Douluo's Heavenly Master

Chapter 381 Soul Guide Certification

A fifth-level soul engineer, if anyone knew that it took Bu Xiu a year to become a fifth-level soul instructor from a person who knew nothing about soul guidance technology, they would be absolutely speechless.

If a soul master wants to advance from a beginner to a fifth-level soul master, who doesn't need to study and try for many years?
Not to mention the time it takes to advance from a beginner to a fifth-level soul master in one year, even if you officially become a first-level soul master from a beginner, you are already considered a genius.

However, Bu Xiu directly became a fifth-level soul engineer.

With Bu Xiu's level of completing the Blazing Sword, there is no problem in participating in the level assessment of the Soul Engineer Association and getting the badge of a fifth-level soul engineer.

Bu Xiu shook his head and said: "Actually, it cannot be calculated like this. The depiction of many formations in soul guidance technology requires the soul master himself to be a powerful soul master, whether it is the control of the soul master's own energy, soul power and Mental power has extremely high requirements, and when I learned the soul guide, I was already a level [-] quasi-soul emperor, and my mental power, physical strength and soul power control were all the best among the same level. As long as I Mastering theoretical knowledge and quickly becoming a soul engineer is not a big deal!"

This is not modesty. One of the two most important points of a soul master is the soul master's own level of strength. If there is no corresponding realm, even if the soul master's soul guidance level has reached, it will be difficult to refine a complete soul master. Here comes the soul guide.

Just like a two-level soul master, if his foundation is deep enough, it may be possible to refine a third-level soul guide, but it is absolutely impossible to refine a fourth-level soul guide.

Every time the soul guidance device is upgraded to a level, the complexity of the soul guidance formation is increased by a geometric multiple of the previous level.

With the soul power of a great soul master, he couldn't even carve the formation of a fourth-level soul guide.

Bu Xiu was naturally a powerful soul master, and he was uniquely gifted in learning soul tools.

Even if Huo Wu, Hu Liena and Ren Ling have strong soul power as their foundation, it is quite simple to become a soul mentor.

A year has passed. Although the three of them are not as perverted as Bu Xiu, they have all become soul engineers.

Ren Ling is a second-level soul engineer, and both Hu Liena and Huo Wu have reached the level of third-level soul instructors.

Although they all became soul mentors, the four of them chose different paths.

Hu Liena chose to become a close-range soul guide. She was good at making close-range soul guides such as blazing swords, which could maximize the power of close combat weapons.

Hu Liena's martial spirit is Tianhu, and her main ability is charm, but her fighting method is mainly close combat.

Only in close combat, Hu Liena can perfectly seize every critical opportunity brought by her charm ability. And after integrating the close-in soul guide, Hu Liena will only be more terrifying in close combat.

Huo Wu chose another path, which was a highly explosive long-range fire attribute soul guide.

Compared with the variety of close-in soul guides, the single-attribute long-range fire-attribute soul guide is actually more pure. Huo Wu was able to become a third-level soul guide in one year because she made more choices than Hu Liena. It's pure, and the energy and difficulty to improve it are also lower.

The other one, Ren Ling, who chose the direction of soul guidance shield, was only a second-level soul engineer because of his worse qualifications and the fact that defensive soul guidance tools were more difficult to refine.

However, with the help of the second-level defensive soul guide that he refined, Ren Ling's life-saving ability has also been greatly improved.

As an auxiliary soul master, Ren Ling has no intention of studying soul tools that can improve her combat effectiveness. From the beginning to the end, she has positioned herself as an auxiliary soul master and has never changed this goal. Therefore, Specializing in defensive soul tools, she can protect herself to the maximum extent on the battlefield.

Although the soul master does not have high requirements for the soul master's own martial soul and ability, and the auxiliary soul master can also have good combat effectiveness with the high attack power and explosive soul guide, this choice is tantamount to giving up. The advantages of the auxiliary soul master.

No matter how much an auxiliary soul master studies soul guidance devices, his combat effectiveness will always be a little worse than that of a soul master who is a combat soul master himself.

Instead of doing this, it is better to specialize in one area and find ways to improve your survivability and strengthen your auxiliary abilities.

The auxiliary system is a special type among soul masters. Although there are many soul guides that can be used as auxiliary tools for soul masters in battle, such as the advancement of soul guides, they are not as fundamentally auxiliary as the soul skills of auxiliary system soul masters. No one has ever been able to research the auxiliary soul guidance device of the soul master's own physical attributes.

At most, they are just some drugs that stimulate the soul and body.

