Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 876 Sneak Attack

A roaring sound broke through the air, and tens of thousands of wooden spikes went straight towards the injured whale.

The giant whale wanted to escape, but it was surrounded by vines arranged by Li Zhirui, creating a dragnet that made it impossible to escape.

It's not that the giant whale can't break the vines, but it's just that there's not enough time!

I also knew that Li Zhirui would not give it a chance.

It was difficult for the wooden thorns to penetrate the thick skin of the giant whale, but it already had a large wound on its body. Under Li Zhirui's control, all the wooden thorns were shot towards the wound.

The intense pain caused the giant whale to erupt in bursts of whining, rolling crazily in mid-air. The huge body would bring the force of breaking mountains and cracking the earth when rolling, and the vines gradually couldn't bear it anymore.

Click click click——

At a corner of the vine cage, the vines suddenly broke, and a huge hole suddenly appeared in the original dragnet.

Before the vines healed, the giant whale jumped up, successfully escaped, and then swam toward the depths of the seabed without looking back, escaping from the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Why don't the sea people go through the seabed, cross the defense line, and attack the mainland directly? Of course it's because I'm worried about being attacked from both sides!

Li Zhirui did not pursue him because killing a fifth-level monster was not as important as solving the current dilemma of the Li family stationed on the island.

Jiang Fengwu, Xiao Qing, and Xiao Cang were fighting fiercely with their opponents, back and forth, and they were evenly matched, so there was no need for Li Zhirui to intervene for the time being.

But the situation when stationed on the island is different!

Tens of thousands of water monsters attacked desperately, and the defensive formation began to fluctuate violently, and it seemed that it would be broken down soon.

So after Li Zhirui ended the battle, he did not chase the giant whale or help Jiang Fengwu and the others. Instead, he started to clean up the low-level water monsters that rushed towards them crazily.

The addition of Li Zhirui has greatly eased the pressure on the clan members. They no longer have to desperately squeeze their magic power regardless of whether their meridians can withstand it, giving them some time to breathe.

But the situation on many islands is very bad. In order to defend the defense line, many monks have no time to rest at all. When their magic power is not enough, they will directly swallow the spiritual pill. If the spiritual pill is gone, they will hold the spiritual stone to absorb it. It is really a sacrifice. His own life!

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood could not be more apt to describe the current battlefield.

The water monsters fell into the sea after their death. They could drift with the current at first, but gradually became clogged and gathered in the battlefield. The originally blue sea now turned into a terrifying scene of black and blood.

There were also a lot of casualties among the monks. On the islands where the defensive formations still existed, most of the monks' casualties were due to excessive consumption of mana and injuries caused by the meridians being unable to withstand it. In serious cases, they were directly paralyzed.

The formation has been breached, some monks are still resisting tenaciously, and some monks have already fallen into the beast's mouth.

The island, which was originally green and green and dominated by yellow, has now become scorched black and covered with a layer of blood red.

Li Zhirui couldn't care less about what was happening outside now, he was going to help Jiang Fengwu and the others again!

Jiang Fengwu's formations continued, the Little Green Gang Wind was raging, and the Little Cang Thunder was violent. Their attack power was very strong, but their opponent, the Great Demon, was not bad either. The two sides could not tell the winner, and the fight was very anxious.

However, with the addition of Li Zhirui, the situation of the big demons suddenly dropped and became precarious.

At least that's the case on the battlefield around the Li family.

The war continued, but the intensity was much reduced, because the large number of low-level monks and water monsters on both sides could no longer hold on.

The only ones still fighting now are the transformed gods and the great demon!

Li Zhirui, who was standing in mid-air skimming the formation, lowered his head and glanced at the stationed island below. Although he had tried his best to reduce the number of fallen tribesmen, there were still dozens of tribesmen who had died. Compared with other forces, this number is much less.

But the heaviness of death and the sadness it brings have nothing to do with quantity!

"Sigh, I don't know when this war will end." Li Zhirui sighed and whispered to himself.

What he was talking about was the real end, not like before, where the Sea Clan just retreated temporarily and once again started a war after recovering.

But if you want the war to end, you need to wait for an opportunity.

When night fell, the final battle stopped.

Both sides began to count casualties and consumption, and the data they came up with surprised them!

It was obviously only for most of the day, but it was even more exaggerated than the usual battle lasting several days.

And the culprit behind all this is the Sea Clan!

If they hadn't suddenly expanded in size, forcing the monks to fight to the death, today's battle would not have been so tragic.

"No! It can't go on like this!"

Late at night, after everyone had recovered for a while, a group of avatars were summoned to discuss the matter.

"Then what good idea do you have?"

Who doesn't know that if today's war develops, more and more monks will die, and the Central Region will have no time to support the monks. As for the local monks in the Eastern Region, there are quite a few, but their strength is relatively weak.

"How about a sneak attack under the moonlight? Most of the water monsters must be recovering from their injuries now, so we can definitely inflict further heavy damage on the Sea Clan!"

Immediately, some Avatars questioned: "This is indeed a good idea, but how can we get close to the Sea Clan's station without being discovered?"

"What I have mastered is the Law of Hidden Heaven, which can help fellow Taoists get closer." A certain transformed god said with a smile.

The leader of the transformation gods made a decision immediately and said: "In that case, let's take action! Fellow Taoists, please note that we don't take many actions, and the demon clan will definitely react very quickly, so we must take out Use all your strength to kill as many water monsters as possible."

A very crude plan was formed, and after the law of concealment was imposed on everyone, they indeed seemed to disappear. As long as a large amount of mana was not used, they would not be exposed.

Dozens of god-transforming monks took action and headed straight for the Hai Clan's station.

Even though they deliberately controlled their flight speed to avoid breaking the law of concealment, it still only took a quarter of an hour.

‘Are you ready? ’

After receiving a positive answer, he immediately gave the order and said: "Do it!"

The vast fluctuations of spiritual energy were instantly captured by the big monsters. Some were still thinking about what was going on, and some were already shouting urgently, asking the water monsters to prepare their defenses, and it was best to escape as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter whether the other water monsters believe it or not, the most important thing is that they have to escape!

So after being reminded, I immediately escaped into the deep sea.


A heaven-destroying explosion sounded across the boundless sea. A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and a terrifying shock wave spread, setting off a series of huge waves.

This is the power of dozens of gods joining forces!

As long as he didn't escape, no matter how high or low his cultivation level was, or whether he was strong or not, all of them would be turned into ashes under this blow!

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