Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 428 9 Demon Team VS Wuhundian Team (2)

Chapter 428 Nine Demons Team VS Wuhundian Team ([-])
After Jiang Miaomiao's martial spirit possessed her body, there was a strange blue light all over her body, and many blue scales appeared behind her ears.Wuhun Flying Sea Fish has a pair of transparent wings on its back, and Jiang Miaomiao also has a pair of wings on its back.

A pair of huge golden butterfly wings grew out of Lianri's back. The strange lines seemed to form the sun. The huge butterfly flew in the wind and flapped its wings.In sunlight, the Sun Butterfly's attack will be greatly enhanced.

Qiu Yueyue stood at the end of the line, casting spells with both hands, purple star powder appeared out of thin air, and a pink-purple moonlight gem appeared in her hand like this, lifted by her soul power.Qiu Yueyue herself also became more beautiful, with a kind of moonlight brightness.

At the same time, the Nine Monsters team also possessed martial souls and summoned weapon souls, and all of them entered the fighting state.

The most surprising thing is Ma Hongjun, who has the Fire Phoenix Spirit. The dazzling light of those six spirit rings is awe-inspiring.

"Game start!"

At the beginning of the game, Lan turned into a shark to hide himself, Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang rushed out at the same time, the black light and pink light were extremely fast.

Lianri and Jiang Miaomiao on the opposite side were also very fast. Lianri turned into golden light and met Zhu Zhuqing, while Jiang Miaomiao faced off against Bai Chenxiang.

The control system soul masters of the two teams did not move. Ma Hongjun spread his phoenix wings and brought flames to fight with Yan. Both were fire attribute soul masters, but Ma Hongjun was even better in Wuhun, and he was suppressed by soul power. , Yan fell into a disadvantage for a while.

"The first soul skill, Moonlight Movement!"

"Second Soul Skill, Moonlight Battle!"

Qiu Yueyue released the first two soul skills to assist one of the soul masters of the Wuhundian team. The effects of these two soul skills are agility boost and attack boost respectively.

Yan got Qiu Yueyue's soul skill boost, and could tie with Ma Hongjun in a short time.Fiery dark red flames suddenly rose from his body, and at the same time, his body swelled violently under the action of the first two spirit rings.The clothes on his upper body were instantly shattered, Yan's muscles bulged like granite, but in an instant, his body swelled to a distance of three meters.

Ma Hongjun was blessed by the fire phoenix and flew towards him. His fists collided and he made a sonorous explosion. Contrary to the blazing flames on his body, his eyes became colder and colder.

The attacks of the two sides did not have a clear advantage. Ma Hongjun simply relied on the superiority of his martial soul and soul power to fight against Yan. Without Cai Wenji's support, he could not tell the winner for the time being.

On the other side, the hidden Lan suddenly appeared on the right side of Zhang Tiexin, and the second soul ability Breaking the Waves and the third soul ability Duankong were released at the same time.Zhang Tiexin's reaction was also very quick. The moment Lan disappeared, he was ready to fight at any time.

The other party only had one attack-type soul master, and Ma Hongjun faced Yan, so one of Sanming's non-agility attack-type soul masters must have come to deal with him!

"The third soul skill, blood-bathed steel!" The hair on Zhang Tiexin's body shone with golden light, and Lan's attack felt like tickling his body.

Zhang Tiexin roared angrily, his hands turned into golden claws, and Suo Lan scratched it with one claw. Zhang Tiexin, who thought the attack could hit, was stunned for a moment because his claw attack hit a red shield.

This red shield is not Lan's, but Oscar's fifth soul skill - defense against braised spicy sausage!Creates a shield to defend against attacks.

"The fourth soul skill, Black Turtle Shield!" At this time, a huge orange-yellow turtle shell flew from a distance and hit Lan's shield. The shield withstood two attacks in a row and broke instantly. , Lan was knocked away.

Zhang Tiexin took advantage of the victory to pursue, the second soul skill was activated, and the Vajra Fist locked on Lan and attacked him.


