When the war between the monks and the sea tribe fell into a long-term stalemate, some minor turmoil gradually began to appear in various places.

For example, Daxue Mountain is the largest gathering place of monster beasts in Wanxian State!

Many monsters were originally recruited in an attempt to attack the further growth of the Li family. However, due to Li Zhirui's breakthrough in becoming a god, his vitality was severely damaged, and he was even more afraid of the Li family's revenge, causing a large number of monsters to flee.

But even so, there are still a large number of monsters gathered in the Snowy Mountains.

But now, the Li family has mobilized most of its combat power to participate in the Sea Clan war. This has resulted in the Li family being unable to better suppress Wanxian State, and those monster beasts have seen an opportunity!

what chance? Of course it is an opportunity to stir up the situation, fish in troubled waters, and take advantage of the situation to make a fortune.

After most of the monsters broke through to the third level, their intelligence was greatly expanded, and they were no different from monks. How could they not see that the current situation of the Li family was only temporary!

Once the Sea Clan was defeated and Li Zhirui led many monks from the Li family back, they would not be able to cause any trouble at all.

And they have to flee far away. Anyone who dares to stay will eventually be unable to escape the Li family's reckoning.

The risk is not small, but the benefits are also not small!

Especially the group of third-level monsters. If they practice step by step, it may take one or two hundred years to break through. But if they make a big fortune in this operation, they may be able to see hope within a hundred years!

Therefore, a few fourth-level monsters lingering in the Snowy Mountains, together with a group of third-level and low-level monsters, set off a wave of monsters and launched an attack on the nearby fairy city and city.

But what they don't know is that the Li family has long considered that the monsters will be dishonest. After all, the opportunity is rare, and they have already thought of a way to deal with it.

Among them, the two largest fairy cities not only rearranged their fourth-order formations, but also had two fifth-order puppets stationed there!

After the army of monsters arrived, the monsters that originally wanted to take advantage of the situation were immediately hit by a merciless blow like a violent storm.

For a time, a large number of monster beasts were crushed into the dust like autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and a large number of monster beasts frantically fled to the rear.

The demon clan's rebellion caused certain damage to the Li family and Wanxianzhou. After all, they did not attack these two major immortal cities at once.

Before that, many places had been invaded by them.

Fortunately, the Li family was well prepared for this, so they evacuated the garrisoned clansmen very early without too many casualties.

If the monsters were smarter and knew how to divide their forces and not focus on Xiancheng and Fangshi, it would bring a lot of trouble to the Li family.

Because the Li family really doesn't have much strength anymore, otherwise they wouldn't be able to just defend the two great immortal cities and let other realms be overrun by monsters.

However, in this single battle, the demonic beast that was originally just trying to catch its breath was now unable to have much impact.

In fact, those in Wanxian State who want to take the opportunity to cause chaos are far more than just the family of monsters in the Snow Mountain. For example, the Nascent Soul forces like Wuyashan and Shuilingmen, who were originally on equal footing with the Li family, have never been very fond of the Li family deep down. Convinced.

It's just that they are more cautious and dare not take action easily.

Of course, the most important thing is that the powerful monks in their sect have all been transferred to the Infinite Sea to participate in the war against the Sea Clan. The monks who stayed behind in the sect have limited strength and dare not be the leader.

After knowing the tragedy of the demon clan, all the monks were very happy. Fortunately, they did not take action, otherwise they would be the ones who suffered.

They really did not expect that the Li family actually left two fifth-level puppets on Ten Thousand Immortals Island and did not take them to the battle. After all, these were two fifth-level combatants that could have a certain impact on the battle situation.

This situation does not only occur in Wanxian Prefecture, which is located in a corner. Compared with other places, the unrest in Wanxian Prefecture did not cause much damage and was quickly suppressed.

But in other places, there is no such strength, or luck. Monsters, demonic cultivators, casual cultivators, and some forces unwilling to succumb to others all over the place are causing trouble and seeking more benefits for themselves!

As the saying goes, if you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you. Not everyone has a big-picture view.

What's more, many of the forces among them are not humans, but monsters, so how could they possibly consider the human race?

They want the monks to fight with the sea tribe as long as possible, so that they can have more time to make trouble.

In the end, it’s best for both sides to suffer losses!

At that time, the demon clan can take advantage of the situation, attack the monks, seize more territory for the demon clan, and seek more benefits for themselves.

Therefore, the demon tribes from all over the country began to cause chaos, harassing and attacking the monks.

The most turbulent among them are the immortal volcanoes in the Southern Territory, the ice and snow fields in the Northern Territory, and the 100,000 Mountains at the junction of the Eastern Territory, the Southern Territory and the Central Territory.

These three places are where the monsters are the most numerous and most powerful.

And they have one thing in common, that is, the environment is harsh! It is not suitable for large-scale human life.

But there are exceptions, and that is Zhongyu!

This is the territory where the monks have an absolute advantage!

Moreover, the terrain is flat, which is very suitable for mortal life, further squeezing the living space of the demon clan.

But the problem is that the more mortals there are, the fewer beasts there are, and a large part of the monsters are derived from beasts.

Especially in the Central Region, a place where there are not many monsters, the way for beasts to evolve into monsters is even more important.

Therefore, there are very few monsters in the Central Territory, and once a monster is discovered, it will be killed in advance.

However, although the monks in the Central Domain do not need to deal with the troubles of the demon clan, they do have to face the invasion of the demon cultivators!

Because the demon cultivators do not need to deal with the attacks of the sea tribe, they can mobilize all their strength to attack the monks.

In fact, it is the Central Territory!

You must know that the environments in the Southern Territory and the Northern Territory are worse than the other. It is impossible for the magic cultivators to pay a high price to occupy such useless territory.

The demon cultivators have coveted the Central Territory for many years!

After all, the Central Region is a great place with abundant resources and outstanding people!

The reason why the Sea Tribe did not regain the coastal areas of the Western Region was because this sea area had been polluted by demonic cultivators! It is no longer suitable for the life of the sea people!

There is a top-level sect in the demonic world called the Blood Sea Sect.

Their mountain gate was built on the coastal waters of the Western Region. They used secret techniques and a huge amount of blood to turn the five thousand miles of sea into a sea of ​​blood!

A real sea of ​​blood formed by a large amount of blood!

Moreover, over the years, the Blood Sea Sect has been collecting blood to expand the area of ​​the Blood Sea.

From the initial radius of less than a thousand miles, to now it is more than five thousand miles!

Therefore, the Sea Clan needs to be on guard against the demonic cultivators at all times, lest they continue to expand towards the distant sea.

The situation facing the Central Region is very serious now. There was an invasion by the Sea Tribe before, and they need to send a large number of monks to support various places.

Later, some demon cultivators took the opportunity to launch a war, hoping to expand the demon's territory. (End of chapter)

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