Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 877 Influence

"There won't be another war on our front in a short time." A certain Avatar murmured as he looked at the water pouring in front of him.

With the combined efforts of dozens of gods, everything within a few miles was wiped out by a terrifying attack! This created the spectacle of seawater pouring back into the lake.

As this god-incarnation said, of the tens of thousands of water monsters gathered here, less than one-thousandth escaped alive. How could such a small number start another war?

Even if they recruit again, it will take at least several days to build up a large army again.

During this period, it was enough for the monks defending the island chain to fully recover!

"Let's go, there's nothing to see."

Li Zhirui, Jiang Fengwu and others also left with everyone.

As soon as he returned to the island where the Li family was stationed, Xiao Qing couldn't help but say: "The power that destroys the world is really terrifying!"

"If I had known that the sneak attack was so effective, it would not have caused so many casualties." Xiao Cang suddenly sighed with emotion.

Xiao Qing suddenly realized and said: "That's right! Why has no one suggested a sneak attack before? With the transformation gods who master the law of concealing the sky, it is impossible for the water monsters to detect it."

"After the water demon withdraws, a guard will be set up around the perimeter. The effect of the sneak attack will not be very good. The success this time may be related to the battle during the day."

Li Zhirui shook his head and added: "Maybe there are other reasons."

"There is nothing to discuss about this matter. Everyone should take the time to rest and recover as soon as possible. After all, the war is not over."

This can only be regarded as halftime.

The Sea Clan has been waiting for thousands of years in order to regain the offshore sea and then plot the mainland. How could they give up so easily?

Although this sneak attack cost the Sea Clan tens of thousands of water monsters, to the huge number of Sea Clan, this was nothing at all.

The most important thing is that too few fifth-level demons died!

It did not put any pressure on the other fifth-level monsters, making them feel the threat of death.

Otherwise, they would have stopped fighting long ago, and no matter how bad they were, they would restrict the entrance of transformed gods and fifth-level people, leaving low-level water monsters and monks to fight.

This sneak attack not only affects the island chain defense line, but also other battlefields!

Because tens of thousands of water monsters died, if you want to reorganize the army, you must mobilize from the rear. However, many water monsters have been assigned their places, and now they are all disrupted.

Unless those water monsters that have not yet been mobilized are dispatched, these water monsters are either too far away from the battle line, and it takes a lot of time to notify and travel, or they are left by the major races to guard their own territory.

The Sea Clan, like the Monster Clan, is an alliance formed by many different races. Conflicts will naturally break out between them, and some are even life-or-death enemies!

In this situation, how could the water monsters safely send out all their clansmen?

If you really do this, your territory will be looted without waiting for the war to end.

Therefore, the support of the Sea Tribe on many fronts has been weakened a lot, without putting too much pressure on the monks.

As the island chain's defense line that created all this, it was naturally the biggest beneficiary. The monks had enough time to restore their energy and heal their injuries.


The junction area between the Central Region and the Western Region.

This place is a battlefield where battles often break out between monks and demonic cultivators.

At this time, the two sides once again fell into a war.

After the monks who supported the northern region were transferred back, the monks had an advantage, but the demon cultivators did not admit defeat as usual.

Because the high-level demon cultivators know that during this period of sea clan invasion, it is their best opportunity to break into the central territory and plunder the central territory!

For this, the demon cultivators are willing to pay a high price!

Of course, this price refers to those low-level demon cultivators. God-transforming demon cultivators will not sacrifice their own lives to benefit others.

Anyway, low-level magic cultivators are all consumables, so it doesn't matter even if they all die. There are many quick methods in the magic way, and a large number of consumables can be cultivated in a short time. The reason why the demonic cultivators are willing to pay such a high price and invade the Central Territory is naturally because the Central Territory is vast and rich in resources!

Even mortals living in the Central Region are more delicious and more suitable for refining magic weapons than those in the Western Region.


The two sides didn't know how many times a war broke out again. All kinds of spiritual lights and magic weapons exploded. The colorful things were beautiful, but with every breath, a large number of monks and demon cultivators died.

"We can't go on like this!" a certain transformed god said in a deep voice.

Although the monks had the advantage, the demonic cultivators were like dog-skin plaster that could not be shaken off, making it impossible for them to fully support the eastern and southern regions.

Even though the monks in Xuanyuan Realm are the most powerful, the pressure of fighting on two fronts is still too great!

If it drags on, the monk is likely to fall into a swamp, causing serious damage to his vitality. At that time, the monk may have to go through some twists and turns if he wants to secure his current position.

"That's right! Defeat the demonic cultivators as soon as possible, so that they feel afraid and don't dare to start another war!"

There was more than one smart person among the transformed gods, and they quickly discussed a countermeasure.


With Huanghuang's momentum, he directly attacks the demonic cultivators! It would be best to kill a few god-transforming demon cultivators.

After everyone discussed it, we started taking action the next day!

As soon as the war broke out, the god-transformation monks flew straight towards the god-transformation demon cultivators like arrows, brewing terrifying magical powers.

Boom boom boom——

Violent explosions were heard one after another, mushroom clouds bloomed in mid-air, powerful shock waves spread to both sides, and the ground was scraped three feet away wherever it passed.

The God-Transforming Demon Cultivator has extremely rich combat experience. When he saw the attack coming towards them, he began to fight back.

But the number of god-transforming demon cultivators is a few fewer than that of god-transforming monks!

And the strength of the demon cultivator is even worse!

The reason for this is that the Western Region is too barren, and the resources needed for the Divine Transformation Realm are very few in the Western Region.

Therefore, after most demonic cultivators break through to become gods, they will leave the Xuanyuan Realm through the Ascension to the Void Formation and go to the void to find resources.

Most of the god-transforming demon cultivators who left the Xuanyuan Realm had just broken through, or had returned from the void.

Moreover, in addition to using great magical powers, the monks also used various powerful spiritual objects.

If the Western Region is a barren land, then the Central Region is a fertile land.

Of the spiritual objects that the demonic cultivators couldn't come up with, the god-transformation cultivators could easily come up with several!

Therefore, the demon cultivators were unable to withstand the sudden and violent attack of the monks.

Although they were not able to directly kill the God-Transforming Demon Cultivators, they were still forced to retreat in embarrassment.


Before the demonic cultivators could take a breath, the cultivators broke out again.

"Damn it!"

Resentment and envy flashed in the eyes of the demon cultivators.

If they could occupy the middle territory, why would they be in such a mess!

But now they can only run backwards.

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