Douluo's Heavenly Master

Chapter 382 Feng Sujian

Pieces of metal appeared on the metal table in front of everyone, and a parchment placed on it also showed the content of everyone's assessment.

The first test is to carve a zigzag pattern on titanium. This does not seem to be a difficult test, but titanium is an extremely hard metal. If you don’t have an extremely good carving knife, or If you have enough strength, even carving a stroke will require a lot of energy, let alone carving a zigzag pattern on titanium.

Kong Ling'er glanced at Bu Xiu, and a light red carving knife appeared in his hand. The carving knife flashed with red light, and it was directly and easily carved on the titanium, which is famous for its hardness. The red light on the blade was slightly hesitant. , pierced directly into the titanium.

"This is... a list carving knife?" Master Mark couldn't help but asked in surprise.

As a soul engineer, there is almost no one who doesn't know how to make a list.

There are a total of one hundred and eight list-engraving knives, and each one is the soul master's treasure. Even if he is already a high-level soul engineer, he has no chance to master one list-engraving knife.

Master Mark quickly recognized that the carving knife in Kong Ling'er's hand was the red bird ranked 1th on the list of carving knifes.

Although it ranks low, it is still much better than ordinary carving knives.

The red bird is made of blazing sun iron. It is extremely sharp and the blade can release high temperatures, which is greatly improved when inscribing fire attribute soul guidance formations.

As expected of a member of the Silver Moon family!
Master Mark sighed.

Several others were also attracted by the red bird carving knife in Kong Ling'er's hand. For the soul master, a ranking carving knife was more exciting than a peerless beauty in front of him.

However, in the face of the certification of the fifth-level soul master, no one dared to relax. Not to mention the changes in status after the certification by the Soul Master Association, it was just the drawing of the sixth-level soul guide awarded by the Soul Master Association, and it was not the drawing of any soul master. Temptations that mentors can resist.

Kong Ling'er glanced at Bu Xiu proudly, trying to see the envy and jealousy in Bu Xiu's eyes.

But she was disappointed. Bu Xiu's eyes were always calm, and her dark eyes were like a clear and clear spring.

A piece of cyan talisman paper burned, turning into a wisp of breeze lingering on Bu Xiu's fingertips. As the breeze circulated, it occasionally revealed a hint of edge.

Seeing Bu Xiu's actions, Kong Linger and Master Mark, who had been paying a lot of attention to Bu Xiu because of Bu Xiu's previous results, were stunned for a moment.

Could it be that he planned to use the martial soul's ability to refine soul guidance weapons?

Master Mark couldn't help but said: "Little friend, do you plan to use the ability of martial arts to complete the assessment? Although the power of soul skills is indeed huge, it cannot guarantee stability. The biggest requirement of the inscribed soul guide formation is stability, and maintaining the soul Skills are also a huge drain on the soul master himself. Although your soul power is very high, if you use soul skills to complete the inscription of the soul guidance formation, it will definitely not be worth the gain."

Bu Xiu smiled slightly and said: "Master Mark, don't worry, this junior has his own ideas!"

As he spoke, Bu Xiu had already moved. The breeze on his fingertips brushed against the titanium, and a pattern immediately began to appear on the titanium, which is known for its hardness.

Even with Master Mark's eyes, he can't find any flaws in this pattern. The pattern runs so smoothly, and it can be regarded as a masterpiece.

And, more important is the time he uses it.

With just a flick of his fingertips, he had already completed the first test on the hard titanium without even using a minute, faster than Kong Ling'er, who was carrying a top-notch engraving knife.

The difficulty of the first test is not low, but it is nothing to a soul master who carries a ranking knife.

A list-engraving knife can completely change the process of refining a soul guidance device for a soul master.

However, Bu Xiu's soul skills are no less sharp than a top-notch carving knife.

Moreover, as a senior soul mentor and a soul saint of level [-] or above, Master Mark is even more amazed by Bu Xiu's superb control of soul skills. He knows very well how demanding the inscription of the soul guidance formation is. In order to ensure the soul power The operation is precise and smooth, and there can be no mistakes in the process. Even the soul guide cannot be used.

The reason why the Listing Carving Knife is a Listing Carving Knife and not a soul tool is that although each Listing Carving Knife is made of special metal, it is not a soul tool in itself.

If a soul guide is used for carving, the soul guide formation in the soul guide can indeed make the carving knife sharper, but the internal soul power formation cannot be [-]% stable, and a trace of instability may cause Caused errors in soul guide refining.

Moreover, the higher the level of the formation, the more complex it is, and the higher the requirements on the soul master's energy and soul power. Whether using a soul guide or a martial spirit, it is a heavy drain on the soul master.

