Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 426: Communication between Wuhun Palace and the 9th Demon Pavilion team

Chapter 426 Team Exchange Between Wuhun Temple and Nine Demon Pavilion
The exchanges between the seven sects lasted for at least a month. After the six sects left the Nine Demons Pavilion, Lin Yuan and Bibi Dong secretly planned. The Spirit Hall team also came to the Nine Demons Pavilion a week later for communication.

The seven members of the Spirit Hall team are completely loyal to Bibi Dong. They know Bibi Dong's relationship with the Nine Demons Pavilion and the relationship with the Enshrinement Hall clearly, so it is not surprising to come to the Nine Demons Pavilion.

Moreover, this is like a good neighbor visiting, especially if the owner is a husband and wife.They also want to see how huge the legendary Nine Demon Pavilion is. They have heard that this old generation Nine Demon team won the championship directly for the first time in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, which made them admire.

Bibi Dong and Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo Huyou came to Jiuyao Pavilion in a carriage, Bibi Dong could not stay with them for a long time, Bibi Dong would leave in about three days, but Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo would not leave, Bibi Dong planned to Let them rest and take care of the Wuhundian team.

The carriage of Wuhun Palace stopped directly at the entrance of Nine Demons Pavilion. A group of ten people got off the carriage. Lin Yuan and Dugu Bo were waiting for them at the door.

"His Majesty the Pope is welcome to visit my humble residence!" Lin Yuan said with a smile.

"Let's get rid of those useless things. Come in quickly." Lin Yuan led Bibi Dong and the others into the Nine Demon Pavilion.

The two old guys, Dugu Bo and Yue Guan, started arguing with each other as soon as they met, and flew away to find a place to have a fight.The ghost covered his face and shook his head, these two old naughty boys!
Lin Yuan first took them to have lunch. The taste of the food also shocked the Wuhundian team and left them with endless aftertaste.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan led them to the largest open space in the back mountain, where they met the Nine Monsters team.Their theoretical courses are over for the time being, and all the new knowledge has been learned. Except for the new Nine Monsters team that needs to start actual combat, everyone else is responsible for the work they are responsible for.

Next, the Nine Demons team will have a three-month exchange with the Wuhundian team. After that, they will go to other places for training, such as Death Canyon.

Qin Ming and Xiao Wu were training with them, and there was King Feng and the Demon Suppressing Dog sleeping next to them.

"Xiao Ming Xiao Wu, stop for a moment. Let me introduce you, this is the new Wuhundian team."

"Hello, everyone." Everyone greeted warmly, while Xiao Wu and Bibi Dong walked aside to chat.

Ghost said: "Wuhundian team, introduce yourself to the Nine Monsters team!"


"Hello, my name is Yan, the captain of the Wuhun Temple team, the lord of the Wuhun Flame, and the 58th-level attack system battle spirit king!"

Then the boy with green hair and green hair spoke, "Lin Sen, Purple Wood Dryad with Martial Soul, Level 57 Control System Battle Soul King!"

The muscular boy said: "Zhang Tiexin, Wuhun Vajra Bear, level 57 Assault Department Soul King!"

The man with small eyes, a straight nose and a square mouth said in a deep voice: "Wang Lei, the Martial Soul Earth Black Turtle, the Level 55 Defense Soul King!"

The girl with blue hair smiled and said: "Jiang Miaomiao, Martial Soul Flying Sea Fish, Level 56 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul King!"

The woman with short blond hair said: "Lianri, the martial soul Sunlight Butterfly, the level 57 agility attack type battle soul king!"

The girl with long black hair who looked like a princess said, "Qiu Yueyue, Martial Soul Moonlight Gem, Level 55 Auxiliary Device Soul King!" Qiu Yueyue's voice was very pleasant, and it sounded very gentle.

Qin Ming nodded secretly. The strength of this Wuhundian team was pretty good, and their soul power was almost the same as that of the Nine Demons team.He could probably guess that it was probably due to the increase in their cultivation speed a few months ago that made their soul power so high.

It's just that if this is the case, then not all the participating team members will be in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition...

