Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 855 Experiment

Daqing, who was cultivating in the spiritual realm, immediately sensed the feedback of mana, "Brother Ninth made a breakthrough?"

However, he had no time to feel happy for Li Zhirui and hurriedly refined his magic power.

Xiaoqing, who was still recovering from his injuries, used this magical power to warm and nourish the damaged meridians in order to recover faster.

And deep in the Wanshou Mountains, Xiao Cang, who had been in seclusion for many years, was only one step away from breaking through. He was pushed by this magical power and successfully took the last step!


A dragon roar resounded throughout Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Xiao Cang flew out of the cave, and saw a huge dragon body entrenched above the clouds, with gleaming dragon scales and sparkling dragon beads. The dragon's horns above his head were intertwined, just like the legendary real dragon!

After refining the fifth-grade dragon egg he had obtained, he added some true dragon essence and blood to himself, helping Xiao Cang successfully enter the sixth-grade. He is one step closer to the true dragon bloodline, and his appearance naturally looks better. Like a real dragon.

When the monks and spirit beasts on the island heard the commotion, the former rushed over and wanted to occupy a good observation position, but the latter stayed away in fear of the thunder disaster.

However, not all the spirit beasts ran away. The fourth-order perfect spirit beasts that had come out of the secret realm all rushed over.

Of course, they also want to break through to the fifth level, and now they are taking this opportunity to learn about Thunder Tribulation, and maybe they will gain something in the process of observing.

Li Chengsheng and Li Mingzi were in charge of order and ensured that no living beings would intrude into the scope of the thunder tribulation.

Not long after, the black calamity clouds took shape, and the first calamity thunder crashed down.

But for Xiao Cang, who is already a sixth-grade dragon, this power cannot hurt him at all, and he even uses thunder to temper his body.

The second way, the third way...

Until the sixth calamity thunder, Xiao Cang did not use magic power, but simply relied on the strength of his physical body to overcome the calamity, and used the calamity thunder to further strengthen his physical body.

Under the astonished gazes of the tribesmen, Xiao Cang finally used his magical power for the first time during the last three thunderstorms.

A bolt of blue thunder shot out and violently collided with the tribulation thunder. A powerful shock wave crushed the clouds within a ten-mile radius.

The law that Xiao Cang chose is the Cang Lei Law, a law with very powerful attack power. In other words, all the thunder laws have good attack power.

After knowing the power of the tribulation thunder, Xiao Cang lost the last trace of fear in his heart and became calm and calm, not worried at all about his failure to overcome the tribulation.

It was completely different from how Da Qing, Jiang Fengwu and others were going through the tribulation. Xiao Cang seemed particularly relaxed.

And this is not only because of Xiao Cang's rank, but also because the heavenly way of Yuanhao Realm has been completely refined, and there is no way to interfere with the Thunder Tribulation.

"Thunder Tribulation has returned to normal!" After watching Xiao Cang's tribulation, Li Chengsheng was obviously relieved.

However, until now, none of the monks present had noticed the change in Xiao Cang's rank. This was mainly because they were far away and could not see clearly, and because they were undergoing a tribulation, Li Chengsheng and others did not dare to use their spiritual consciousness.

After the last calamity thunder was solved by Xiao Cang using his magical power, Li Chengcheng discovered that Xiao Cang's true body had changed a lot.

"Uncle Cang has broken through to the sixth level?" Li Chengcheng was both surprised and envious.

The three spiritual beasts he contracted are all still at the fourth level now. It is difficult to achieve the fifth level, let alone the sixth level.

But considering that Xiao Cang's starting point is the fifth level, it seems that he can accept it.

A black light fell from the sky and invaded Xiao Cang's sea of ​​consciousness with his inner demons.

But at this time, Xiao Cang, who had no consumption at all, was not afraid of the inner demon at all. Xiao Cang, who was full of energy, quickly saw through the illusion and got through this disaster simply and easily.

Then the spiritual energy filled the body. After the last ray of pure spiritual energy was absorbed, Xiaoqing turned into a blue light and escaped back to the cave.

"Is the fifth-level thunder tribulation so simple? I will definitely be able to do it by then." A fourth-level sky-swallowing python said in confusion.

Fengniao on the side yelled angrily: "Idiot! He is a sixth-grade dragon, and his bloodline has exceeded the upper limit of this realm. For him, thunder tribulation is naturally easy and simple. If it were us, we would dare to bear the thunder tribulation with our bodies, otherwise Three or four, and we’re dead.”

"Level 6..." The old turtle beside him suddenly sighed, then turned around and left in silence.    ——


Li Zhirui, who was consolidating his realm, suddenly had a large amount of mana in his dantian.

"It's Xiao Cang who made a breakthrough!" It didn't take much thinking to figure out what was going on.

"Fortunately, I broke through first, otherwise it would have been a waste of so much mana."

This saved Li Zhirui several years of time.

What Li Zhirui didn't know was that Xiao Cang's sudden breakthrough was actually due to him.

If Li Zhirui hadn't made a breakthrough and the feedback mana hadn't helped Xiao Cang, he might have had to practice hard for several more years.

The two achieve mutual success, which is the greatest advantage of "The Book of All Spirits".


"The main function of the spiritual plant is to consolidate the spiritual realm and connect the spiritual realm with the spiritual veins..."

Jiang Fengwu murmured repeatedly: "The formation must ensure these two functions."

The formations she has deduced in the past few years are theoretically qualified, but it is not yet known whether they will work.

Therefore, Jiang Fengwu plans to conduct several experiments in the near future. If she is sure that there is no problem, then she can start to open up a spiritual realm suitable for herself!

Jiang Fengwu exchanged three fourth-level spiritual objects with different attributes from the warehouse, used them as formation eyes, and combined them with formation flags refined from the same kind of spiritual objects.

Within half a month, three sets of fourth-order formations were released.

After Jiang Fengwu adjusted her condition to perfection, she came to a spiritual cave on the edge of Wanxian Mountain, which was her experimental base.

After all, it is an experiment. If it fails, it is easy to say that the space will be closed on its own. At most, it will lose a set of fourth-order formations. If it succeeds, it will also occupy a remote spiritual acupoint, so it will not be a pity.


With Jiang Fengwu's full blow, the space collapsed, and a small black dot appeared in mid-air. He hurriedly input mana into it to expand the area of ​​the spiritual realm.

For the sake of safety, Jiang Fengwu controlled the area within three miles square. If successful, this would be the smallest spiritual realm of the Li family.

Jiang Fengwu immediately threw the array plate and array flag into the yet-to-be-formed spiritual realm. Within a few breaths, a large array was successfully deployed in the chaos.

The formation emits a gleaming spiritual light and blends into the spiritual realm, trying to strengthen the boundary membrane of the spiritual realm.

"Will it succeed?" Jiang Fengwu looked forward to it. If it succeeds, it means that the formation she deduced is feasible.

But the result was not unexpected, it failed!

The formation failed to consolidate the spiritual realm, and the pressure from the fetal membrane of the world directly closed the yet-to-be-formed spiritual realm.


Although Jiang Fengwu did not expect to succeed in one go, he would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable when he failed.

This small setback did not bother her for too long. She quickly gathered her mood and set off back to the cave to study the problem.

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