"Why are the Dragon Clan so stupid?" Xiao Qing said with confusion.

Knowing that the monks had already made many arrangements, they rushed forward, causing a large number of water monsters to die and all the nearby sea people to be dyed blood.

"The dragons are not stupid, but they are too proud and arrogant." Li Zhirui did not let down his guard because of this. After all, the dragons are not stupid, and they will wake up soon.

According to Li Zhirui's request, all the monks from the Li family participating in the war were placed on the same island. In this way, with the care of Li Zhirui and others, the casualties among the clan members could be reduced as much as possible.

Before the war broke out, all the monks were prepared to encounter a fierce offensive, but the result surprised everyone and left them dumbfounded.

At dusk, the sky is dim, the setting sun is like blood, and a chilling atmosphere permeates the sea.

The Dragon Clan, which had launched several rounds of attacks and suffered heavy losses but not much gain, finally suppressed the pride in their hearts, stopped running recklessly, and started to get serious.


The leading dragon suddenly shouted loudly. Led by several fifth-order dragons, one hundred and fourteenth-order water demons, and thousands of third-order water demons, connected by the secret method, they surged out like a torrential flood, filled with murderous intent and overwhelming, blocking the way. Everything in front of them was crushed to dust.

"The art of Taoism!"

The knowledgeable Avatar couldn't help but scream out in surprise when he saw the menacing group of monsters in front of him.

The method of Taoist soldiers is actually a hybrid combination of weapon refining, body refining and other methods. The well-known Yellow Turban Warriors and Danshan Warriors are both Taoist soldiers.

But this method is not very popular among monks.

The reason is also very simple, it costs too much!

A Taoist soldier who is comparable to a Golden elixir monk does not spend less resources than directly cultivating a Golden elixir monk. If this is the case, then why spend a lot of resources to cultivate a Taoist soldier who cannot continue to increase his strength?

Low-level Taoist soldiers are relatively common, and most of them do chores.

As wealthy and powerful as the Dragon Clan is, perhaps they are the only ones willing to train so many Taoist soldiers.

There are thousands of Dao soldiers and water monsters. Although they are not many in number, they are all Dao soldiers carefully cultivated by the Dragon Clan. Together with the connection of secret techniques, they form a formation, like an invincible sword.

The situation of the monks who had been relatively relaxed before was suddenly reversed. Many monks were unable to resist. Small islands with weak defenses had already suffered many casualties.

Li Zhirui flew out of the island with Daqing, trying to prevent the water demon Taoist soldiers from approaching.

It seemed that the two of them did not use defense, but with Da Qing here, Li Zhirui didn't have to worry about this problem at all, which was why he was only brought out.


Li Zhirui suddenly shouted coldly, a cold murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he immediately locked onto the water demon who wanted to attack by surprise.

A vine covered with thorns appeared out of thin air, moved according to Li Zhirui's thoughts, and hit the water demon directly.

The water demon was protected by thick scales and its defense was quite strong, but in front of this vine that shone with cold light, it was as fragile as a piece of white paper and was instantly beaten into pulp.


An arrogant and angry dragon roar sounded. Seeing Li Zhirui coming out alone, a certain fifth-level dragon couldn't help but take action.

Before he could reach Li Zhirui, a cold water thunder struck towards him.

He didn't even need to take action, Da Qing next to him easily blocked the yin thunder.

I saw the light from Li Zhirui's palm flashing as he threw it towards the dragon. In the next moment, thick and tough vines grew up rapidly, surrounding the dragon.

Then in front of all the creatures, the vines frantically absorbed the nearby spiritual energy and expanded extremely. When it reached the limit, it exploded with a bang! The dragon was trembling all over, and dazzling blood flowed from its seven orifices, but it still had its last breath left.


Other fifth-level dragons in the distance roared violently and rushed over as quickly as possible, trying to save the seriously injured dragon.

Although the dragon race has more dragons than other major races, every dragon with a high-grade bloodline is very precious.

What's more, this dragon is still at level five!

The other dragons naturally didn't want to see it die like this.

But how could Li Zhirui listen to them? A cold light flew out from his fingertips and cut off the dragon's head.

A fifth-level dragon that had practiced for thousands of years just died.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The dragons were running as fast as they could to rescue them, but they were still a step too slow. Their hearts were full of hatred, "You deserve to die!"

Several dragons started to attack in anger, and several spiritual lights were seen coming from all directions, all aimed at Li Zhirui.

Because this was the first fifth-level dragon to die so far, and it died in Li Zhirui's hands, the dragon clan naturally hated him to the core.

"What's the point of bullying the minority with more?"

The cultivators who were originally watching from the sidelines took action when they saw this scene. They couldn't watch Li Zhirui being bullied by the dragons, right?

Because of Li Zhirui, a war broke out between the gods!

Various powerful magical laws are raging in this sea area, and no earthly water demon or monk dares to approach.

Li Zhirui also felt that the sudden outbreak of the war between gods was very sudden, but he knew in his heart that the outcome of this battle would affect the direction of the war, so both sides were merciless and went all out.

If you carefully compare the strengths of the two sides, you will find that there is not much difference in the strength of the monk and the water demon, but Li Zhirui has a trick up his sleeve!

Xiao Qing and Xiao Cang suddenly appeared on the battlefield, instantly causing an imbalance in power between the two sides, causing the dragon he faced to panic for a moment.

But on the high-end battlefield, even a slight mistake can have serious consequences.

Xiao Qing keenly caught the dragon's flaw, and without hesitation, he activated the law, merged into a wisp of strong wind, and launched an attack on the dragon.


The dragon howled in pain, the wind was like a gangrene attached to the bones, wreaking havoc in its body. The severe pain made it unable to concentrate on the battle in front of it.

In this case, facing the three gods Li Zhirui, Xiao Qing, and Xiao Cang, it has no chance of survival!

Within a moment, another fifth-level dragon fell!

Blood rain fell, scattering on the battlefield with the wind.

Seeing this scene, the morale of the monks soared, completely overwhelming the water demon.

For a time, the situation on the battlefield completely turned against the monks. The water monsters were beaten back and forth, their morale was low, and a large number of water monsters were killed by the monks.

This is like a vicious cycle. The more water monsters die, the lower their morale is. And the low morale affects the combat effectiveness of the water monsters, causing more water monsters to die!

Those fifth-level dragons had no idea that the situation would be so bad!

Chapter 2 still has a few hundred words left to write and needs to be revised. You can subscribe later.

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