Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 864 Conceit

Although Li Zhirui was very enthusiastic, he did not invite them to enter Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

The reason is also very simple, it cannot accommodate so many monks.

In fact, both sides knew that this was just an excuse. The main reason was that Li Zhirui wanted to push the battle line farther away and prevent a war from breaking out near Wanxian Island.

Seeing that the expressions of all the transformed gods were not very good, Li Zhirui said quickly: "Not long ago, fellow Taoist Yuxue came to warn that a war would break out, and a large number of fellow Taoists would come to help.

We are worried about the rest of our fellow Taoists, so for this reason, we specially built a big island not far away, but..."

Li Zhirui paused and said, "Time is too hasty and there are only a few second- and third-order spiritual veins on that island."

In fact, in addition to this big island, there are also many spiritual veins in other island chains.

Some are the spiritual veins that come with the island, and some are the ones that the Li family migrated from the nearby sea.

After all, whether it is used to set up formations or for monks to guard, spiritual energy is needed. Without spiritual veins, the thin spiritual energy between heaven and earth is simply not enough.

When Li Zhirui leads a group of monks to the island chain, any monk with a normal IQ can guess his purpose.

But is there anything wrong with that? No! So no one jumped out and said anything.

Moreover, the island chain carefully built by Li Zhirui and others is more suitable for resisting the Sea Clan.

The island chain is long, and the distance between the islands is limited. It is impossible for a large number of water monsters to pass through at the same time. It is like the only gorge in the mountains. It cannot be opened by one man, but it can be blocked by ten thousand people. Let the monks have a considerable advantage.

If the Sea Tribe finds the island chain difficult to attack and then takes a detour to directly attack the mainland, they can also sneak attack from behind and team up with the monks on the mainland to double-team the water demon.

"Fellow Taoist is interested," said a certain transformed god.

As soon as these words came out, Li Zhirui felt reassured. They did not reject this place.

"Many resting houses have been built on the island. Fellow Taoists, why not rest for a few days."

Everyone accepted it happily, and then they went back to Ten Thousand Immortals Island without any incident from Li Zhirui.

In the following days, there is actually nothing much to say, except that all forces are preparing for a war.

The entire Xuanyuan world fell into a strange calm.

That's not entirely true. There are always some young people who want to cause some earth-shattering events that they think they do!

For example, the demon cultivators in the Western Region, after they discovered that the number and strength of the cultivators in the Central Region were greatly reduced, they began to make various moves on the border.

Then they were left in the Central Territory, and the monks who suppressed the demons and demons joined forces to directly and forcefully eliminate this group of demon cultivators, letting them know that even if many monks left, the Central Territory was not something they could imagine.


Yuxue, who had been running around the offshore area for more than a year, finally completed her mission.

"Some time ago, a large number of monks came to the Central Territory, and I arranged for them to go to the island chain."

"I know, I just came out of there and it was really well decorated."

Li Zhirui had a good relationship with Yu Xue, so he wanted to learn more about the Hai Clan from him.

"The Sea Clan is very powerful. After all, the Boundless Sea is occupied by their family, but the Sea Clan, like the Monster Clan, is a combination of multiple races."

Of course Yuxue knew what Li Zhirui meant, but he didn't mind revealing some information, saying: "Therefore, there are actually many contradictions within the Hai Clan. It's just because there is the most powerful Dragon Clan, and the boundless sea is connected, so there are no There is a split." The dragon clan in Xuanyuan Realm does not have real dragons, it is just a group of dragons with strong blood.

In fact, there are some races in the sea clan whose bloodline is no worse than that of dragons, but they all have a fatal flaw, their reproductive ability is too poor! As a result, there are fewer people in the clan, and there is no way to challenge the dragon clan.

You know, the fertility of dragons in high-level bloodlines is extremely powerful!

Moreover, its bloodline has strong tolerance and compatibility, and can reproduce with other races, further expanding the number of dragons.

How do they compare to other high-level races? He can only succumb to the dragon clan honestly.

"According to my inquiries and speculations, it is very likely that the Dragon Clan will take part in the battlefield here in the Eastern Region." Yuxue brought a very bad news.

As we all know, the Dragon Clan is the strongest...

"With the support of so many fellow Taoists, even the Dragon Clan will have no problem!" Li Zhirui said pleasantly, but he was still very worried in his heart.

If they lose, the group of monks can escape back to the Central Territory, but the Li family escapes? We must abandon the Ten Thousand Immortals Island that took hundreds of years to create, as well as the major spiritual realms developed on it!

"The second and third batches of supporting monks have already set off. They will arrive within a month at the fastest, and only two months at the slowest." Yuxue said suddenly.

There is still less than half a year before the end of the contract, and there is still enough time. With these two batches of support, plus the local monks from the Eastern Region, the strength is very strong!

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for telling me." Li Zhirui was very grateful. Regardless of Yu Xue's thoughts, she told the truth, which was of great benefit to the Li family.


Time flies, and half a year passes quietly in the blink of an eye.

hoo hoo hoo!

Several thunderous roars sounded in the boundless sea. The originally calm sea surface began to boil like boiling water. One after another, the fourth-order monsters crossed the offshore waters that had restricted their access for thousands of years.

Then of course, he collided with the Central Domain support monk, or in other words, it was intentional by the Dragon Clan.

The dragon clan is very powerful, which also gives them strong self-confidence. Descriptions such as arrogant and arrogant do not feel out of place at all when applied to them.

It was the same this time. The Dragon Clan felt that they were very powerful and defeated this group of monks in one fell swoop. After that, there was no resistance in the Eastern Region.

By then, the entire Eastern Region will become their back garden!

Therefore, in the first battle, the dragon clan directly dispatched its most powerful lineup, more than thirty fifth-level dragons and hundreds of fourth-level water monsters, riding a huge wave and rushing directly to the island chain.

As for the low-level water monsters, there are even more, moving like a black tide, following them.

"I don't know what to say! I don't know whether to live or die!"

The monks who have been operating on the island chain for more than half a year, not to mention making it impregnable, can still block this kind of offensive.

What's more, so many monks are not vegetarians. All kinds of magical powers and spells are flying together. The monks who transform into gods are not as good as the warriors. After all, they still need to go to other places. Either they are guarding the sea area near Ten Thousand Immortals Island, or they are guarding the eastern region. offshore.

The Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Immortals is only a part of it.

But the monks who had the two major advantages of location and people naturally had the upper hand after the two sides fought.

The Dragon Clan was really too proud. This was the pride hidden deep in their bloodline. Because they looked down on the monks and didn't think they had any strength, they actually rushed over and caused a lot of casualties to the water monster.

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