Therefore, while Master Mark lamented Bu Xiu's precise mastery of soul skills, he also couldn't help but lament that Bu Xiu had gone astray.

Master Mark was about to speak, but the breeze on Bu Xiu's fingertips had dissipated, and ten metal blocks appeared one by one on the metal table in front of him.

"Master Mark, I've finished it!" Bu Xiu said.

"So fast?" Master Mark was surprised. This is less than the time of a stick of incense, right?

Even Kong Ling'er, who is armed with a list of engraving knives, has only just completed the fifth question.

The further you go, the more difficult each question becomes.

After Master Mark inspected the ten metal blocks one by one, the horror in his heart became more and more serious.

There were ten test questions, and every one of them had been completed so that even he couldn't find a problem.

But it only took one-tenth of the allotted time.

The hour stipulated by the Soul Engineer Association is not unreasonable. An experienced fifth-level soul engineer can complete this task within an hour at the fastest. Most fifth-level soul advisors can only complete seven or eight tasks in an hour. subject.

It takes only one stick of incense to complete all six tasks. Only a senior soul engineer can barely do it.

"The second assessment, Bu Xiu completed ten questions and passed!" Master Mark came to his senses and signed Bu Xiu's score on the parchment in front of Bu Xiu.

On his calm face, he was already guessing that Bu Xiu was a genius secretly cultivated by that master.

An hour later, everyone completed the second assessment of the Soul Engineer Association.

In addition to Bu Xiu, Kong Ling'er also completed all ten test questions, the old soul mentor completed eight, and the remaining two middle-aged people looked regretful and could only barely complete six.

Kong Ling'er came to Bu Xiu's side and said: "You must be curious why they are disappointed, right? The certification of the Soul Master Association generally has three steps. The first level is to detect the soul power, and the second level is our current topic. , and the third level is to independently complete the production of a soul guidance device."

"Except for the first level, which is a mandatory requirement for these three levels, the assessment standards for the remaining two levels are different. For example, if you can complete as many tasks as possible in the second level, the third level will not be as difficult. It’s low-key, but after completing the third level, the benefits you get from the Soul Master Association will be greater and the contribution points will be more.”

Bu Xiu suddenly realized that although he had participated in the soul master certification once, he did not have a deep understanding of the soul master association certification rules.

Kong Ling'er stretched out her white and tender palm and said: "Hello, let me meet you. My name is Kong Ling'er. I am a fourth-year college at the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. You are so young, so you must be a student of some college. ? Are you a student of Silver Moon Advanced Soul Engineer Academy? But I didn’t hear my grandpa say that there is such an outstanding genius as you in Silver Moon Advanced Soul Engineer Academy?"

Kong Linger's voice was a little confused.

Bu Xiu said: "My name is Bu Xiu, an auditor at the Silver Moon Seventh Soul Instructor Academy!"

"Silver Moon Seventh Soul Engineer Academy? I seem to have heard of the Soul Engineer Academy founded by Master Chen Tao, right? The level is only average. Can such an academy cultivate a genius like you, or is it just an auditor?" Kong Ling'er was surprised. The way.

Bu Xiu nodded and said: "I am indeed an auditor of the Seventh Soul Instructor Academy!"

"A genius like you will definitely be delayed in the Seventh Soul Engineer Academy. You should go to a higher stage to study. With your current level, you are considered outstanding even in our Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. You are completely qualified." It’s a chance to compete with those monsters who entered Mingde Hall.”

"Have you never thought about leaving the Seventh Soul Instructor Academy and going to a higher stage?" Kong Linger asked.

Bu Xiu said: "I am also planning to go to Mingdu to explore and learn advanced knowledge of soul tools."

Kong Ling'er said: "Then you can try to study at Mingde Hall?"

"Mingde Hall, doesn't Mingde Hall not admit students over 12 years old?" Bu Xiu said, stunned.

Mingde Hall can be said to be the largest soul guidance technology research base in the Sun and Moon Empire, and has gathered countless outstanding soul masters. The current leader of Mingde Hall is none other than Silver Moon Douluo Kong Yinyue, one of the three ninth-level soul masters of the Sun and Moon.

It can be said to be the holy land that every soul master pursues!

Kong Ling'er rolled her eyes at Bu Xiu and said, "I really don't know how you cultivated to the fifth level of soul master? The age limit is only the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Master Academy. As the first soul master academy in the empire, the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Master Academy Of course, the Tutor Academy has great restrictions on the source of students. If you are not a genius among geniuses and do not have enough training value, it is impossible to enter the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Tutor Academy."

