Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 866 During the War

You know, this is only the first day of the Hai Clan's war! And they are also the most powerful dragon clan!

As a result, they were defeated by the monks and were in a state of disarray.

Enduring their shame, the dragons gave the order to retreat, and then escaped into the deep sea without hesitation and swam towards the distance.

When the monks saw the escaping water monsters, they naturally beat them up and unleashed all their strength one by one, just to kill more water monsters.

Because all the monks knew in their hearts that the retreat of the water monsters was only temporary. This battle did not defeat them. How could they surrender?

And it can be imagined that when the water monsters come again next time, they will definitely be stronger and will not be so reckless again.

At that time, the war may really break out.

During the chase of the monks, the water monsters who fled in panic suffered heavy casualties, but fortunately, everyone did not lose their minds and did not pursue them relentlessly.

"Oh oh oh!" When the monks returned to the island chain, they suddenly burst into waves of excitement like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

What happens in the future will not affect the cheers and excitement of everyone now! Not to mention their great achievement of driving away the water monster on the first day!

And Li Zhirui became famous through this battle! He became a role model in the minds of all low-level monks.

In this battle, a lot of people died, but the only fifth-level water monsters that died were the two that Li Zhirui killed!

Although some small tricks were used, the two huge dragon corpses could not be faked.

And it was precisely because the death of these two dragons destroyed the morale of the water demon army that the water demons retreated.

From this aspect, Li Zhirui is the main contributor and the biggest hero!

Some monks who knew that he was the founder of Yuan Dan were even more surprised. They originally thought that Li Zhirui was a genius alchemy master and was already very extraordinary.

But after this battle, I was surprised to find that he was also very powerful in combat, and he had also cultivated three fifth-level spiritual beasts!

His strength is so strong that he can be regarded as one of the best among all the god-transforming monks present.

Among the monks supported by the Central Region, there are no late-stage god-transformation monks, and no perfect god-transformation monks directly participate in the battle. The purpose of their existence is mainly to intimidate and deal with water monsters of the same level.

They will not take action unless absolutely necessary, such as when they cannot defend.

After all, when they reach that state, they are only one step away from ascension, so they will naturally find ways to reduce the possibility of being contaminated by karma and cause and effect.

The same is true for the water demons. The late fifth-level and perfect fifth-level demons have not arranged for them to participate in the battle.

After the war, you cannot rest immediately. You still need to clean the battlefield, collect the corpses, count the casualties, etc. After all this is done, most monks can go to rest.

"Senior Li is really awesome!"

"Yes, he was actually able to kill two fifth-level dragons, which set the trend and outcome of the entire battlefield in one fell swoop."

"Tch, it was just a sneak attack and surprise. Do you really praise him so well? It could have been done by other ancestors who transformed gods. He just has better luck."

Some people like it, and some people don't, and that's normal.

However, there were more monks who admired Li Zhirui, and they worked together to drive that monk out.

Li Zhirui, who was talked about and admired by everyone, did not add fuel to the flames or improve his reputation because there was no need and it was useless for him to want these things.

We all just met by chance. After the war is over, no matter what the outcome, the probability of seeing each other again in the future is very slim. There is no need to waste time on strangers. “I wonder why these Taoist friends came here?” Li Zhirui looked at the avatars in front of him, with a trace of doubt on his face.

If you tell their identities, you will find that they are all the first-class gods in the Central Region, and you will know that Li Zhirui is the founder of Yuan Dan.

"Fellow Taoist is very good at refining treasure pills. It's better to concentrate on refining treasure pills at the rear. There is no need to participate in such dangerous things as war." A certain deity directly stated their purpose.

He wanted Li Zhirui to go back and refine elixirs for them, the god-transforming monks, instead of fighting for his life with the water demon.

"Thank you for your kindness, but fighting is to defend your homeland, which is more important." Li Zhirui smiled and refused. He did not want to become their alchemy slave.

These people really had a good idea. They actually wanted Li Zhirui to withdraw from the front line of the battle and only do behind-the-scenes work, and they also showed a disgusting face that they were all doing it for their own sake.

Li Zhirui refused very simply and left no room at all.

"If you fellow Taoists lack some kind of treasure elixir, you can tell me. If the family has it, I will sell it to you fellow Taoists at the market price."

It’s impossible to give something away for nothing. There are so many cultivators of the Spiritual Transformation. If you give it to one person, do you want to give it to the others? In this way, the Li family will suffer a loss.

Moreover, it was sold at market price. Li Zhirui was already very conscientious because the price of Baodan had not increased due to the soaring prices due to the outbreak of the war!

But those god-transforming monks felt very dissatisfied. They were of noble birth, but you, a god-transforming person from a remote place, didn't want to please them?

Li Zhirui pretended not to notice their dissatisfaction, but even if they were dissatisfied, they would not dare to interfere in the war!

This is a major matter related to the monk's face and status!

At most, they don't want to see the monks of the Li family and use some tricks secretly, but the monks of the Li family are all in one place and can be well prepared to guard against such calculations.

So Li Zhirui didn't take them seriously, he just wanted to keep both sides in order.

He has such confidence, which naturally comes from his own strong strength!

In the late stage of divine transformation and the situation of perfect divine transformation without taking action, Li Zhirui in the middle stage of divine transformation is considered to be at the highest level, even though he has just broken through.

Coupled with the three fifth-level spiritual beasts Daqing, Xiaoqing, and Xiaocang, the strength of the god-transforming monks present was not as strong as Li Zhirui's.

"Brother Ninth, what did those group of transformed gods do here? I saw that their faces were not very good when they left." Xiao Cang, who happened to be looking for Li Zhirui, saw the group of departed transformed gods on the road and asked casually.

"They want me to make a confession."

Li Zhirui laughed disdainfully, but did not dwell on the matter and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I want to ask Brother Jiu for those two dragons." Xiao Cang stated his purpose.

Although he is now a sixth-grade dragon, these two dragons are still somewhat helpful to his bloodline. Although the improvement is not big, it is better than using mana to slowly refine and purify his bloodline in the future.

And except for Xiao Cang, the other spiritual beasts contracted by Li Zhirui do not need dragon blood.

As his trophy, Li Zhirui was absolutely qualified to dispose of it.

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