He didn't dare to imagine it anymore, it was so outrageous!
My thoughts came back to me. The seven people in front of me seemed to be over 20 years old. I'm afraid they entered because of their age during the competition.

Flying Sea Fish, Sunlight Butterfly, Flame Lord, and Purple Wood Dryad are all top martial spirits, especially the Purple Wood Tree Demon. Among the top ten beasts, the main body of the Ten Thousand Demon King is similar to this martial spirit.

There are also Diamond Bears and Earth Turtles, whose defense and attack are not bad.

The most magical thing still belongs to Qiu Yueyue’s Wuhun Moonlight Gem!It's really rare!

It's just that the names of these people correspond to the attributes of the Martial Soul... Is it a coincidence?Yan is a fire attribute martial soul, Lin Sen is a wood attribute, Qiu Yueyue is moonlight, Jiang Miaomiao is a water attribute...

"It's really eye-opening to me that rare martial spirits have actually appeared here. I am Qin Ming, the Yan of the Nine Demons, welcome you all!"

"Hello, brother Qin Ming!!!"×7
Jiang Miaomiao's eyes widened and she covered her mouth in disbelief, " are the captain of the first-generation Nine Demon Team, Qin Ming!"

"Yes. Right next."

"Oh my god, Brother Qin Ming, you are my idol!"

Jiang Miaomiao couldn't believe it. She didn't expect to meet her idol on the first day. She also thought about meeting her by chance during the communication, but she didn't expect to see her here.But she also knew what was appropriate and did not leave the team abruptly.

Qin Ming saw it. Although the little girl was very excited, she was very measured. "Thank you for your liking. I am very honored. Nine Monsters, let me introduce you to new friends!"

"Captain of the Nine Demons Team, Xie Yue of the Nine Demons, Martial Soul Moon Blade, Level 64 Attack System Soul Emperor!"

"Hu Liena, the Charm of the Nine Demons, the Demon Fox with a Martial Soul, Level 64 Control System Battle Soul Emperor!"

"The Poison of the Nine Demons Duguyan, the Martial Soul Jade Phosphorus Jiao, the Level 61 Control System Battle Soul Emperor!"

"Nine Demon Demon Lan, Martial Soul Youye Demon Shark, Level 58 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul King!"

"Oscar, Spirit of the Nine Demons, Wuhun Sausage, Level 56 Food System Equipment Soul King!"

"Fire Ma Hongjun of the Nine Demons, Fire Phoenix of the Martial Soul, Level 63 Assault Department Battle Soul Emperor!"

"Cai Wenji, the Joy of the Nine Demons, Hu Jiaqin, the spirit king of level 56 auxiliary equipment!"

"Zhu Zhuqing of the Nine Demons, the Nether Civet of the Martial Soul, the King of Battle Souls of the Level 56 Sensitive Attack Department!"

"Bai Chenxiang, the wind of the Nine Demons, swift-tailed swift, a level 55 agility attack soul king!"

On the whole, except for the four people whose spirit power has reached level 60 or above, the spirit power of the rest is about the same as that of the Wuhundian team.

However, the Nine Monsters team still surprised everyone in the Wuhundian team. Four people have already broken through to the Soul Emperor!There is also the top martial soul, Fire Phoenix!This is not easy to see.

"Everyone from the Wuhundian team, welcome to your arrival. I am Xiao Wu, with the title Rou Gu. You can also call me Sister Xiao Wu like they do. From now on, both of your teams will train under the leadership of me and Qin Ming. We train together, eat together, and sleep together. Everyone has a dormitory. I hope you are ready. If you have any questions about Jiuyao Pavilion, you can ask the Jiuyao Team. Today is a day off, and tomorrow the two teams will play a team game first The competition is between seven people and seven people. Considering the overall integrity, our two soul emperors will not participate. The dormitories have been arranged, Xie Yue, take them to see it!"

"Yes, Miss Wu."

"Thank you, Miss Wu!"

"Goodbye, Miss Wu!"

"Sister Xiaowu is so beautiful! Much prettier than the rumors say!"

(End of this chapter)

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