Among the four, only Bu Xiu chose to learn a little bit of everything, and the soul tool system he learned was more complex and comprehensive.

Regardless of whether it is a close-range, long-range or defensive type of soul guidance device, everyone has to learn and dabble.

This is also the reason why the Fire Dance Exclamation Show is a perversion.

By learning all types of soul tools at the same time, he can be promoted to the fifth level soul teacher in just one year. Bu Xiu can be said to be a pervert.

But in fact, Bu Xiu only came into contact with soul guidance technology a year ago.

But he has already laid an extremely deep foundation.

It’s no wonder that Zihuang Weiwei and others thought Bu Xiu’s talisman was a special kind of soul guidance device. In fact, Bu Xiu’s talisman itself was similar to the soul guidance device, except that one relied on the power of the runes. , but one relies on the power of the formation pattern.

Writing runes on talisman paper and engraving soul guide formation patterns on metals and gems are essentially the same expression.

It's just that compared to the complex and cumbersome soul guidance formations, Bu Xiu's runes are more concise and more mysterious. Each rune contains endless mystery, and every stroke seems to be all the soul guidance formations. The interweaving and crystallization of a rune is equivalent to the combination of countless formations.

But, in other words, learning and understanding the soul guidance formation is itself the process of pursuing mastering the runes.

In one year, Bu Xiu grew from a clueless soul master to a fifth-level soul master. In addition to improving his soul guide, Bu Xiu's own understanding and mastery of the five major runes in the martial soul also improved. To a whole new level.

Although the remaining two runes have not yet advanced, and the sixth rune has not been comprehended, the two runes of Ninja and Sword have also reached the peak of the sixth level, just like the wind and sun before. A breakthrough is possible at any time.

Moreover, with the research on soul guidance formation, Bu Xiu no longer has no clue about the sixth rune.

Perhaps when he reaches the level of a seventh-level soul master, he can rely on his own research to develop the sixth rune without relying on some hidden insights.

However, this requires Bu Xiu to have access to more advanced soul guidance research knowledge.

After all, the upper limit of the Seventh Soul Tutor Academy is still a little low. To be able to become a fifth-level soul tutor is Bu Xiu's extraordinary talent and deep foundation. If he continues to develop soul guidance tools, Bu Xiu may have the opportunity to become a sixth-level or seventh-level soul teacher. Soul Master, but that is really too slow.

In the Seventh Soul Engineer Academy, the upper limit of soul guide blueprints he could obtain were only ordinary fifth-level soul guide blueprints, and the number was also quite limited.

He needs a higher stage to get in touch with the broader soul guidance sky, so that he can develop more rapidly.

Mingdu is the best choice.

They have been in Mingyue City for a year, and they have a certain foundation and can go to a broader sky.

But before that, Bu Xiu needs to go somewhere.

In the most prosperous area of ​​the main city of Mingyue City, there is a building like a nine-story soul master tower. The front door is bustling with people, cars and horses.

In one of the ten major cities of the Sun and Moon Empire, this kind of building is not very tall, but it is one of the core buildings of Mingyue City.

Soul Master Association.

The Sun Moon Continent is the world of soul masters. The Soul Masters Association is equivalent to the Soul Masters Palace in the Douluo Continent. It is the holy place for all soul masters. However, unlike the strict hierarchy within the Soul Masters Palace, the Soul Masters Association is a looser organization. The organization, or in other words, is an organization where soul masters hold groups and communicate.

Soul masters can purchase rare metals in the soul master association, share and exchange research results, ask questions or help others solve problems, and accept tasks entrusted by soul masters...

It can be said that it has become one of the best ways for free soul teachers to improve and learn soul guidance tools.

It is said that the old president of the Soul Master Association is one of the closest to the ninth-level soul masters among the three major ninth-level soul masters in the world. There are even legends that this person has already been a ninth-level soul master.

The Soul Master Association is responsible for the identification and assessment of soul master levels.

This is also one of the most authoritative certification methods for soul master channels.

Once you obtain the soul master level badge and soul master robe certified by the Soul Master Association, you will be recognized anywhere on the mainland, which is a status symbol in itself.

Bu Xiu's target is the Soul Engineer Association.

There are many benefits to being recognized as a soul master in the soul master association.

In addition to Shenfa, it will be valued and protected in every corner of the mainland.

Every soul master certified by the Soul Master Association is protected by the laws of the empire and the Soul Master Association. Even the emperor of the empire has no right to execute a soul master without going through any procedures.

