Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 445 The karma cannot be eliminated!Common people difficulty!

Chapter 445 The karma cannot be eliminated!Common people difficulty!
"The ninth soul skill, invincible divine light!"

Daoist Taiyi descended from the sky on the alchemy furnace, and countless golden rays of light sprinkled on everyone. The soul skills issued by Hu Yanzhen and others had no effect at all, and no soul skills could break the invincible light.

Since they are all called invincible divine light, they are naturally invincible!

"It's Furnace Douluo from the Nine Demon Pavilion!"

"Scared me to death, I thought I was going to die."

"I want to go home woo woo woo."

Ning Fengzhi also breathed a sigh of relief, "Elder Taiyi is here, Hu Yanzhen can't help him if he wants to continue to act recklessly!"

"I'm afraid, this time Hu Yanzhen has completely angered the Nine Demon Pavilion!" Gu Rong said with his hands behind his back and his words meaningful.

"Elder Taiyi!" ×11
"Children, don't be afraid, I'm here!" Master Taiyi comforted everyone, and he looked at Xiao Wu and nodded.

"Hu Yanzhen, don't continue to act recklessly, otherwise, you will not be able to bear the anger that follows!" Master Taiyi stepped on the stove, his anger clearly visible on his black face.

"Do I still have a way out? Hahahahaha!" Hu Yanzhen laughed and fired another mammoth cannon, which was blocked by Master Taiyi.

"Luan Luan Luo, you stubborn big guy! You are miserable~" Luo Luo said with a big smile.



A dexterous figure in the fighting spirit land fell into the viewing platform, jumped up from the viewing platform, made a somersault in the air, holding a writing brush, nine soul rings appeared on his body, and he was another Titled Douluo!
"The eighth soul skill, Hundred Slashes of Reincarnation!" The brush rotated in his hand, golden light shone, and as the brush was swung, countless fan-shaped attacks were launched, attacking everyone in Huyanzhen like meteors.

"The eighth soul skill, infinite diamonds!" Hu Yanzhen burst out diamonds all over his body, forming a defense against Shangguan Wan'er's falling attack.

Although he resisted, the others suffered!They are just Soul Douluo, how can they block the eighth spirit ability of a Title Douluo.

"Bang bang bang!" Everyone was hit instantly, either spitting out blood or hitting the edge of the ring.

Shangguan Wan'er landed lightly on the ring, flicked the brush in her hand, turned her body back upright, and looked at Hu Yanzhen's crowd with burning eyes, "A group of ants dare to spray fragrance with their mouths open. It's really a toad chasing a frog. Ugly is still playing with flowers!"

"You..." Hu Yanzhen was angry, but he was stupid and couldn't say anything.

On the arena, when everyone was waiting for the wonderful scene to come, countless Blue Silver Emperors with golden patterns appeared from nowhere and spread all over the arena.

Looking at these Blue Silver Emperors, Tang San felt familiar, and some painful emotions came to his mind, a burst of pain.Meng still didn't understand why Tang San was so weird in the advanced soul master competition, why his body started to fail?

Like long wriggling snakes, the Blue Silver Emperor suddenly sprang out from the edge of the ring and charged straight at the Chamomile Sect's suzerain. The Suzerain's reaction was really too slow, and he was penetrated by the Blue Silver Emperor in an instant.

Fortunately, Ah Yin also kept his hand, otherwise, this move would have killed her!The Blue Silver Emperor just pierced through her right shoulder, making her lose strength in her right arm and unable to pick up her own weapon.

The Blue Silver Emperor quickly retreated again, the speed was too fast, the Chamomile Sect's suzerain hadn't gotten used to the Blue Silver Emperor, he withdrew, a mouthful of blood spewed out under the force.

Ah Yin descended from the sky and stood on top of the Blue Silver Emperor, "Life is precious! Hu Yanzhen and everyone, there are countless spectators on the field, how can you act recklessly because of your personal affairs and harm a Contra , Titled Douluo’s face!”

As soon as Ah Yin finished speaking, there was another roar in the spirit fighting arena. Daji walked to the center of the ring in an enchanting posture. The shadow of the nine-tailed fox spirit appeared behind her, and the next moment she was at the side of the leader of the Bird Bee Sect.