"However, this is not the case with Mingde Hall. Although it will be easier for students of Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy to enter Mingde Hall, Mingde Hall is also in the academy, and most of the teachers are members of Mingde Hall. , but Mingde Hall still belongs to all soul masters in the empire after all. The first generation dean who founded Mingde Hall also left a warning. The door of Mingde Hall is always open to every soul master who is willing to explore the limits of the soul guidance world. , as long as they pass the assessment of Mingde Hall, even free soul masters who are not from the Royal Soul Master Academy will have the opportunity to enter Mingde Hall."

Kong Ling'er paused for a moment and said: "Cha-cha, the recommendation from the Soul Master Association is also one of the important ways to get this assessment opportunity. The fifth-level soul master has barely had the opportunity to participate in the assessment. If you can perform well in this certification If you are even better, you might have a chance to get this recommendation qualification from the Soul Engineer Association!"

"Thank you, Miss Kong, for clarifying my doubts!" ​​If you can join Mingde Hall, you will undoubtedly be able to gain access to more profound soul guidance technology.Kong Ling'er's words pointed out a way for him.

Are you qualified to be recommended by the Soul Engineer Association?
Bu Xiu's expression gradually became serious.

Kong Ling'er said: "You're welcome. If you can really enter Mingde Hall to study, it will be a blessing to our empire. Every soul master who can join Mingde Hall is a treasure of the empire. Likewise, if Mingde Hall The more and more prosperous the church is, it means that my soul master is becoming more and more powerful."

"However, just the level you have shown now is not enough to join Mingde Hall. If you can become a sixth-level soul master before the age of 20, you may still have a great chance. Anyway, you are now His soul power has reached level [-], which meets one of the standards for a sixth-level soul master."

"I don't know how you cultivate, the sixty-level soul emperor. Even in Mingde Hall, there are not many people who are so evil in martial soul cultivation!"

Kong Linger sighed.

It's not that she has never seen monsters before. Several monsters in Mingde Hall have become sixth-level soul masters before they were 20 years old, but most of them have soul power above level 55 and have surpassed the level to become sixth-level soul masters. It is a sixth-level soul master who is assessed, not a being whose soul power and soul guidance level have both reached the sixth-level soul master standard.

After resting for about half an hour, Master Mark announced the start of the third stage of the assessment.

"Everyone, you have passed the first two assessments. Now you will proceed to the third assessment, which is the last assessment. You will independently complete a fifth-level soul guidance device. As long as the completed fifth-level soul guidance device passes the certification, then Now that you can become an official fifth-level soul master certified by the soul master, you can also choose a drawing of a sixth-level soul guide from the treasure house of the Soul Master Association!" Master Mark said slowly.

Hearing Master Mark's words, the examiners' eyes couldn't help but sparkle.

Master Mark continued: "In this level, you can choose any materials. All materials are provided by the Soul Engineer Association. If you pass the certification, you can also take away the completed soul guide. But if the certification fails, then purchase You must all pay for the metal!"

This is also to prevent someone from deliberately defrauding the Soul Master Association's rare metals.

The value of rare metals is very high.

If someone deliberately uses the rules of the Soul Engineer Association to defraud rare metals, once a precedent has been set, even the Soul Engineer Association, which is a large and powerful company, cannot withstand it.

Therefore, if you fail the assessment, not only will the rare metals used in the assessment need to be purchased at the original price, but the original price will generally be [-]% higher than the market price.

If they don't have enough self-confidence, ordinary soul masters will not easily participate in the certification of the Soul Master Association.

Unless you are a rich man.

However, the rich are not taken advantage of.

"You have one day to choose the materials for the incense stick. Everything that lights up on the list is what you can choose..." Master Mark said.

Lists of rare metals were sent up.

Titanium, sun gold, ice stone, mithril...

Bu Xiu has never seen so many rare metals, and titanium is only the lowest value.

Of course, they have no choice at all about top rare metals such as sun gold.

After hesitating for a moment, Bu Xiu chose a piece of Feng Su silver weighing ten kilograms and a portion of wind dragon blood.

It is said that it is wind dragon blood, but it is just blood purified from the blood of a soul beast that contains dragon blood. There is no comparison with the real wind dragon blood.

In the refining of some soul tools, the blood of soul beasts is usually used. Therefore, wind dragon blood is only included in the list provided by the Soul Engineer Association.

"Don't you need a piece of metal as the core of the soul guide? Although Feng Su Silver can barely be used as the core of the fifth-level soul guide, but you chose such a large piece of Feng Su Silver, you probably didn't intend to use it as the inner shell, right?" When it came to Bu Xiu's choice, Kong Ling'er immediately asked curiously.

In her opinion, based on what she said before, Bu Xiu would definitely go all out to use his abilities next, but she did not expect that Bu Xiu didn't even choose the core.

"No!" Bu Xiu responded softly, her gaze unblinking on Feng Suyin in front of her.