It was not Lan who was facing the fist, but Oscar. When Oscar's snow-white fist and Zhang Tiexin's Vajra Fist met, he could only feel the infinite pressure.

And Zhang Tiexin was also very surprised, the power of this auxiliary system soul master is not inferior to that of an attack system soul master!Oscar's strength was no match for Zhang Tiexin, the Vajra Bear Wuhun, and soon fell into a disadvantage. At this time, the Earth Turtle Soul Master named Wang Lei also rushed over!
At this moment, Dugu Yan had no choice but to make a move!

"The third soul skill, Jade Phosphor Halo!" A green halo exploded between the three of them, the effect of this soul skill was the same as that of Huo Wu's fire resistance ring.Zhang Tiexin was repelled a few steps by the biphosphor halo, and fell into the range of the Nine Monsters.

Oscar and Lan also had time to breathe, "The second soul skill, Si Wu Xie!" Cai Wenji's treatment came in time, and the two recovered quickly from their injuries.

Dugu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, Zhang Tiexin had fallen into the encirclement of the Nine Demon Team, with Oscar and Lan blocking him in front, and Dugu Yan behind him.

"Second Soul Skill, Biphosphorus Restraint!" A Biphosphorous Jiao suddenly appeared, flew towards Zhang Tiexin, and directly restrained him.

"Damn it!" Zhang Tiexin couldn't break free no matter what strength he used, and he also felt that his movements were slow, and this Jade Phosphorus Jiao had a sense of autonomy.

That's right, the second soul ability also has the poison of paralysis attached.

Lan and Oscar looked at each other, and quickly rushed towards the restrained Zhang Tiexin.And the control-type soul master on the opposite side also moved, "The first soul skill, restraint!"

Purple tree branches suddenly sprang out from the ground, pulling the two of them back!

the other side.

The fight between Zhu Zhuqing and Lianri was lively. They had similar personalities, cold and hard-working, and they fought like crazy.

"The second soul skill, Hundred Claws of the Netherworld!" Zhu Zhuqing approached Lianri and wanted to release the second soul skill to attack. Lianri flapped his wings. It was also the second soul skill. The wings flapped continuously, and countless golden fragments flew out. "The second soul skill, Golden Crow Flowing Light!"

"The third soul skill, Nether Slash!"

"The third soul skill, Sunlight Slash!"

Lian Ri's right hand appeared a golden light cut and Zhu Zhuqing fought together, the speed was very fast, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

"The fourth soul skill, Nether Shadow Clone!" Zhu Zhuqing took a step back, transformed into multiple clones, and rushed towards Lian Ri together.

"The fourth soul skill, Sunshine Clone!" Lian Ri's wings vibrated behind him, and several clones also separated out, fighting with Zhu Zhuqing's clone.

Clone against clone, soon all the clones were broken again, leaving only two bodies helpless to each other.Their soul skills are so similar, what should they do?

"How about the fifth soul skill that determines the outcome?" Lianri asked.

"it is good!"

"Fifth Soul Skill, Nether Shadow Connection!"

"Fifth soul skill, blazing sun wheel!"

Zhu Zhuqing turned into a black phantom, locked onto Lian Ri and rushed out instantly, with countless black afterimages behind him, as long as he was hit by Zhu Zhuqing's body, Lian Ri would never be able to dodge the attack from behind.

Lian Ri unfolded a huge golden magic circle on the spot, and the main body transformed into a golden phantom. Just as Zhu Zhuqing was about to approach the main body, the next moment, the main body and the phantom on the other side had exchanged positions.

After going back and forth several times, Zhu Zhuqing finally figured it out!

When she was about to attack Lian Ri, Lian Ri and Phantom switched positions, but at the next moment, Zhu Zhuqing's speed suddenly exploded, and he turned around and locked Lian Ri to attack.

And Lian Ri couldn't dodge at all, "Nimura! Explode!"

On the field, the golden light wheel exploded with a bang, and Zhu Zhuqing's phantom followed the main body and fell to attack.

It's a close call.

(End of this chapter)

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