As long as you complete the certification examination in the Soul Master Association, you can not only get the badge and soul master robe symbolizing the identity of the soul master, but you can also get a soul guidance tool that is one level higher than the certified soul master level for free from the Soul Master Association. Drawings, all the way up to the sixth level soul engineer.

Senior soul master certification can only obtain soul guide blueprints of the same level, and it also has to pay a large amount of contribution points from the soul master association.

Contribution points can be obtained through transactions and completing tasks.Bu Xiu's blazing sword blueprint was obtained from the Soul Master Association when he completed the last certification of the fourth-level soul master.

Now Bu Xiu plans to leave Mingyue City, but he also doesn't intend to give up the opportunity of the Soul Engineer Association's free prostitution for the sixth-level Soul Guidance Device drawing.

The drawings of level six soul guides on the market cost at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and in many cases they are still expensive but not marketable.

Huo Wu, Hu Liena and Ren Ling also plan to complete the soul master certification.

None of them had done any soul master certification before, and Bu Xiu only completed the certification after reaching the level of a fourth-level soul master.

Before leaving, obtain the identity of a soul master, and you will get greater convenience after arriving in Mingdu.

Bu Xiu put on the black soul master robe that he got after the last certification. The soul master robe has three colors in total, which are white to symbolize low-level soul masters, black to represent intermediate soul masters, and red to represent high-level soul masters. There are also different marks, representing different levels.

For example, the golden sun mark on Bu Xiu's black soul master robe represents Bu Xiu's level as a fourth-level soul master. If there is an additional silver moon mark on it, it means that he is a fifth-level soul master, and one more The purple dragon-shaped mark is the sixth-level soul master.

Although the fourth-level soul engineer is not considered to be the top, for ordinary people, he is already a superior existence. Naturally, no one will look down on others, and Bu Xiu is still so young.

"Dear Soul Master, how can I help you?" In the lobby on the first floor of the Soul Master Association, Bu Xiu and others walked to a counter. The young and beautiful staff behind the counter glanced at the red screen. The handsome and elegant young man was slightly startled, then immediately lowered his head and asked respectfully.

Bu Xiu's appearance inherited from Bu Zheng's, with clear eyebrows, fair skin, and a bookish air about her, like a young scholar. With the elegant soul master robe, her temperament is even more outstanding, and behind Bu Xiu there are three charms Accompanied by different beauties.

With the appearance and temperament of the three Hu Liena, even Hongping, a woman who is quite confident in her appearance, feels ashamed of herself.

"I'm here to carry out the certification of the fifth-level soul master level." Bu Xiu said with a smile.

Certification of the fifth-level soul master level...

Before Hong Ping could react from his surprise, he heard Bu Xiu continue:

"Several companions around me are also here for level certification. They need to be certified at Level [-], Level [-], and Level [-]..."

"Okay, okay, please register your name, and then follow me!" Hong Ping came back to his senses immediately and said.

Naturally, soul master certifications of different levels are not in the same place. The fifth-level soul master certification conducted by Bu Xiu requires certification at the fifth level of the Soul Master Association, while Hu Liena and Huo Wu only need to be certified at the third level. Ren Ling It's the second level.

Soon, Hong Ping led Bu Xiu to the fifth-level soul master certification office on the fifth floor of the Soul Master Association.

The soul masters who have undergone the fifth-level soul master certification are not just showing off. There are already four soul masters waiting there, a gray-haired old man who looks to be at least 80 or [-] years old, and two middle-aged soul masters. A man, and the last one is a girl.

The girl looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, with fair and attractive skin set off by a black soul master robe, a tall figure, and a hint of pride between her eyebrows.

If you come to be certified as a fifth-level soul master at this age, you can definitely be regarded as a proud son of heaven, and naturally you have the confidence to be proud.

However, when the girl saw Bu Xiu, she couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on her face. Bu Xiu was also young and definitely not older.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start. I didn't expect that there will be two young children undergoing certification today. Okay, okay, my soul master finally has a successor, and each generation is getting better and better!" An old man walked away He came out, wearing a red soul master robe.

Senior soul mentor.

"Master Mark, it's you who came to certify us!" One of the two middle-aged men who certified his face changed slightly and said respectfully.

Generally, the certification of a fifth-level soul master is performed by a highly respected and senior sixth-level soul master, and it is rare for a senior soul master to appear.

Master Mark smiled slightly and said: "Okay, let's start. The first level is to test the soul power. As a soul master, if the soul power is not enough, you will not be an excellent soul master!"

