Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 856 Success

The formation is not strong enough to withstand the pressure of the boundary membrane closing.

That's the problem with this failure.

As for whether there were other problems, Jiang Fengwu didn't know. After all, the first experiment failed only at the beginning.

But I think there will be many problems later, which Jiang Fengwu needs to solve one by one.

The first problem she encountered was actually easy to solve. All she had to do was increase the power of the formation.

Within three months, Jiang Fengwu had improved the formation on the original basis.

After another experiment, the formation successfully withstood the pressure of the boundary membrane closing, but the second problem followed.

There is no way to connect to the spiritual veins!

This means that the spiritual energy in the spiritual realm will be relatively scarce, and may not even be comparable to the third-order spiritual veins, so it cannot be called a spiritual realm at all.

You must know that the original purpose of creating the spiritual realm is to provide a better cultivation environment for the monks who transform themselves into gods. If even the most basic spiritual energy in the spiritual realm is not as good as the outside world, then why do you spend so much effort to open up the spiritual realm?

And unlike using spiritual plants to consolidate the spiritual realm, without enough spiritual energy, the formation cannot always be activated, and will eventually be unable to escape the fate of being closed.

But that's fine. In this way, Jiang Fengwu doesn't need to take action, and the spiritual realm will be destroyed automatically.

"If you want to connect to the spiritual veins, the formation must have the ability to penetrate space!"

Jiang Fengwu frowned in confusion. This problem was difficult to solve because she could not think of any spiritual being that could do this.

"Perhaps we can try Floating Clouds and Empty Trees?" This idea suddenly appeared in Jiang Fengwu's mind, and then he got out of control and immediately set off to fly towards the purification spiritual realm.

Hollow wood is extremely precious. If Jiang Fengwu wants to break off a few branches, he has to ask Li Zhirui and his family for their opinions.

After Li Zhirui knew Jiang Fengwu's intention, he couldn't help but sigh: "It has only been a few years, and you are almost successful."

He once again saw Jiang Fengwu's terrifying talent in formations!

"In terms of formations, I can't help much. For other things, as long as I can be used, just ask." Li Zhirui said.

Once the formation deduced by Jiang Fengwu can be successful, it will definitely be a great joy for the family, and it will be more convenient to open up the spiritual realm.

Jiang Fengwu was not polite and asked for a few bottles of the best spirit-reviving pills. With her current level of cultivation, there was no way she could persist to the end without taking the spirit-reviving pills.

"If it's not enough, you can come back to me to get it." During this period, in addition to daily practice, Li Zhirui was refining treasure pills, so he had a lot of good things in his hands.

Jiang Fengwu responded and left in a hurry.

And Li Mingzi was not a short-sighted person. She knew very well how important what Jiang Fengwu was doing now, so he readily agreed to her breaking off a few empty wooden branches.

Jiang Fengwu returned with a full load. After having the empty wood, she refining a set of formations, combining the formation disks and several main formation flags.

After a few days of rest, Jiang Fengwu came to the edge of Wanxian Mountain again and started to open up the spiritual realm.


Only a low buzzing bell was heard, and the spiritual realm slowly expanded. Jiang Fengwu seized the opportunity and deployed the formation inside.

After many modifications, the formation is completely different from the original one. After the latest formation is successfully deployed, a huge pillar will be generated that reaches the sky and the earth. This is to prevent the spiritual realm from closing.

Now it depends on whether the giant pillar can break through the boundary membrane and connect to the spiritual veins after being integrated into the empty wood.

As time passed by, Jiang Fengwu was extremely nervous, fearing that the formation, which had cost her countless efforts, would end in failure.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

"Successful!" Jiang Fengwu was overjoyed, with a bright smile on his face. The giant pillar was successfully connected to the spiritual veins, and the spiritual energy was continuously sent into the spiritual realm through the giant pillar. In the small space, the spiritual energy soon became rich.

Jiang Fengwu immediately shared this joy with Li Zhirui, and Li Zhirui, who received the communication talisman, could not sit still and hurriedly flew over to find her.

"Feng Wu, is this the spiritual realm where you successfully created the spiritual realm with your formation?" Li Zhirui looked at the spiritual realm excitedly.

However, Jiang Fengwu calmed down from the ecstasy and said: "I was happy too early!"

"Whether it can replace the spiritual plant is not yet certain."

The spiritual realm is used to gather laws and even produce pure Yuan Qi, but these are still unknown.

"There will definitely be no problem." Li Zhirui was full of confidence in this. Even if he encountered a problem, he would just find a way to solve it.

Jiang Fengwu was not as optimistic as he was. He shook his head and said, "We will know the answer in a few months."

Time passed by in a blink of an eye, and the day came when the spiritual realm was fully formed.

To this end, Li Zhirui set aside time to witness what is likely to be a historic moment.

Arriving in front of the spiritual realm, Jiang Fengwu suddenly became nervous, fearing that the final result would not be satisfactory.

Li Zhirui didn't say anything to comfort him, but just held her hand harder and pulled her into this unique spiritual realm.

At first glance, he saw the huge pillar that reached into the sky and the earth. The huge pillar exuded the spiritual energy brought from the spiritual veins.

Li Zhirui closed his eyes and used his spiritual consciousness to comprehend the laws in the spiritual realm. Soon, he opened his eyes in surprise and said: "Success!"

"The law of wood in the spiritual realm far exceeds other laws!"


Jiang Fengwu, who had never dared to use his spiritual sense to investigate, exhaled a breath and relaxed.

"Thank you for your hard work these past few decades."

This formation relied entirely on Jiang Fengwu's own efforts. Except for some spirit-rejuvenating pills, Li Zhirui did not provide any help.

In order to complete the formation, Jiang Fengwu even slacked off on his practice and spent most of his time on deducing and perfecting the formation.

"Mortal people say that sharpening a knife can make you chop wood. Haven't I just been sharpening the knife in the past few decades?" Jiang Fengwu showed a bright smile on his face.

Soon, she will have her own Feng Shui spiritual realm!

However, Jiang Fengwu always pursues perfection, so she plans to use the fifth-level formation, but she still lacks a fifth-level feng shui spiritual object.

"I have bought it for you from Xuanfa Pavilion." Li Zhirui knew Jiang Fengwu's thoughts, so he had prepared it for her early.

In fact, buying is not appropriate, it is more about exchange, because the number of fifth-level spiritual objects is rare and precious, and it is impossible to use spiritual stones to measure the price. Everyone uses the most primitive transaction method-barter.

Li Zhirui took out a large number of fourth- and fifth-level top-quality elixirs and exchanged a fifth-level feng shui spiritual object with Xuanfa Pavilion.

As he spoke, he took out a jade box from the storage ring.

Jiang Fengwu opened it and saw that there was a ring lying quietly inside. In the middle was a ball of cyan spiritual wind that was constantly surging, and on the outside was a still blue spiritual water that enveloped the spiritual wind.

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