Chapter 447
The main hall of the Nine Demon Pavilion.

"This matter will never be resolved easily! After that, if you meet a disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect, no matter whether there is a festival or not, as long as you see it, you will beat me up!" Lin Yuan said angrily.


"Then Hu Yanzhen has the nerve to become a Title Douluo by relying on crooked ways! It's really shameless." Niu Gao hammered down the chair vigorously.

"Damn! These shameless bastards, you'd better not let me see him, or you'll have to beat him up!" Yang Wudi was even more furious.

"Hahahaha, okay, the time of the Elephant Armored Sect in this world is getting shorter and shorter! The next competition will continue as usual." Lin Yuan smiled.


"Wan'er, please stay. I have something to explain to you."

Worship Hall.

"You bunch of trash! Can't even kill a few soul emperors?" Lion Douluo pointed at Hu Yanzhen and the others and cursed, spraying all over their bodies with saliva.

"That's enough, fourth." Qian Daoliu stopped Lion Douluo from continuing to scold, and if he continued to scold, would this meeting not start?
"The failure of this plan is expected. The strength of the Nine Demon Pavilion cannot be dealt with by a few Contras. Next time, we will never let them succeed!" Qian Daoliu said angrily.

"Great offering, then..." Hu Yanzhen said hesitantly.

"You still dare to offer rewards to me? Hu Yanzhen, Hu Yanzhen, what's wrong? You've become thick-skinned after being promoted to Title Douluo? Get lost!"

Hu Yanzhen swallowed all the grievances in his stomach, and left the worship hall with the others.

"Nine Demon Pavilion! Lin Yuan! And that Xiao Wu! You all wait for me! I will definitely come back for revenge! Oops~" Hu Yanzhen roared up to the sky, but it touched the wound on his butt, which hurt him so much grimace in pain.


A week passed quickly.The qualifiers for the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition also successfully completed the first six rounds.Among them, three academies won six games, including Nine Demon Academy and Shrek Academy.

Another academy that also won six consecutive victories is Kamikaze Academy.

Today is the eighth day of the qualifiers, and the seventh round will also start. The opponent of the Nine Demon Academy is the Loose Academy, which has only won two victories in the previous competition.It is precisely because of the weakness of their opponents that they were not ranked in the main arena this time.Because today's game in the center's main arena is also a highlight, colliding with the two strong teams that they played at the same time.

Since Daji has something to do, Shangguan Wan'er will lead the team for this match and tomorrow's Canghui Academy match, accompanied by Bai He and Niu Gao.

They were fine and were going to watch the games of other colleges. At this moment, they ran into a group of people who were walking in from the outside.

Moon-white clothes, the familiar word Cang Hui, and the gloomy old man leading the team, Si Nian.It was the Canghui Academy team.

Shangguan Wan'er just glanced lightly, neither of them did anything, and left separately.

Shi Nian stopped in his tracks, staring at Cai Wenji's back with scorching eyes, pondering his own plan in his mind.

The game was very exciting, it was the game of the Kamikaze Academy team.Cai Wenji looked a little bored, "I'm going to buy some ice cream, do you want it?" Cai Wenji raised her head and asked Lan.

"I'll go buy it." Lan touched Cai Wenji's head.

"No, it's very close, I'll come back as soon as I go."

"Okay, be careful."

Cai Wenji left the Great Soul Arena alone, Shangguan Wan'er soon discovered that Cai Wenji's figure had disappeared, explained to Niu Gao, and left.

It was still morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the warm light shone on the body, giving people a warm feeling.Cai Wenji liked the feeling of bathing in the sun and walking while thinking about buying some ice cream.The whole body is relaxed, indescribably comfortable.

As she walked, she felt something was wrong.The ice cream shop shouldn't be so far away, why haven't I arrived after walking for so long?
Cai Wenji's pace suddenly slowed down, and she vaguely felt something was wrong.

The sun was shining brightly on the body, but the warm feeling had disappeared. Instead, there was a faint coldness that seemed to come from all directions.

wrong!There must be something wrong!Cai Wenji summoned the Hujiaqin Wuhun and looked around vigilantly.From that cold breath, a faint murderous intent permeated.It was a killing intent that was life-threatening.

The surroundings suddenly became very quiet, and the sounds that should have been on the street before quietly disappeared at the same time.

The scene in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, and everything became unclear at this moment.

"As expected of a student of the Nine Monsters team, you are very vigilant. It's just that you found out too late."

It was an old man in white clothes, Cai Wenji had seen this person more than once.It was the leading teacher of Canghui College, and Lin Yuan talked about this person emphatically at that time.

"For the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy?" Cai Wenji frowned, and the corners of her mouth became more and more smiling.

"Hahahaha just let you disappear. I've been looking for opportunities, without the support of the auxiliary system soul master, your team is just in name only!" Shi Nian's face was grim.

"Just those clowns from your Canghui College? They're worthy!" Cai Wenji said without hesitation.

"How did this little mouth say such a thing? I hope you can use your mouth to serve me well in a while. I will kill you first and then, goodbye!"

The hazy scene around suddenly became clear, and Cai Wenji was surprised to find that she was standing in a wilderness, looking back, she could vaguely see the top of Tiandou City.He immediately judged that this should be in a small forest outside the city.

Cai Wenji released the third soul skill without hesitation. A beam of sound waves penetrated Shi Nian, but it did not dizzy him. Shi Nian's figure became transparent in place and solidified in another place.

"Little girl, do you know what the greatest joy in my life is?" The smile on Shi Nian's face suddenly became a little weird. If he had to describe it, the word "pervert" might be suitable for his current appearance.

Cai Wenji ignored him, holding Hu Jiaqin and confronting him vigilantly.

Shi Nian smiled slightly and said: "The greatest pleasure in my life is watching my opponent go crazy in my dream until death. Soon I will see a soul master known as a genius become like this, I have already I feel my own excitement. However, don’t be afraid, if you feel comfortable serving me first, then I can make your death less painful, jeezjejeje!”

The smile on Cai Wenji's face gradually revealed, and she laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

Cai Wenji smiled and said, "I'm laughing at you, you're still too naive! Just a soul sage, what capital can I show off in front of the soul masters of our Jiuyao Pavilion? Do you think I'll come out to buy things alone?"

Shi Nian was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. I lured the snake out of the hole with this trick, and I really hooked you, old fellow!" A voice echoed around the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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