean Flender have been in the arena for many years, and no one knows the name of the golden iron triangle. Even this Duke Long has to give up three points.

After Meng Shu finished speaking, he returned to Chao Tianxiang's side, and the two discussed something.

Soon, Meng Yiran also finished absorbing the spirit ring, got up, just saw Tang San standing in front of him, and said shyly: "I... finished absorbing."

"Congratulations, still, you have successfully broken through to the soul master." Tang San felt a little unnatural.

"Thank you... thank you."

Meng Shu came over and took Meng Yiran's hand, "Yiran, Grandpa can understand. I told the boy just now, he seems to be a loyal and honest person, and Grandpa entrusted you to him."

"Grandpa~" Meng Yiran understood what grandpa meant, walked towards Tang San slowly, and hugged Tang San together.

"Still, I will treat you well in the future."


The Unrivaled Dragon and Snake couple looked at them with aunt smiles. After a long time, Meng Shu said to Zhao Wuji: "I discussed with my wife just now. In order to still be safe, we decided to go with you. By the way, what Shrek?" Let the academy take a look, and I will hand it over to your Shrek Academy in the future."

Zhao Wuji was excited: "This... Brother Long, are you joking?"

"One word from a gentleman is hard to follow. I will do what I say."

Zhao Wuji was so excited, this is a powerhouse at the Contra level, with him and Chao Tianxiang, and the two of them can use the martial soul fusion skill, with such a powerful soul master in charge, what is Shrek Academy afraid of? ah!

"Good! Good! After hunting the spirit ring for Xiaosan, we will return to Shrek Academy!"

Next, everyone went all the way to find a soul beast suitable for Tang San.Compared with the original book, the appearance of the Titan giant ape is less, and their trip is quite safe.

Later, they encountered a thousand-year-old man-faced demon spider, which was the one in the original book. Although Tang San's first spirit ring had just passed a hundred years, under the guidance of the master these years, his physical strength was still very strong.

Absorbing this thousand-year spirit ring with all his strength, he almost died, and Meng Yiran was in a state of panic.Since the man-faced demon spider is a rare soul beast, even Duke Long Meng Shu couldn't tell the age of the man-faced demon spider.

Just when Tang San absorbed the difficulty and the attached soul bone broke out of his body, everyone was surprised.But, at this dangerous moment, a group of people appeared.


You'd better get into the penguin colony!Some important things in the follow-up will be said in it, five six 13 nine zero four zero five.Everyone can also make comments, and I will add them to the book as appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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