Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 425 Hu Yanzhen’s Wound

Chapter 425 Hu Yanzhen’s Wound
"Sect Master Huyan, please don't play tricks, otherwise the blood vessel will burst and cause massive bleeding, it won't be good!" Ayin said, Hu Yanzhen hurriedly shut up, the wound really hurt too much.

"Well, you also know that the soul beast that bit him is a hellhound, and the wound itself is not easy to heal. In addition, yesterday, Sect Master Huyan drank too much, exercised vigorously, and had a vague holy attribute on his body. These three things combined , it will be difficult for the wound to heal!" Ah Yin shook his head and sighed.

"A hell dog? That's not a hell dog at all. You've seen a talking hell dog, and you've seen it in the Nine Demon Pavilion..." Hu Yanzhen continued to shout, but was interrupted by Chen Xin.

"Master Huyan, the hell dog soul beast Lian Po that bit you just now has been killed, and the soul rings have appeared. I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen a soul Douluo be killed by a 5-year-old soul beast. The one who was bitten is not afraid of jokes!" Chen Xin said in a deep voice.

"That's right! Tianxiang, take a good rest and wait for the wound to heal! Elder Ah Yin has nothing to do, let alone us!" said the head of the Fire Leopard Sect.

Hu Yanzhen shut up after listening to what the other three sects of the Fourth Sect were saying. They must have seen the soul beast being killed.wrong!Not a hellhound at all!Jiu Yao Pavilion, if you are unkind, don’t blame me for being unjust!When I return to Wuhun Hall, I'm going to see the great worshipper!

Hu Yanzhen hid his thoughts and closed his eyes.

Ah Yin's treatment was very effective. In the afternoon, although the wound was not healed, it was bandaged and the pain was reduced a lot.It was not enough to affect Hu Yanzhen’s afternoon communication.

in the afternoon.

Under the leadership of Jin Chan, the sect leaders of each sect visited the students of Jiuyao Academy to study. Everyone was not impressed and there was nothing particularly surprising.

"Elder Jin Chan, I wonder where your sect's Nine Monsters team is training? We really want to see this famous Nine Monsters team." Feng Bailong, the leader of Fengjian Sect, said.

The Nine Monsters team is also very famous during this period, except for Tiandou City and Xingluo City, the big soul fighting arenas in other cities are basically cleared.

"Then please come with me, everyone." Jin Chan was not surprised, this was what they expected before.

Following Jin Chan's footsteps, everyone came to the main hall of the pavilion and climbed the stairs one by one.

"Ouch." The leader of the Fire Leopard Sect accidentally slipped and fell. It turned out that the stairs had just been dragged by the cleaning staff and were still a bit slippery.

"Haha, take it easy." Daji laughed.

Just as Daji finished speaking, a huge noise was heard. Everyone looked intently and saw that Hu Yanzhen had fallen to the ground. There was something sitting under his buttocks, with a painful look on his face.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Hu Yanzhen stood up in pain, and pulled out the thing. The wound was slightly ruptured and bleeding.

"Sect Master Huyan, are you okay?" Dugu Bo hurriedly greeted.

"It's okay, you dragged the stairs so clean! Let's go!" Hu Yanzhen endured the pain and followed everyone up the stairs.

Upstairs, the two generations of the Nine Demon Team and Feng Qinghua were taking Lin Yuan's God Realm course.

Due to Lin Yuan's special blocking, everyone only vaguely heard something, but nothing specific.

"Elder Jin Chan, Pavilion Master Lin's you know what it is?" Ning Fengzhi said.

Jin Chan clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, the poor Taoist only knows that the master's lecture is a new course, it wasn't originally changed now."

Ning Fengzhi nodded with a smile, as if he hadn't said anything.

Everyone just listened for a while and then left. No matter how much they held their breath, they couldn't hear anything, but they could vaguely hear a few words, such as "divine realm", "becoming a god", "the highest realm" and so on.

They had some guesses in their minds, maybe the Nine Demon Pavilion was related to the God Realm, which reminded them of the red blood mist a few months ago, how did Lin Yuan know exactly the function of the red mist?

Since the people in Jiuyao Pavilion don't talk about it and want to keep it mysterious, then they won't talk about it either, just keep it in their stomachs.

Afterwards, everyone formally met with Lin Yuan on the third day to discuss some political knowledge and matters related to cooperation.

Then, on the fourth day, they tasted the elixirs being refined in the Golden Elixir Hall and the Tian Poison Hall.In the end, I stayed for a few more days and left the Jiuyao Pavilion.

A week later, people from the seven major sects except the Qibao Glazed Sect will go to the Qibao Glazed Sect for exchanges. The representatives sent by the Nine Demons Pavilion are Daji and Chang'e.


"This time I went to the Nine Demon Pavilion to communicate. Did you complete the task I entrusted to you?" Qian Daoliu said standing in front of the angel statue with his hands behind his back.

Hu Yanzhen stood behind Qian Daoliu, "I found some."

"Report to me one by one."

"When we were communicating in the Nine Demons Pavilion, there were only two things that were strange. One, there was a dog in front of their mimic environment training ground!"

Qian Daoliu frowned, "Dog? Speak clearly."

"This dog can talk, its eyes are red, and it bit the wound on my buttocks. Although Lian Po and the others said that he had killed him in the end, he was just an ordinary soul beast, but I still feel that it is not that simple! That dog Should be alive!"

Qian Daoliu turned around, "A talking dog? And it bit you?"

"That's right!"

"Take off your pants!"

"Ah? What?" Hu Yanzhen couldn't believe it. What was Qian Daoliu talking about?
"Take off your pants! Let me see your wound." Qian Daoliu said without panting and blushing.

Hu Yanzhen was a little twitchy, Qian Daoliu was puzzled, "What are you twitching about? I'm so old, how can I still see if your toothpick works?"

Hu Yanzhen took off his pants, and the wound on the back was still bloody. Qian Daoliu took a closer look and saw that the wound was surrounded by black energy. Qian Daoliu tried to use the angel soul power to remove it, but it had a reaction.

Seeing Hu Yanzhen's pain, Qian Daoliu stopped his hand and Hu Yanzhen pulled up his pants. "Your wound is definitely not caused by a soul beast! If it is as Na Yin said, this wound cannot be healed, and coupled with the talking dog, I am afraid that the dog is a soul beast that is at least 10 years old! "

"What? The Nine Demon Pavilion keeps soul beasts in captivity, which is an enemy of the soul masters in the world!" Hu Yanzhen was angry.

"Close your trap! If a third person finds out about this, I will kill you!" Qian Daoliu glared at Hu Yanzhen, "Keep talking!"

"Afterwards, we listened to the course of the Nine Monsters Team, which was taught by Lin Yuan. The content may be masked, and we couldn't hear it clearly, but there are some words like 'divine world', 'becoming a god' and 'highest realm'."

If this is the case, I am not surprised that the Nine Demon Pavilion has a connection with the God Realm!
Qiandao Liuxin said.Then, he nodded, and said to Hu Yanzhen: "Okay, I know what you said. You have to cultivate for a year first, and I can help you break through the Titled Douluo when you come to the Hall of Consecration after a year. There is nothing I can do about this injury, And about this matter, I don't want to hear it from the third person's mouth."


Hu Yanzhen left, although Qian Daoliu promised him that he could help him break through the Titled Douluo.However, the wound on his butt cannot be healed. Will there be a piece of meat missing from my butt in the future? !
(End of this chapter)

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