The patriarch of the Sparrow Bee Sect reacted much faster than the patriarch of the Antelope Sect. He was ready when Daji disappeared. When Daji appeared in front of him, she was already prepared for defense.

How could a Soul Douluo block the Title Douluo's attack?
Daji's paws directly scratched the clothes on the chest of the Patriarch Bee Sect Master, and her jade body was exposed with a click. The fox's tail became huge, and a sweep hit her face and knocked her into the air.


Daji came to the other side in the next second, holding his right hand with his left hand, and said, "Don't you want to fight? Why are you so resistant to beating?"

"You... Give it to me! Come on!" Hu Yanzhen looked at the people behind him and roared, he couldn't retreat, retreat, and he would be beaten if he went back, so he had to fight hard.

"This... celestial phenomenon, the people on the opposite side are all..." Everyone hesitated, but there were several Title Douluo on the opposite side, and there was only one Title Douluo on my side, how could we fight?
"Don't fight now! Go back, can you guarantee that you are safe?" Hu Yanzhen's words have already reached this point, how could they not understand.

The leader of the Fire Leopard Sect gritted his teeth and took the lead in rushing over. Seeing this, the others also rushed over.

The crowd had just run halfway, when a huge staff fell from the sky and forced them back, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the ring began to shatter again.

When the smoke dissipated and everyone could see clearly, they saw Jin Chan and Jin Ji standing independently on the Nine Rings Battle, with the Nine Rings Battle inserted in the ring. Jin Chan clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, looking very gentle.

His eyes suddenly opened, and at the same time, the majestic soul power spread from all around him, causing them to retreat continuously, "The karma will not be eliminated! It is difficult for the common people!"

Jin Chan's voice resounded throughout the entire soul fighting arena, making people's hairs run cold and their whole bodies tremble.Jin Chan jumped onto the ring and returned the staff to his hand.

"Cough, cough, cough!" At this time, the arena was shattered into pieces. The most annoying thing was the staff of this fighting spirit arena. How much money would they have to pay!

But the boss was very far-sighted and advised him not to worry. As long as Jiu Demon Pavilion and Hu Yanzhen and the others don't break out a battle with the ninth soul skill here, everything would be easy. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!

The Suzerain of the Wind Sword Sect's face was gloomy. At this moment, his side was defeated at all!I don't know what Hu Yanzhen is proud of?
Feng Bailong casually touched a figure, but wait... who is this person?
Looking closely, it turned out to be Dugu Bo with a gloomy face!

"Dugu Bo!" Along with Feng Bailong's scream, other people also noticed that this old guy is not a good guy, he must stay away.

A smile appeared on Dugu Bo's stiff face. Only those who were familiar with him knew that when Dugu Bo showed this smile, it proved that the person opposite was in danger!
Even if he wanted to kill his son and daughter-in-law, he actually wanted to kill his granddaughter!What can be tolerated by scholars?

Dugu Bo didn't make any movement, he just lightly snapped his fingers, but the sound of snapping his fingers was heard by everyone in the spirit fighting arena.Just as the sound of snapping fingers disappeared, Feng Bailong in front of Dugu Bo turned purple and fainted!

"Poison!! It's poison!!!"

Dugu Bo disappeared and came to Jin Chan's side, "I heard that someone wants to try my Jade Phosphorous Snake Venom. My poison is called the second in the world of soul masters. There will be no poison that is more powerful than me." A few days ago, some people didn’t believe it and just poisoned a mammoth soul beast that was causing harm to people. I wonder who among you wants to try it first?”

Dugu Bo's calm voice made waves in the spirit fighting arena. The nine spirit rings on his body shone with dazzling light, especially the last red 10-year spirit ring!
These words lingered in everyone's ears, everyone swallowed nervously, this Dugu Bo is the most terrifying, poisonous!With the title of "poison", you know how terrible it is.

It’s not certain when you’ll be poisoned!
But Tang San didn't take it seriously, poison?The Tang Sect also uses poison, your green phosphorus snake venom is not the five poisons, you are the best in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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