Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 872 Gu Insect

Faced with such a severe situation, the powerful gods who were stationed in the central region decided to withdraw their support to the monks in the northern region after some consultations!

Although the vast snowfield in the northern region acts as a barrier and it is impossible for the Hai Clan's large army to cross to the south, the Hai Clan still dispatched a large army.

Moreover, only some mortals survive in the southern part of the Northern Territory. The depths of the snowfield are a forbidden area that mortals cannot approach! The same is true for low-level monks.

But no matter what, withdrawing the monks who supported the Northern Territory would be equivalent to giving up the coastal waters of the Northern Territory.

Of course the powerful people know that no matter how many shortcomings there are in the Northern Territory, they should not give up easily, but now the Central Territory can no longer spare many manpower to resist the almost overwhelming demonic cultivators!

The battle between the Eastern and Southern Regions and the Sea Tribe took away more than 50% of the strength of the Central Region. No matter how little the Northern Region was, it only had about 10%. Less than 40% of the monks were left to guard the Central Region. It was difficult to stop the crazy demon cultivators. .

There was no choice but to withdraw the monks who supported the Northern Territory.

As for the immortal cultivating forces in the Northern Territory, how should they respond to the Sea Clan's attack?

The solution is simple, retreat to the south and this war can be declared over.

The situation in the Central Region has undergone earth-shaking changes. It seems that it has little to do with the battlefield tens of thousands of miles away. In fact, it has a lot to do with it!

Opening up a battlefield to fight against the demonic cultivators would mean that the number of Central Domain cultivators who would come to support them in the future would be greatly reduced or even cease to exist.

But the Sea Tribe is different. They can also recruit a large number of low-level water monsters to join the battle!

But now, Li Zhirui and others don't know this yet, and they are concentrating on containing the water demon.

"Are you okay?" Li Zhirui looked at the bloody Xiaoqing and asked with worry on his face.

Just late last night, a big battle suddenly broke out in the Sea Clan, which eluded the investigating monks. No matter how timely everyone prepared, they were still a little slow.

Xiaoqing's injuries were caused by this sneak attack.

Fortunately, late at night is not suitable for mobilizing the army, because those low-level water monsters cannot see clearly!

So after paying some price, we finally drove away those sneak attack monsters.

But how can there be any war without casualties? Even the Li family had several members die, and others even worse.

"It's just a minor injury." Xiaoqing shook her head and didn't take it to heart.

Li Zhirui didn't say much, but when he came to help heal the injury, his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"What's wrong?" Li Zhirui's expression changed, which attracted the attention of Jiang Fengwu and others. He was just helping to heal the injury. Did he discover something?

Li Zhirui did not answer, but asked: "Xiaoqing, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"No, this is just a small injury, it will heal soon."

"You have been poisoned!" Li Zhirui said solemnly.

After that, he concentrated on helping Xiaoqing clean out the poisonous insects in his body.

He didn't know much about Gu Dao, and he didn't know what kind of Gu worm was in Xiao Qing's body, but it was definitely not a good thing!

You must know that Li Zhirui's law of purification restrains all the dirty things in the world. If the poisonous insects are beneficial, they will not attract the attention of the law.

As for whether it is the handiwork of the water monsters or the calculation of the monks, just choose a newly injured clan member and compare it with an intact clan member.

Soon, Li Zhirui got the answer.

This answer also made him relieved that it was not the last situation he thought.

"No wonder the Sea Clan suddenly attacked. It turned out to be a poison for everyone!" Jiang Fengwu always felt that this sneak attack was unexpected, and now he found out the reason. “First call all the tribesmen, especially those who are injured, to get rid of the poisonous insects.”

There were a lot of people, so it was naturally impossible for Li Zhirui to explore them one by one. He didn't have that much time or energy, so he could only solve them in several batches.

"Brother Ninth, we need to tell the other monks about this matter as soon as possible." Daqing immediately suggested after Li Zhirui had rested.

Xiao Qing immediately jumped out and said: "I don't agree! Those monks are unkind and unjust and have trapped us in a desperate situation. Is this the end of the story?"

"But we need their help. We can't hold this line of defense just by relying on our words. Although we don't know the type of Gu insect, it is definitely not a good thing. They will all be injured by then. What can we do?" Daqing was very worried. Be calm and analyze with reason.

"I'll go to the main island and tell them." Li Zhirui did not follow what Xiao Qing said. Just like Da Qing said, they are indispensable for the entire front!

"Humph!" Xiaoqing was still dissatisfied, but not as excited as before.

Li Zhirui sighed in his heart. If he could, he wouldn't want to, but there was nothing he could do.

"Hey, this is not our famous Taoist Friend Li. How come he has time to come to our remote place?" As soon as Li Zhirui met a certain transformed god, he couldn't help but sarcasticly.

Li Zhirui ignored this person and said to himself: "I came to visit you fellow Taoists this time because I have something very important to say."



Several of the Avatars didn't take this statement seriously at all.

"The Sea Clan's sneak attack last night had ulterior motives. With the help of the sneak attack, they secretly poisoned the injured creatures!" They also took out the poisonous insects forced out of Xiaoqing and others' bodies.

After saying that, Li Zhirui didn't bother to care whether they believed it or not, he stood up and left.

He is not a fool! There is no anger at all. If it were not for the sake of the overall situation, Li Zhirui would have left long ago. How could he have endured it until now.

"Is what he said true?"

Several Avatars looked at each other in confusion, looking at the pile of dead Gu insects that Li Zhirui put down. It took a while before someone spoke to break the silence.

"I don't know, but I can verify it by finding an injured monk."

But how could things be as simple as they thought?

If the Gu insect was discovered so easily, why didn't Xiao Qing discover it? Even if he was careless, he was not the only one who was injured. One or two of the monks were also injured.

But it has been so long, and there is no movement from them. It can be seen that even the cultivators who transform themselves into gods cannot find the Gu worms in their bodies!

This was indeed the case. They found several injured monks and even disturbed a healing spirit, but no trace of the poisonous insects was found.

"Could it be that Li Zhirui is alarmist? In fact, there are no Gu insects at all." Someone couldn't help but wonder.

They investigated so many monks and found no trace of the existence of Gu insects. This result made it difficult not to doubt.

"Didn't you see that bunch of Gu worms with your own eyes?"

"It seems that we can only ask Li Zhirui to take action."

"But will he agree?"

The relationship between the two parties was not harmonious to begin with, so Li Zhirui kindly came to tell them about the danger, but was ridiculed by them. (End of chapter)

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