Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 446 Lin Yuan calms down the audience

Chapter 446 Lin Yuan calms down the audience
Lian Po was the last to appear. He didn't have any fancy entrance, he just walked onto the ring step by step, but every step was extremely heavy, as if he was hiding his anger.

Lian Po stepped onto the ring steadily, glanced at Hu Yanzhen and the others opposite him, and just snorted coldly, but the burst of soul power in his body swept over them instantly.

"If you don't accept it! Just do it!" Lian Po's momentum surged forward. This is the great elder of the Nine Demons Pavilion!His soul power is second only to Lin Yuan and A Yan. Even Sword Douluo can't beat him here. The gap in soul power is a huge gap. What's more, except for Hu Yanzhen, who is a titled Douluo, the rest of the people on the opposite side can't beat him. They are all Contras!

Hu Yanzhen flinched a little, "You Nine Demon Pavilion..."

"What's wrong with our Nine Demon Pavilion?" Lian Po's face looked horribly heavy.

"What's your ability in the Nine Demon Pavilion to bully a few Soul Douluo?" A mocking voice sounded in the soul fighting arena. Everyone in the Nine Demon Pavilion felt familiar. This voice couldn't be...

Two men with similar looks jumped onto the top of the ring, each holding a stick, they were the six or seven offerings, Fifteen Ton Douluo, and Subduing Demon Douluo in the hall of worship.

"The people in the worship hall can't hide anymore!" Lian Po said calmly, not surprised by the appearance of Qianjun Jiangmo Douluo.

Just as Lian Po finished speaking, four more people fell next to Qianjun Jiangmo, namely Array Douluo, Snake Spear Douluo, Ghost Leopard Douluo, and Turtle Douluo.

"Uncle Gu, who are those people?" Ning Fengzhi was not familiar with these people who came later.

"I met them a few times in the early years. The two men with similar faces were the Sixty-Seventh Enshrinement Hall in the Wuhun Hall. They were twins. The Wuhun was a magical stick. Fengzhi, do you still remember when the Nine Demons Pavilion organized the meeting? The two people who appeared during the pill meeting were exactly the two of them."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "It turned out to be them. It seems that the strength of Wuhun Palace is not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

"As for the next four people, I only know three of them, and the last one is not familiar with them. They are Snake Spear Douluo, Array Douluo, and Ghost Leopard Douluo. Snake Spear Douluo and Array Douluo have not been together for a long time. I've seen them before, I thought these two were dead, hahaha! As for Ghost Leopard Douluo, I have fought with this guy several times. His martial spirit is the black-striped Ghost Leopard, which not only has agility and attack power , its moves are so weird and fierce that people cannot guard against it."

Ning Fengzhi nodded frequently, these people who came were not something they could deal with, it's better to wait for them to finish beating him before coming out to be a good person!

"What a good day it is today, you guys are all here, hahahaha. Are you here to wipe Hu Yanzhen's butt?" Lian Po laughed.

"Stop farting! Lian Po, I've hated you for a long time!" Jiang Mo Douluo said angrily.

"If you don't like it, then beat me up!" Lian Po had a smirk on his face.

Jiangmo Douluo couldn't bear this aggressive method at all, so he rushed out with the Panlong stick, and before he reached Lian Po, he was blown away by a black shadow, fortunately he was caught by Hu Yanzhen, but his body was also Definitely left with internal injuries, I'm afraid the internal organs have been displaced.

If it’s not Ayan, then who is it?

Ayan's whole body was shrouded in black mist. He only heard a cold snort, and the black mist completely broke away and rushed towards Hu Yanzhen and the others.

The turtle Douluo quickly walked to the front and released the martial spirit turtle. The huge turtle shell lay in front of him, blocking Ayan's attack.

Ah Yan was dressed in black, with long black hair fluttering in the wind, standing in the air, with murderous eyes in his eyes, "Old man, if you don't come out, I'll beat you out!"

Everyone was puzzled, but Ah Yan didn't care so much. Just after finishing speaking, a golden figure came to the sky above Hu Yanzhen and confronted Ah Yan.

"Second Enshrinement!" Demon-Conquering Douluo and the others knelt down on one knee to show their respect for Golden Crocodile Douluo's second enshrinement status.

"Young man, it's not good to be too angry." Golden Crocodile Douluo stood with his hands behind his back, and spoke slowly.

"Want to have a fight?" Ah Yan didn't follow him, nine strangely radiant soul rings illuminated the audience, black black black black black black black black red!

"I'll go! The first soul ring is ten thousand years old?"

"This is the Shadow Douluo from the Nine Demon Pavilion? It's amazing!"

"This...can a normal person's first spirit ring really absorb a ten thousand year spirit ring?"

Everyone in the fighting arena was shocked. Today they really saw many things they hadn't seen before, the battle between Title Douluo, the rumored Xiao Wu's [-]-Duan Wrestling, the conflict between Nine Demon Pavilion and Hu Yanzhen , and Ah Yan's strange soul ring, the tickets this time are worth buying!

"Okay! Stop it, everyone!" Lin Yuan's voice resounded throughout the entire Soul Fighting Arena with unquestionable majesty.

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong looked at each other, "Looks like this farce should be over!"

Lin Yuan stepped onto the colorful unicorn and came to the sky above the fighting spirit field. With a slight wave of his right hand, all the spirits present were involuntarily forced to withdraw their spirits.

"Hu Yanzhen was the first to violate the rules. The referee's result has not yet been announced, which proves that this battle is not over yet. Your students cannot hold on and do not surrender. Our people will naturally continue to attack. What's wrong? The battle is not over, you He rushed into the ring recklessly, not only to kill us students, but also to fight Xiao Wu, and to release the ninth soul skill! Do you know that there are thousands of people in the soul fighting arena, how can you release them just as you say? ? Titled Douluo, you’ve lost all your face! Don’t you think your butt hurts enough?!”

When Lin Yuan said this, Hu Yanzhen's buttocks began to feel burning pain. The pain made him gasp and grit his teeth. He looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo nodding his head repeatedly without any intention of speaking for him, so Hu Yanzhen had no choice but to give up.

"Master Lin is right, it was Hu Yanzhen who acted abruptly. He broke the rules and wanted to kill other team members. Such reasons cannot be faked. We leave the final decision to the competition committee."

"Hmph! I don't want to see it again!" Lin Yuan fell.

"Yes! Peace should be the most important thing in the soul master world. The sky is indeed a bit abrupt! But I understand that I love my grandson very much. I was the same way when my daughter was there!" Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo came out and said.

"Everyone, please calm down, let's leave it to the competition organizing committee to make the final decision! The Nine Demons team won this competition!" Xue Ye also stepped forward and said.

These old guys are very sharp, and they won't speak out until the end.

Lin Yuan nodded and smiled to express his acceptance.Golden Crocodile Douluo left with Hu Yanzhen and the others. As for the final evaluation result, it was decided by the organizing committee.

Lin Yuan also released the space tunnel to let Ayan lead the Nine Demon Pavilion people away first. He waved his right hand above the arena, and the entire broken arena returned to its original state.

"Your Majesty! This time it's not just Hu Yanzhen's rudeness, but also the Nine Demons' recklessness. I will teach them a lesson when I get back. I won't stay any longer. Let the game continue." After Lin Yuan said that, he disappeared.

Xue Ye looked at the referee and said, "The game continues!"

Tang San looked at the figure leaving the Nine Demon Pavilion, his gaze was always on Xiao Wu.No, we have to figure out what is going on!
(End of this chapter)

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