Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 411 The first meeting between 9 demons and Shrek

Chapter 411 The First Meeting of the Nine Demons and Shrek

Just when Tang San absorbed the difficulty and the attached soul bone broke out of his body, everyone was surprised.But, at this dangerous moment, a group of people appeared.

There were 11 people in the group, including men and women. The leaders were Xiao Wu and Qin Ming, followed by nine people from the Nine Demons team.They just came out of Xingtou Lake and walked out of the forest, and they happened to come here.

Long Gong She Po and Zhao Wuji frowned at the same time. It was the critical moment for Tang San to absorb the soul ring. There was also something that looked like a soul bone. He didn't know what to do. Even if these people who appeared at this time were good people, they had to Be [-]% vigilant.

"That's it! The external spirit bone!" Hu Liena squinted and whispered.

The voice seemed very small, but all the soul masters above the soul emperor level were present, except for Shrek and the others, they all heard it!

Attached spirit bone?

Dragon Duke Meng Shu was far-sighted, and as soon as he heard the name, he knew that Tang San had encountered his own opportunity.If it weren't for the powerful background behind him, and if he still liked this kid, he would definitely kill Tang San to seize this soul bone.

Meng Shu frowned. The people in front of him looked like they belonged to a sect or an academy, and their strength was probably about the same as that of Yi still.The soul power of the two leaders is probably between the soul saints.It will definitely not be higher than his own soul power, or else he would know them all.

However, why can't I feel the soul power?
Meng Shu's leading crutch hit the ground heavily, and eight eye-catching soul rings appeared. Zao Wou-ki and Chao Tianxiang were also instantly summoned by weapon souls and possessed by martial souls, entering a state of ready battle at any time.The others are also possessed by spirits.

Xiao Wu disdainfully said, "Oh, this Star Dou Forest is really not that big, but we met the matchless dragon and snake couple. What a coincidence!"

Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang looked at each other. They had been in the world for many years and most of the older generations of soul masters on the mainland knew each other. However, the person in front of them actually knew them, but he did not know her.

"The Star Dou Forest is the territory of the soul beasts. We are only here to obtain the soul ring. If you are all right, it is better to leave quickly, otherwise I will not be polite to the old man!" The reason why Meng Shu said this was because he wanted to use Once the other party knows his identity, then he must know the martial soul fusion technique of Dragon Snake Combined Strike, the bet is that the other party dare not be presumptuous.

Unfortunately, he bet wrong.

If it were someone else, he might have a good personality and walk away quickly without disturbing the situation.However, what he faced was the naughty Xiao Wu, even if she entered the mature stage.

"Sister Yanzi, who are these?" Ma Hongjun said via sound transmission with his soul power.

"The master has taught it in class and has seen the photos. Why don't you listen carefully?" Dugu Yan patted Ma Hongjun on the head.

"I'm too sleepy in class..."

"The few people in front of me, the old man and the old woman are well-known in the mainland, and they have been around the rivers and lakes for many years. The dragon sword and the snake blade can perform the martial soul fusion technique-the dragon and snake combined attack. It is very powerful and difficult to deal with. The other, if I guess wrong, is the notorious Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji who is wanted by the Spirit Hall."

"Hahaha, you're welcome, Meng Shu, do you rely on your martial arts fusion skills to say such bold words? What's the use of your dragon-snake combined attack with me? Are you trying to scare me? I'm really uncomfortable Do what you can!"

According to Meng Shu's opinion, he knew or had met all the powerful people in the mainland, but who was Xiao Wu? She didn't bother to attend formal occasions.But this did not prevent her from not recognizing the two people in front of her. As for Zhao Wuji, she had heard some names, but they were not worthy of her face.

Meng Shu frowned. Could it be that the tone of the woman in front of him was that of a titled Douluo?But so young... No!The younger you are, the more eccentric you are!But, who is she?
"Old man, my wife and I have been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and we have a little reputation for our martial soul fusion skills, but we will not use this name to bluff the market and mess around. I haven't asked about your name yet."

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes, "One of the elders of the Nine Demon Pavilion, Xiao Wu, title: Soft Bones!" As Xiao Wu's voice fell, nine soul rings fell down in unison, and majestic soul power surged out , actually made everyone in Shrek take a step back involuntarily.


"People from the Nine Demons Pavilion?"

"This is... Title Douluo!!!"

Everyone in Shrek was shocked. The young woman in front of them turned out to be a titled Douluo and one of the elders of the Nine Demons Pavilion. You must know that the person who can be called an elder of the Nine Demons Pavilion is at least a strong man of the Contra level.

After Yu Longtian heard it, he clenched his fists and was angry, but he endured it; Dai Mubai was greatly shocked, and took a few steps back, the pressure on Title Douluo was too great; Surprised, it was natural afterward; Meng Yiran's body trembled a little.

Zhao Wuji and Chaotian Xiang Meng Shu swallowed their saliva. This Xiao Wu was the elder of the Nine Demons Pavilion and the master of the Soft Bone Hall - Soft Bone Douluo!
Title Douluo!
"It turns out that she is under the crown of a soft bone, and has admired her name for a long time. Now I see her, she is really more beautiful than the rumors!" Meng Shu said, clasping his fists.

"This is my wife, Chao Tianxiang." Meng Shu said, Chao Tianxiang bowed his hands to Xiao Wu, his eyes were full of respect and admiration, this is a female Titled Douluo!

"My lord, Zhao Wuji!" Zhao Wuji also said with his hands in hand.

"It turns out to be the Fudo Myōng of the world of soul masters!" Qin Ming understood clearly that it must not be a coincidence that these people gathered here.

"I haven't asked for advice yet, who is this?"

"I am the elder of the Nine Demon Pavilions, Qin Ming!"

"Qin Ming? It's the captain of the Nine Demons Pavilion who participated in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition for the first time and led the first generation of the Nine Demons team to win the championship. Qin Ming, the Yan of the Nine Demons!" Chao Tianxiang knew more.

"It's down."

"I have admired you for a long time, but I didn't expect that although Elder Qin Ming was the Soul King back then, he would become famous and win the championship in one fell swoop. Now he has reached the level of Soul Douluo. He is really talented!" After hearing what Chao Tianxiang said, Meng Shu said Now I know who the man in front of me is.

Back then, the Nine Monsters team won the championship in the Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition for the first time. The captain of the Nine Monsters, Yan Qin Ming, was still fresh in his memory.

"These behind me must be the new generation of the Nine Monsters. They are really full of vigor. At first glance, they are all related children." Meng Shu kept flattering.

Tang San had already absorbed the technique that everyone was talking about, although the external spirit bone hadn't been retracted freely, but he had mastered it a little bit, and he still hasn't retracted it yet.

As soon as he opened his eyes and got up, he saw everyone in the Jiuyao Pavilion opposite, and they were all old acquaintances!
"Isn't that Tang San?" Oscar whispered as he watched Tang San get up.

"I didn't expect him to come here." Bai Chenxiang said.

Tang San didn't understand, so he thought it was the Nine Demon Pavilion who came to catch him, and immediately rushed forward with blood, saying: "You...Nine Demon Pavilion, don't be too deceptive! I'm just absorbing the soul ring in the Star Dou Great Forest!"

(End of this chapter)

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