Fengsu silver is a medium rare metal. It is dark cyan in color but reflects silver light. It is very beautiful and is about the same level as mithril. It is suitable for making wind-attributed soul guides and most flying soul guides. Feng Suyin will also be used.

Kong Ling'er knew that this was a state where the soul master was fully engaged in refining the soul guidance device.

Hearing this, Kong Linger did not disturb Bu Xiu, adjusted her mind, quickly entered the state, and began to refine the soul tool she had prepared.

However, Master Mark's eyes have always been on Bu Xiu. He also wants to know whether Bu Xiu can bring him a bigger surprise in the third level.

However, after seeing the two of them enter the state so quickly, Master Mark couldn't help but secretly nod in his heart. An excellent soul mentor can quickly concentrate and enter the state even in a busy city.

To be able to enter the state so quickly, the foundation and talent of both of them are already considered top-notch.

Bu Xiu clasped Feng Suyin's fingers, and a black flame suddenly rose from his body, and the blazing high temperature suddenly filled the entire assessment area.

"What kind of flame is this? It's such a high temperature!" Master Mark was startled and quickly activated the soul guidance formation in the assessment area. Independent barriers rose up one by one to isolate the high temperature.

But that flash of high temperature left a very deep impression on everyone.

The pitch-black flame swallowed up all the light like a black hole, but it was as dazzling as the sun itself.

Originally, Master Mark thought that Bu Xiu was a wind-attributed soul master. After all, he only used the wind as a sword to complete the assessment, and the choice of Feng Suyin proved that he was a wind-attributed soul master. However, Master Mark did not expect that Bu Xiu also possessed the power of wind. Such a powerful flame.

This black flame surging out from the body is definitely not a soul guide.

The flames rose, and Feng Suyin gradually melted in Bu Xiu's hands, and soon turned into a ball of red metallic liquid.

"At this time, the wind dragon's blood should be integrated into the wind dragon's blood completely..." Master Mark whispered.

However, under Bu Xiu's control, Feng Su's silver liquid was transformed into a three-foot green blade bit by bit by the soul power. The temperature of the flame dropped bit by bit, but Bu Xiu did not water Feng Su at all in the process. Dragon Blood's plan.

"What is he doing? Has he missed the best opportunity?" Looking at the cooled Sanchi Qingfeng, Master Mark screamed crazily in his heart, not understanding Bu Xiu's behavior.

But Bu Xiu didn't pay attention to anyone. The light in his eyes was always focused, meticulous, and unmoved by external objects.

The breeze in his hand turned into a knife, which kept carving on the three-foot green front.

"A blazing sword? How could it be a blazing sword?" Master Mark finally couldn't help shouting as he saw the lines quickly appearing on the three-foot green blade.

What is engraved on the three-foot green front is clearly the soul guidance formation of the Blazing Sword.

The most important thing about the blazing sword is the fire attribute gem inlaid in the core of the soul guide. Bu Xiu didn't choose the fire attribute gem. Could it be that he already has top-notch fire attribute gems as the core and doesn't like the collection of the soul guide association?
However, even so, one should not choose to use Feng Su Silver as the shell of this soul guide. Feng Su Silver is more suitable as a refining material for wind attribute soul guides, and its thermal conductivity can only be said to be average. .

If Bu Xiu planned to make a blazing sword, even if Bu Xiu completed the assessment, Master Mark would only be able to give him a low score.

As a soul engineer, if you cannot accurately understand the characteristics of each material, what qualifications do you have to be a qualified soul engineer?

Thinking of Bu Xiu's deviant process of using the wind to make a sword and using the power of martial souls to carve soul guide formations, Master Mark couldn't help but begin to doubt his previous judgment. Could it be that this was just a deviant who accidentally fell into the trap without the guidance of a teacher? A heretical free soul mentor?

Soul mentors are a profession that values ​​talent very much. Some talented people who are self-taught can achieve the results of many soul mentors who have worked hard for countless years. However, if such talents are not properly guided, they will only go astray. The farther you go, the better you are, and the more regrettable you are.

Thoughts flickered in Master Mark's mind, but he didn't notice the passage of time. The breeze in Bu Xiu's hand was flowing. The formation of the blazing sword had reached its final stage and was connected to the formation at the core of the blazing sword.

But at this time, the breeze on Bu Xiu's fingertips seemed to turn into a pen. The blood of the wind dragon was drawn by the breeze. The breeze carving knife that took over from before began to carve on the three-foot green front, but this time it was not the soul. Guide array method, and a word.


Between heaven and earth, a gust of wind came from nowhere, but became stronger and stronger, blowing Bu Xiu's clothes and Bu Xiu's long hair.

Sanchi Qingfeng trembled violently.


Feng Su. (End of chapter)

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