Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 854 Breakthrough

"Okay!" Li Chengshuo agreed.

She didn't know much about the Spirit Transformation Realm. She just saw that Li Zhirui practiced in the Spiritual Realm all day long, while Jiang Fengwu spent his time on other things, and she always felt there was something wrong.

The two of them were lucky. Not long after arriving in the spiritual realm, Li Zhirui ended their training and allowed the two of them to enter.

"Dad!" The brother and sister bowed in greeting.

"You suddenly came to our door. You must have doubts about cultivation, right?" Li Zhirui said with a smile.

Li Chengsheng nodded and asked: "Dad, I would like to ask you what you need to do next after you have cultivated to the perfection of Nascent Soul in order to break through to become a god?"

When Li Zhirui heard this, he took a closer look and found that his cultivation was still far from perfection. He thought that this kid was ready to attack the God Transformation.

However, Li Chengsheng's cultivation speed is still very amazing.

This may be related to the great treasure he mentioned at the beginning.

Li Zhirui thought for a while and decided that it would be okay to tell Li Chengcheng some details in advance, so he briefly explained the steps on how to break through the process of becoming a god.

It is probably the combination of the gods and the heavens and the earth. The soul enters the sea of ​​laws in the underworld, chooses the laws that suit itself, leaves its mark, masters the laws to the greatest extent, and finally returns to the physical body safely.

This is just the first level. After completing it, you still need to survive the thunder tribulation.

"When I broke through to become a god, I used the Great Fantasy Dream Fruit. It was an opportunistic shortcut, so it's not very suitable for you. It would be better to read Feng Wu's summary of his insights and experiences."

But while saying this, Li Zhirui blocked Li Chengshuo's ears and consciousness to prevent her from hearing what she shouldn't hear.

After all, Li Chengshuo has not yet broken through to the late Nascent Soul stage, so knowing too much in advance is not a good thing for her.

"Dad, this is the great treasure I mentioned earlier." Li Chengsheng took out the sun gem that he and the three spirit beasts had brought back with all their might.

This was the first time he showed it to others after getting the Sun Stone.

As soon as the sun gem appeared, the surrounding temperature rose a lot. Li Zhirui squinted his eyes and said: "You are really lucky. You actually got a fallen stone from the sun's body, and even preserved a trace of the sun's true fire."

No wonder Li Chengsheng would say this is his greatest treasure!

This is completely a manifestation of the law of the sun!

For Li Chengsheng, a monk who is destined to choose the law of the sun, with this treasure, his future path to seek enlightenment will be much smoother.

"When you are fine, use your spiritual sense to explore and observe gems. This will be helpful to you in the future." Li Zhirui suggested.

After saying that, he took action to release Li Chengshuo's isolation.

"What's your problem?"

Li Chengshuo didn't bother to ask them what they were hiding, and immediately expressed his worries, "Dad, isn't it too bad for mom to do this?"

"Frequently opening up spiritual realms indeed consumes a lot of time, but Feng Wu has her own reasons for doing this." Li Zhirui told the two of them his idea of ​​using formations instead of spiritual objects to consolidate and connect spiritual realms.

"Is Mom working hard on this matter now?"

Li Chengshuo was still worried and said: "But if this method doesn't work, hasn't my mother wasted so many years in vain?"

"Why can't you just hope for the best?"

Li Zhirui burst into laughter and suddenly asked: "Then have you ever thought about why Feng Wu has been persisting for so many years if it doesn't work?" Animals have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, let alone a woman. A spiritually powerful monk? Somehow, they will sense whether something is beneficial to them.

"You are not yet transformed into gods, so you don't understand how important a spiritual realm that suits you is to your own cultivation." Thinking of his cultivation in the cave a few years ago, Li Zhirui suddenly sighed with emotion.

"If what Feng Wu is doing now is successful, it will be of great benefit to you in the future." At least there is no need to look for high-level spiritual plants, just use spiritual objects to set up formations.

Spiritual objects are easier to obtain than rare spiritual plants that suit oneself.

"If there's no problem, let's go back to practice and strive to break through to become a god as soon as possible." After that, he took action to send the two of them out of the spiritual realm.

"I don't know where Feng Wu is now."

Although he was quite curious, Li Zhirui did not move. He was about to break through the middle stage of divine transformation. Recently, he had better work harder to break through as soon as possible.

After all, so many years have passed, and it’s not that far away from Xiao Cang’s breakthrough to the fifth level.

On the other side, Jiang Fengwu began to deduce the formation to replace Lingzhi based on the information he collected personally.

Although she was extremely well prepared, the deduction process was still difficult and bumpy, but for her own cultivation, Jiang Fengwu had to master the formation!

You know, over the years, the Li family has used its own strength just to help Jiang Fengwu find a Feng Shui spiritual plant, even a fourth-level spiritual plant, but there is no news.

So much so that Jiang Fengwu had given up hope in Lingzhi and devoted himself wholeheartedly to deducing the formation.

In fact, many of Li Zhirui's methods that he thought were his own original ones, such as the Dongling Sky-Breaking Formation, were not without similar methods in the outside world.

Like the substitution formation that Jiang Fengwu is currently deducing, all the major forces have mastered it. After all, even they cannot produce a high-level spiritual plant that conforms to the law of divine transformation anytime and anywhere.

It's a pity that the Li family has a shallow foundation and is located in a desolate and remote corner of the far east. Naturally, they don't know much about the news.

But then again, even if they knew it, they wouldn't be able to get the method.

You must know that during the war between the two worlds, this formation was not included in the exchange list published. One can imagine how valuable this method is.

The sun rises and the moon sets, spring passes and autumn comes, and several years pass in the blink of an eye.

Li Zhirui, who was sitting cross-legged next to Green Willow, suddenly experienced violent fluctuations in his breath, and then he breathed in the nearby spiritual energy crazily. A pure white spiritual light lingered around his body, blocking out unnecessary spiritual energy.

The originally peaceful spiritual realm suddenly experienced strong winds. Thousands of willow branches swayed in the wind, and white lotuses trembled in the wind.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Zhirui's breath gradually calmed down and the storm stopped.

And when you look at Li Zhirui at this time, you will find that the aura on his body has become thicker.

Obviously, he successfully broke through to the middle stage of becoming a god.

"It's a pity that there was no internal disaster in this breakthrough." Li Zhirui sighed quietly.

Internal calamity is unavoidable. If it doesn't happen this time, it means that the next breakthrough will be two internal calamities coming at the same time!

If the wind helps the fire, the threat of internal calamity will be greatly increased.

"Well, it's useless to think about it now. As long as you are fully prepared and strong, even if the wind and fire come together, they won't hurt me at all." Li Zhirui quickly put his mind back together and began to consolidate his realm.

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