Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 424 Hu Yanzhen angers the demon-suppressing dog

Chapter 424 Hu Yanzhen angers the demon-suppressing dog
Everyone in Dugu Bo gathered in the main hall of the pavilion early, and Lin Yuan sat on the main seat and listened to the report of Dugu Bo and the other three, basically saying that Li Panglong's craftsmanship conquered them yesterday.

"Well, I was also surprised by Pang Long's craftsmanship. They haven't woken up yet." Lin Yuan asked.

"I shouldn't have woken up. I drank a lot yesterday."

"It's okay, there is no delay in the course exchange in the afternoon."

As Lin Yuan was talking, he suddenly felt that someone was there at the back mountain. The corners of Lin Yuan's mouth curled up. He actually went there, so let that guy teach him a lesson!
Hu Yanzhen just woke up, feeling a little dizzy, and just wanted to visit the Nine Demon Pavilion.This is also the task Qian Daoliu entrusted to him, let him see what is hidden in the Nine Demon Pavilion.

Simply, he took advantage of this time to quickly come to the Nine Demon Pavilion to have a look, especially the back mountain, which seemed to have the most soul power.Qian Daoliu also said that if he finds anything useful this time, Qian Daoliu will be able to let him break through Title Douluo after he returns.

Hu Yanzhen naturally believed it, otherwise his soul power might still be at the Contra level, but now after Qian Daoliu's change, he was only one step away from breaking through the Title Douluo, but only by himself Impossible, Qian Daoliu's help is needed.

He walked towards the back mountain, and the more he walked, the more he felt something was wrong. The inside of the Nine Demon Pavilion is so big?It is almost catching up with the scale of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"This Nine Demon Pavilion is extravagant, but it never cares about our little sect, and it is the number one sect in the world!" Hu Yanzhen became more and more angry, and finally he stopped.

If he guessed correctly, the front should be the training place of the Nine Demon Pavilion, which is also the entrance to the place where the mimicry environment is practiced.Surprisingly, there is a dog sleeping here at the gate.

The dog was completely black and had no other features.

"Made, why does this dog sleep so peacefully? I've never slept so well before!" Hu Yanzhen angrily kicked away the stone under his feet, hitting the big black dog's head just right.

"Hiss!" The big black dog jumped up immediately, the Huyan shock was neither light nor heavy, and there was still soul power under his feet, which was very painful.

"Wow, woof, woof! Ow~" The black dog stood up immediately. Its usual character would not be so reckless, but who made him not recognize this big guy.

The black dog looks very tall, with red eyes, strange lines on its face, and its tail sways as if it can bring up strong winds.The claws are dark red, and there is a faint red color in the black hair.

This dog is not an ordinary soul beast, but a 40-year-old ferocious beast!It was hatched from the pet egg that Lin Yuan had obtained before, and it was called a demon-suppressing dog.

Dark attribute, quick speed, amazing attack power, if bitten by him, the wound will not heal for many years.This is the terrifying strength of the Demon Suppressing Dog.

On weekdays, this guy sleeps at the entrance of the mimicry environment or in front of the main hall of the pavilion. He knows everyone in the sect, and there is also a reason for the loyalty of Lin Yuan's system, so he can tell if this person is a sect by smelling it. people in the door.

The demon dog has a very good personality, very cheerful, and plays well with the people in the sect.Except for Ah Yan and Lin Yuan who knew that the Zhenma Dog was a beast that died for 10 years, the others thought it was just an ordinary beast.

But it is true, it is Lin Yuan's pet beast, but it is very powerful.

"Oh, this puppy is still grinning at me, if you see it again, I'll make you a dog meat hot pot!" Hu Yanzhen didn't feel the feeling of soul power from this dog, he just thought it was an ordinary pet dog.

"Who are you talking to me like that!" The demon-suppressing dog bared its fangs angrily, its eyes turned blood red, ready to go.

"You... you can actually talk!" Hu Yanzhen was shocked. The animal that could talk couldn't be... a 10-year-old soul beast!This Nine Demon Pavilion actually keeps 10-year-old soul beasts in captivity!

"Run! The Nine Demon Pavilion has a 10-year-old soul beast in captivity! Run!" Hu Yanzhen knew that he couldn't beat this 10-year-old soul beast, so he quickly turned around and started running.

"Aww~" The magic-suppressing dog quickly ran up, and chased after Hu Yanzhen. It was so fast that it could only see a phantom. It approached Hu Yanzhen, and bit down on his ass with one bite!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Hu Yanzhen's shout spread to all parts of Jiuyao Pavilion, Lin Yuan laughed, and everyone rushed towards the mimic environment practice field one after another.

When Ning Fengzhi Dugu Bo and the others arrived, they saw Hu Yanzhen laying on the ground, covering his buttocks with his hands, the buttocks were bleeding profusely, looking carefully, it seemed that a piece of flesh was missing.Hu Yanzhen was so painful that she shed tears, the whole scene was hilarious.

The magic-suppressing dog was still sleeping on the mimic environment training ground, but Lin Yuan stopped him in time from a distance and asked him to cover up.

"Sect Master Huyan, what are you doing?" Lian Po hurried over and asked.


"Quick, quick, quick, send Sect Master Huyan to the Palace of Life for treatment!" Daji said loudly, and the people from the Palace of Life quickly rushed over and carried Hu Yanzhen away.

"This is..." Ning Fengzhi was a little confused, this Hu Yanzhen not only went to various parts of the Nine Demon Pavilion at will, but also yelled and shouted when he was injured.
"Sect Master Huyan was really careless. Although there are soul masters guarding the mimicry cultivation environment, there are also many soul beasts for sect disciples to train. I didn't expect that Sect Master Huyan's Soul Douluo level would be bitten by him." Lian He said with a wry smile, and then with a wave of his right hand, the red flame soul power came out, killing the black dog, and a black soul ring appeared.

"Of course we can't keep this soul beast because it hurts people. Dear sect masters, let's move to the Palace of Life and see the injury of Sect Master Huyan." Daji said with a smile.

Everyone glanced at the soul beast's body and the black soul ring, and didn't say anything. The soul beast wounded people and killed them. Let's see how Hu Yanzhen is doing now.

Everyone left.The body was not put there, it was cleaned up.This is naturally not a soul beast, but an illusion created by Lin Yuan. In the eyes of everyone, this soul beast has been killed, and there is a dog similar to it sleeping on its stomach at the gate.

When everyone came to the Hall of Life, Ah Yin tried his best to help, and there was no problem with his life safety, but the wound could not heal.The bleeding has stopped, I'm afraid Hu Yanzhen will lose a piece of meat on his ass in the future!
"Elder Ah Yin, Huyan Sect Master's injury..." Yu Yuanzhen asked.

"Everyone, I have tried my best to treat the wound. The injury has eased and the bleeding has stopped. It's just that the wound can't heal!" A Yin said in a gentle manner.

"Impossible! It must be because you didn't treat me with all your strength. How could this wound not heal? Your Nine Demon Pavilion is too deceptive. Don't think that it is the first in the world. I dare not! Let the world see the nine monsters. Demon Pavilion has done a good job!" Hu Yanzhen roared while lying on the hospital bed.

(End of this chapter)

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