Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 427 9 Demon Team VS Wuhundian Team (1)

Chapter 427 Nine Demon Team VS Wuhundian Team ([-])

The Nine People of Xieyue took the Wuhundian team to visit the Nine Demon Pavilion. Yan still had a good impression of Hu Liena as in the original work, and asked, "Hello, my name is Yan."

"Hi, my name is Hu Liena." Hu Liena responded.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Yan asked suddenly.

"What do you mean? Sorry, I already have someone I like!" Hu Liena glanced at this reckless man.

"It doesn't matter, you can also like me!" Yan's greasy expression made people frown.

"She said she already has someone she likes, didn't you hear?" Oscar blocked Yan's hand that wanted to touch Hu Liena.

"Just you? A food-type soul master?" Yan's words immediately aroused everyone's anger, and everyone looked at him with burning eyes.

"Hiss~" Xiao Jiu lay on Dugu Yan's neck, staring at Yan.

Yan also felt a bit of coldness, especially when the four soul emperors in the team looked at him angrily, he swallowed unconsciously, "That... I'm sorry, I... did I say something wrong?"

The strength of the Nine Demon Pavilion forced him to give in, "Don't you know that this sentence is the most taboo of the soul masters of the Nine Demon Pavilion? Don't you know that the auxiliary system soul masters of the Nine Demon Pavilion are all capable of fighting?"

Looking at the moon blade in Xie Yue's hand, Yan apologized and said: "I heard it before, I'm sorry, I was affected by the stereotype."

"Seeing as this is your first time here, we won't pursue it further. Let's go to the dormitory." Xie Yue put away her moon blade and walked forward.

The rest of the people also recovered and followed Xie Yue's footsteps towards the dormitory.The girls left the team midway and went to the girls' dormitory.

"Yueyue, you are so beautiful!" Dugu Yan smiled familiarly.

"Thank you, Sister Yanzi, you are so beautiful!" Qiu Yueyue said shyly.

"Sister Yanzi, is the little snake just now your martial spirit? It's so beautiful!" Jiang Miaomiao also likes to socialize.

"She, her name is Xiao Jiu, she is my beast." Dugu Yan called out the Nine Festival Jade to show them, without concealing it, they all knew the relationship between the Wuhundian team and Bibi Dong, just like they had with Lin Lin. It's the same as Yuan Yuan's relationship, there is absolutely no need to hide anything.

"What a weird little snake!" Lian Ri said.

"Slippery!" Jiang Miaomiao screamed, she really liked it.

"Be quiet, girl!"

"She! She can actually talk!!!"


The girls chatted happily, even the aloof Lianri and Zhu Zhuqing said a few words.

The boys were already familiar with each other in the afternoon, and they didn't know each other without fighting. Yan put away his thoughts and concentrated on training, and the few people in Jiuyao Pavilion stopped pursuing the problems in the morning, and they soon became friends.

The main credit goes to Dugu Yan and Ma Hongjun, two "social elites". With their social talents, no one can stay familiar with them for more than a day.

In the evening, the Nine Demon Pavilion held a huge banquet in the main hall of the pavilion to welcome Bibi Dong and the Wuhun Palace team to communicate. All the elder-level soul masters arrived.

Except for Daji and Chang'e who went to other sects to exchange ideas, and Yang Yuhuan who did not come back from Nishang Pavilion, everyone else arrived.

"Hurry up, the elders are waiting for us!" Xie Yue urged, looking at Yan and Ma Hongjun who were still tidying up in the dormitory, Xie Yue was speechless.

"I'm coming!"

"Let's go!"

Everyone ran towards the main hall of the pavilion together, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on them. In the future, they might be opponents in competition challenges, or they might be teammates of the side-by-side team.

When everyone entered the pavilion master's hall, they were watched by many people. The people present were all elders above the Contra level, so everyone had to pay attention.

Except for the honorary elder Li Panglong, everyone else is at the Contra level.Yes, Hezhi has also broken through Contra and obtained a 10-year-old spirit ring. This spirit ring was hunted for her by Lin Yuan himself on the sea.Taken from a 10-year-old soul beast, the Great Sea Demon Squid!


The next day.

The Nine Demons Team and the Wuhundian Team gathered in the open space at the back of the mountain. The older generation of the Nine Demons Team also came to join in the fun, sitting beside them with their pet beasts to watch the battle.

"This competition is a friendly match. Intentional hurting is not allowed. Stop it. Considering the overall balance of soul power, Xie Yue and Hu Liena will not participate in the friendly match. During the competition, weapons, hidden weapons, elixirs, pet animals, etc. are not allowed to be used. Items, all seven of the opponent's players leave the field or lose combat effectiveness, which is considered a win, and time is one stick of incense. Now, you can summon martial spirits!"

Yan took a step forward, and the ground instantly burst into flames, and the huge top-level martial soul, the flame lord, soared into the sky. With the blessing of the fire-earth dual-attribute martial soul, Yan's whole body has turned dark red, with dark red lines all over his neck.Five soul rings with standard proportions appeared on his body.

Lin Sen, who was nimble in stature, jumped back lightly and landed in the middle of the team.Just as Lin Sen fell, countless purple tree branches shot up from the ground, and a huge tree demon emerged from the ground. Under the thick trunk were vine-like tentacles and legs, ugly fangs, and purple liquid was dripping from the trunk.

"Purple wood tree demon? This kind of martial spirit is not common!" He Zhi frowned. This kind of plant-based martial spirit is biased towards animal martial spirits. Even the soul master world cannot define what category this kind of martial spirit belongs to, which is very strange.

"Toxic! Controlled! It's still very difficult for them to win. Especially since the other people's martial arts are not bad!" Yan Ruyu analyzed calmly.

Mi Yue said: "That Martial Soul named Zhang Tiexin is not bad either!"

Zhang Tiexin stomped heavily on the ground. After possessing the Wuhun of the Vajra Bear, his whole body was covered with a thick layer of golden-brown hair. His muscles were curled up. His brown-yellow eyes exuded a domineering aura, and his big hands became extraordinarily thick.

There is not much difference between the Vajra Bear Martial Spirit and Zhao Wuji's Powerful Vajra Bear Martial Soul, but the Vajra Bear prefers attack and metal defense breaking, and is more friendly to metals; while the Vajra Bear favors power control, especially gravity.

After Xiao Wu gave the order, Wang Lei let out a loud shout, a khaki-yellow light rose from his feet, and his body continuously made the sound of bone riots.Granite-like solid muscles were exposed, and with the release of the martial soul, behind him was a khaki-yellow light condensed from the soul power, which finally turned into a tortoise shell.A gigantic phantom of the black tortoise emerged behind him.

Wang Lei's martial soul possession is a bit like the martial soul possession of the Shi family brothers in the Huangdou team, which is amazing.

"Earth tortoise! ​​It's really rare!" Xiaoshang Lian took Ye Sinan's hand, and the two said with a twist.

"Among the earth attribute martial souls, they are considered top martial souls. If there are not so many martial souls, there might be a sect emerging!" Ye Sinan said.

"Hey, the martial spirits of these guys are not that simple, and there is not much difference in spirit power, so it is very difficult to win!" San Shun smiled wickedly.

Shuai said coldly: "It's time to teach them a lesson. Their journey has been so smooth! Let's find a chance to teach them a lesson!"

Wei Rui smiled, "You are so bad! They are going to suffer, hahaha!"


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