Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 867 Underestimation

Chapter 867 Underestimation

"There is only the essence and blood of one dragon."

Li Zhirui explained: "The other dragon has earth attributes. The dragon's blood and skin have been given to Ming Yao and asked him to draw a batch of fourth-level earth escape talismans."

Although talismans are the least expensive among the four major skills of alchemy, weapon refining, formations, and talisman making, as the level goes up, the spiritual items consumed are no worse than the other three.

For example, the fourth-level earth-escape talisman drawn by Li Mingyao must be made of fourth-level spiritual grass or specially refined fourth-level animal skin. The spiritual ink also needs to be developed from a fourth-level earth attribute spiritual object, and the talisman pen must also be a fourth-level magic weapon. .

In fact, if Xiao Cang wants to improve his dragon bloodline, it is not suitable to use these two fifth-level dragons, which will cause a lot of waste. First, because the level is one level lower than his, and second, the attributes do not match.

Xiao Cang is a green dragon with the wood attribute, but the two dragons killed by Li Zhirui are of the earth attribute and water attribute.

Therefore, Xiao Cang could only extract the purest strand of original dragon blood from their flesh and blood, while the quality of other refined flesh and blood would naturally be damaged.

Therefore, Li Zhirui did not agree to Xiao Cang. After explaining the reason for his refusal clearly, he then said: "After I ascend, I will definitely take you away with me. Instead of causing a huge waste, it is better to wait for the time being and wait for my ascension." After you go to the upper realm, you can find a way to improve your bloodline."

What's more, Xiao Cang's bloodline is already very high now, sixth grade! If converted into realm, it has exceeded the upper limit of cultivation in the Xuanyuan Realm. There is no need to spend a lot of money to improve the bloodline.

After all, a fifth-level dragon corpse can be decomposed into many high-level spiritual objects. Even the least valuable and heaviest dragon meat can bring huge benefits to the Li family.

Not to mention dragon skin, dragon blood, and even the most precious dragon beads.

However, Li Zhirui said so much mainly because he wanted to remind Xiao Cang not to waste too much energy on blood, at least not now.

"Brother Ninth, you are right, I am pursuing bloodline too much." Xiao Cang was silent for a long time and finally said this.

For spiritual beasts and monsters, bloodline is like the qualifications of a monk...

This metaphor is not very appropriate, because bloodline is more important. For example, there are legends about monks who may have five elements of mixed spiritual roots, break through to become gods, or even ascend.

But there is absolutely no story of a first-grade monster breaking through to the second level!

From this point of view, there is no problem for Xiao Cang to pursue high-grade bloodline, because if the bloodline is not enough, the monster will be locked in a realm.

But the problem is, Xiao Cang’s bloodline is already high enough!

It is no exaggeration to say that Xiao Cang's bloodline can definitely squeeze into the highest level among the demon clan and spiritual beasts in the entire Xuanyuan Realm!

If that's the case, then why pursue bloodline? If you have this time and energy, it would be better to use it on improving your cultivation and strength.

Fortunately, Xiao Cang understood the meaning hidden in Li Zhirui's words.

"By the way, Ninth Brother, those transformed gods won't stumble us secretly, right?" Xiao Cang always felt that they wouldn't just change the story like this, they would definitely do something.

"I thought about this issue when I decided not to please them." Li Zhirui said calmly.

"The soldiers will stop us, and the water will cover us up. Do they still dare to risk the disapproval of the world and deal with us with the water demon?"

It's a pity that Li Zhirui still underestimated their bottom line!


"This Li Zhirui doesn't take us seriously!" After the group of transformed gods returned, they began to complain.

Speaking of which, Li Zhirui was very friendly and enthusiastic towards the group of Central Domain monks who came to support him, but that was all he had and he had no intention of pleasing them at all.

This can be seen from the fact that they went to Ten Thousand Immortals Island, but they were not allowed in at all. It is completely different from other forces in the Eastern Region!

Before the war broke out, all the monks who came to the Infinite Sea to participate in the war gathered on the main island of the island chain (the largest island at the back of the island chain). All the forces in the Eastern Region treated them with utmost respect and flattery.

In other words, there are two sects and one religion, three mountains and four sects. Among the ten major god-transforming forces in the Eastern Region, the most powerful three are Wanxiang Sect, Jian Sect and Tianyan Sect. Not like this, even the three mountains and four sects have paid a lot of benefits. .

But the Li family didn’t!

Except for serious matters such as discussing how to deal with the Sea Clan and how to win the war, the Li family did not go to the main island at all other times.

How can we please them if we don’t even have much contact with them?

At that time, there was a small group of Central Region gods who were dissatisfied with the Li family, and many forces in the Eastern Region were also dissatisfied with the Li family.

Because except for Wanxiang Sect, Jian Sect and Tianyan Sect, other forces are trying to please the gods of the Central Region, but your Li family is the only one who has emerged from the mud and remained untouched? But don’t look at your own strength!

What are the strengths of the Wanxiang Sect, the Sword Sect and the Tianyan Sect? Even if it is placed in the Central Region, it is a large sect second only to the first-class forces!

But what about the Li family? There are only five incarnations in total, three of which are spirit beasts.

Among the gods-forming forces in the Central Region, they are all at the lowest level!

Where do you get the confidence to act independently?

"If you ask me, you should teach the Li family a lesson! Make them more sensible!" Youhua said fiercely.

"Aren't those monks from the Li family all on the same island? Li Zhirui was so powerful and so popular that he killed two dragons by himself. Those dragons had a grudge against him and they would never let him go when the water monster attacks again. Pass him! We will definitely target them."

A certain god-incarnation offered a poisonous plan in a sinister manner and said: "When the time comes, we won't send anyone to support them! Let the water demon capture the island where the Li family is stationed. Even if Li Zhirui can escape, his tribe will be able to escape. several?"

"That's right! Let him know the consequences of offending us!" Several gods spoke in agreement.

But there were also gods who frowned and said, "This method is inappropriate!"

What they care about is not the safety of everyone in the Li family, but that after the island is captured, their line of defense will not have much meaning!

If they lose the war, or even fail, then they will become sinners of the human race! Will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history!

So, what they are worried about is actually themselves.

"We just need to appear at the right time and keep the water demon out." The Avatar who came up with the idea said nonchalantly, as if everything was under his control.


The objecting Avatar wanted to say something more, but the others didn't want to hear any more and all spoke up to express their agreement.

Seeing this, the Transformation God also knew that no matter what he said, it was useless. He sighed in his heart, closed his eyes and sat aside, keeping his eyes out of sight.

In fact, what is the difference between this group of transformed gods and the dragons that suffered a bloody blow at the beginning of the war?

The same arrogance and pride, thinking that everything in the world is in their hands.

But they are just a group of transformed gods, a group of slightly more powerful monks.

 Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

  (End of this chapter)

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