Master Mark said and glanced at Bu Xiu and another soul mentor girl. They didn't look very big.

Others also looked calm. They were not surprised by this first step. Many of them had authenticated for more than the first time.

As a soul master, soul power is the most basic guarantee. If you want to be certified as a fifth-level soul master, although your soul power does not necessarily need to be above level 45, it cannot be lower than level [-]. It cannot be lower than this standard. It is basically impossible to pass the fifth-level soul master certification.

The first person to be tested was the gray-haired old man.

"Soul power, level 67!" Master Mark glanced at the number that appeared on the soul power detector, but his expression did not change.

The older a soul master is, the higher his general soul power will be. Although the first old man tested was a 67-level soul emperor, for most of the soul masters who were promoted through drugs, the 67-level soul master at this age His ability is not that outstanding, just mediocre, with almost no possibility of improvement in the future.

Moreover, at such an old age, he is only a fourth-level soul master. Even if he has completed the fifth-level soul master certification, his potential is limited.

The remaining two middle-aged men were one at level 55 and the other at level 53. Their soul power was not very high and could only be regarded as normal.

Next is the soul mentor girl.

"Kong Ling'er, 17 years old, soul power, level 48?"

Master Mark read out the soul master girl's soul power level, with a hint of surprise on his face. However, after seeing Kong Ling'er's name, he calmed down and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, okay, as expected... ...If you can really pass the certification this time, I'm afraid you may have the opportunity to surpass me in the future, which is really good!"

The three soul mentors who had already tested couldn't help but look at Kong Linger in surprise, with thoughtful expressions in their eyes.

The identity of the person named Kong in Mingyue City goes without saying.

"Young man, it's your turn!" Master Mark said to Bu Xiu kindly.

Bu Xiu nodded and stepped onto the soul power detector.

The soul power tester is very similar to the physical tester of the Seventh Soul Instructor Academy, but its functions are simplified and can only test soul power and age.

When Bu Xiu stood on the soul power detector, the screen on the soul power detector suddenly fluctuated. The item representing soul power quickly exceeded level 63 and directly rushed to level [-]. The level then continued to improve, once reaching level [-], and then quickly fell back to stay above level [-].

"Bu Xiu, soul power, level sixty!"

When the numbers appeared completely, everyone could not help but be stunned.

The sixty-level soul emperor, what kind of monster is this?
Even the expression on Kong Ling'er's face was frozen, looking at Bu Xiu like a monster.

Even if you use some drugs that overdraw your talent, being able to increase your soul power to level [-] still represents an extremely terrifying talent.

Could it be that the soul power detector is broken?

Everyone thought about the scene where the soul power detector kept jumping to level 63 and then fell back down again, and they couldn't help but think to themselves.

A hint of deep meaning flashed in Master Mark's eyes, and he said: "My little friend must have broken through level [-] for a long time, right?"

This situation will only occur on the soul power detector for soul masters whose soul power has exceeded level 64 but has not obtained a soul ring. This means that Bu Xiu's soul power is not level [-], but should be level [-].

Moreover, he has already reached level 63 without absorbing the soul ring. After absorbing the soul ring, his soul power will directly break through a level. In other words, Bu Xiu's current soul power can break through to level 64 at any time.

"Okay, everyone has passed the soul power test. Now we will proceed to the second standard assessment. I will randomly select ten test questions from the question bank later. You have one hour to complete the test questions. If you complete six test questions, you will be considered to have passed... ..." Master Mark quickly calmed down and said.

Bu Xiu was not surprised by the improvement of his soul power. Although he did not obtain the sixth soul ring, his soul power had already reached level [-] a year ago. Although he spent most of his time in a year Nowadays, he is studying and researching soul guidance devices, but he has not slacked off in the cultivation of soul power.

The Sun and Moon Empire admires the power of the sun and the moon. On the Sun and Moon Continent, the power of the sun is indeed more active than on the Douluo Continent. Although there is no Silver Mirror Valley to gather the power of the sun, Bu Xiu's strength is still improving rapidly.

Improving three levels from level sixty within one year without obtaining a soul ring is already a quite terrifying figure.

Moreover, he is.

The second test for soul guide certification is to complete the engraving of different soul guide formations on different metals.

Although it does not require the complete fifth-level soul guide formations to be engraved on it, most of them are just some basic formations. However, when formations are engraved on different metals, the requirements for the soul guide's techniques and strength are also different, and , and there is a time limit of one hour. It is not easy to complete more than six test questions in one hour.

(End of this chapter)

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