"They come to visit me. It's a lie to give gifts as a thank you, but it's true that they want to test the effect of the purification law!"

Looking at Jiang Fengwu's confused eyes, Li Zhirui explained: "Before meeting them, I suddenly had a whim and reminded me not to have contact with them."

Combined with the words repeated by Jiang Fengwu just now, it is not difficult to guess that they have discovered the magical effect of the purification law and want to come to verify it. If it is really useful, then Li Zhirui's situation will be terrible!

It is very likely that he will be taken away by them and become a prisoner without freedom from then on. He will be specially given to them to purify the elixir, treat hidden wounds, etc.

After all, if all this is confirmed, then Li Zhirui is a rare treasure in their eyes!

"No, we have to find a way. We can't just sit back and wait for death!"

Pretending to be in seclusion is not a long-term solution after all. There will always be a day when he comes out of seclusion, and he has to find a solution once and for all.

But what to do?

The best way is to 'perform' in front of all the monks, speak with 'facts', and tell them that their guesses are false and that the law of purification is not so powerful.

But just when Li Zhirui was about to leave for promotion, the Hai Clan suddenly took action!

dong dong dong-

The rapid ringing of bells echoed across the various islands, and all the monks became nervous, because once the war breaks out, someone will definitely die, and there will be a lot of them!

Li Zhirui looked into the distance and saw a mighty army walking on the sea. The number was so huge that he could not see the edge at a glance.

"No wonder the Sea Clan hasn't taken action yet. It turns out they have gathered an army." Li Zhirui said solemnly.

Originally, the strength gap between the two sides was not big. It was just that the monks had a certain advantage due to their geographical location. Now that there are so many water monsters in the Sea Clan, the combat power is suddenly out of balance!

It may be difficult for the monks to cope with the upcoming battle. Li Zhirui was worried. After all, behind the island chain was Ten Thousand Immortals Island!

"Distribute disposable spiritual objects such as talismans and thunder beads to the clansmen so that everyone can prepare for the war!" Li Zhirui's voice echoed over Lijia Island.

Not just the Li family, all the monks have used their special skills, because everyone knows that this will be a very dangerous battle, and if they still think about retaining their strength, they are likely to die in the battle!

In the sea army.

"Impossible! Why didn't the Gu insects I cultivated react at all?" A fifth-level demon shouted in panic.

It spent a lot of effort and energy to cultivate those Gu insects, and the cultivator of the Transformation Spirit couldn't even detect them!

Once activated, while absorbing mana and blood, it will also emit toxins. Low-level creatures will have no resistance, and high-level creatures will find it difficult to kill all the Gu insects in a short period of time, which will eventually lead to serious injuries.

And because the Gu bugs are so tiny, you have to concentrate to find them, so if you want to clean up the Gu bugs, it's impossible to join the battle.

It is precisely because of this that they can apply for a large amount of support - the sea tribe wants to complete the battle! Break through this line of defense directly.

But now its voodoo has been solved! It is impossible to win this battle easily.

The movement instantly attracted the attention of other big demons, and they all gathered around.

"Central Domain monks are not good at these heretical methods. Why can they get rid of the Gu insects so quickly?"

“What’s the point of discussing this now?”

The big monster was speechless.

"Then do you want to retreat temporarily?"

"The arrow is on the string and must be fired! If we retreat now, it will seriously damage the morale of the army!"

The leader Jiao Da said in a deep voice: "We have such a large amount of support, even if the Gu insects fail, we will never lose!"

"Kill!" During their discussion, the Hai Clan army had already come into contact with the monks, and they started fighting fiercely without any orders from the top leaders of both sides.

The Li family is no longer the target of the Sea Clan, but there are still several big demons coming with their armies.

Li Zhirui, Jiang Fengwu, Xiaoqing, and Xiaocang flew out of the formation to fight, while Daqing reinforced the formation and also provided defense for them.

The leader was a fifth-order narwhal as huge as a mountain, its big eyes staring intently at Li Zhirui.

It roared, the surrounding sea surface shook, and countless seawater rose into the sky, turning into a black ocean, and carrying a huge force, it crashed down on Li Zhirui.

Among the monsters, the larger the monsters are, the stronger their magic power will be, and the narwhal whale is one of the best!

Li Zhirui was not afraid at all, and continued to use magic techniques. The wood spirit energy from a hundred miles around quickly gathered, and dots of green light piled up, eventually forming a dead tree no more than three feet high.

The dead wood flew out and stuck directly into the black ocean. A terrifying suction suddenly broke out, frantically sucking out the water vapor and mana in the ocean.

The dead tree that was originally only three feet high suddenly turned into a giant tree that was a hundred feet high, standing across the boundless sea.


Li Zhirui thought in his mind, and the leaves fell one by one, and shot at the giant whale at high speed.

Bang bang bang!

But in the end they were blocked by a thick curtain of water, and the seemingly ordinary leaves erupted in a series of explosions.

A glint flashed in Li Zhirui's eyes, and he was not sad because of the unfavorable attack. His fingers suddenly changed, and the vines grew out of thin air. They were all ten feet thick and intertwined with each other to form a huge cage, trapping both sides.

The narwhal looked gloomy, it accidentally fell into the trap! We must escape from here as soon as possible!

The horn above the head began to emit thunder, and terrifying thunder was brewing in it. The next moment, a thick bolt of thunder burst out, instantly opening a huge hole in the vine cage.

But before the giant whale could be happy, the vines healed quickly.

"Aquatic trees, above this vast ocean, are beneficial to you, and even more beneficial to me!" Li Zhirui's clear voice sounded.

"In that case, I will deal with you first!" The giant whale once again raised up a vast sea, used its magic power to turn it into a huge iceberg, and crashed towards Li Zhirui with a devastating force.

Li Zhirui's face condensed slightly, and his magic power poured out. He mobilized the giant tree that reached the sky and violently collided with the iceberg.


There was a huge roar, sea water poured in, and water vapor filled the sky.

But in the end it was the giant tree that stood tall! The momentum of the impact remained unchanged and headed straight for the giant whale.


The giant whale wanted to avoid it, but the vines wrapped around it didn't give it a chance to escape. They tightly bound it in place, and the giant tree slammed into it.

A huge wound appeared on the giant whale, blood spurted out, and with a cry, the giant whale wanted to escape.

"You want to escape now? It's too late!"

Dots of green light flew out from Li Zhirui's body, turning into sharp wooden thorns, densely suspended in the air, with as many as tens of thousands.

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