Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 878 Trouble

The monks who had the upper hand naturally pursued and fought fiercely. It was not until several god-transformation demon cultivators were seriously injured that they hid in the depths of the Western Region and did not dare to show up again. The group of god-transformation demons stopped.

The demon cultivator may not be strong enough, but his ability to escape is definitely one of the best!

This was also the reason why the transformed gods were chasing after him so hard but still couldn't leave the demon cultivator behind.

However, after the God-Transforming Demonic Cultivator escaped, the morale of the low-level Demonic Cultivators dropped drastically. They had no intention of fighting anymore and turned around and ran away.

Many demon cultivators were left alive, but even more escaped.

The main reason is that the group of transformed gods did not take action. Even though they were extremely ferocious just now and the demon cultivators they beat were unable to fight back, this was because they spent 70% to 80% of their mana!

In order to prevent the demon cultivators from turning into gods from trying to counterattack, they could only seize the time to recover and let those demon cultivators escape. Otherwise, even if the low-level demon cultivators could escape, it would be nothing.

After clearing the battlefield, the monks returned with a great victory.

"In a short period of time, the demonic cultivators should not dare to take action." A certain transformed god breathed a sigh of relief. They could dispatch more cultivators to rush to the battle with the Sea Clan.

The demonic cultivators suffered heavy losses, and many transformed gods were seriously injured. If we take action at all, it means that the western front has come to an end.

"We must find a way to achieve a breakthrough in the war with the Sea Clan. We cannot delay it any longer."

Compared with the sea tribe, the number of low-level water monsters? They are no match at all!

"So the distribution of support monks this time can no longer be evenly distributed as before. Concentrating on certain battlefields will benefit the surrounding battle lines after victory."

They can help people nearby, and they can also suddenly intervene during a battle and attack from both sides.

Soon, everyone approved the plan.

On the third day, a new group of supporting monks boarded the huge spiritual ships heading east and south.

The demon cultivator has not made any movement so far, as if he has resigned himself to the outcome of the previous battle.

However, the Avatars did not believe that the Demonic Cultivators were so honest, so they always sent people to keep an eye on their movements. At the same time, they also left a group of monks in the Central Region, but not all of them were sent out.


Eastern region, offshore.

"I've been fighting all these days, and suddenly I'm free and I don't know what to do anymore." Xiao Qing sighed with emotion.

Li Zhirui couldn't help but laugh and said: "In a few days, a new round of war will break out, and you won't be so comfortable by then."

Nearly ten days have passed since the end of the war, but the Sea Clan still hasn't summoned a new army. There are only occasional sneak attacks, so the monks don't take them seriously at all.

During this period, most of the monks' injuries had been cured, and the more serious ones were returned to the main island to recover peacefully.

The monks' strength has recovered after a long period of rest. When the war breaks out again, they will definitely be able to surprise the Sea Clan!

"Those avatars are looking for you again, Brother Jiu?" Xiao Qing seemed to have thought of something, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah." Li Zhirui responded with a cold expression.

Before the battle, those transformed gods wanted to test the law of purification, but were blocked by Li Zhirui. Then the Sea Clan attacked, and no one cared about it.

But now that the Sea Tribe has suffered a heavy blow, their thoughts have become alive again, and they have come over again and again, wanting to verify the law of purification.

Even though Li Zhirui had denied it, and even used the law of purification in front of them, making sure it was of no use to spiritual objects, they still refused to give up.

In other words, they changed directions!

The law of purification is useless to spiritual beings, but what about monks?

You must know that a large number of monks have experienced the purifying rain personally. Li Zhirui couldn't deny it outright, so he could only admit it, but he also said a lot of complicated conditions.

He could not use various purifying spiritual objects of the same level as his cultivation too many times in a short period of time, but even so, it did not dispel their madness.

"Ha! Still haven't given up yet?" Xiao Qing sneered and mocked.

"Let them be, don't pay too much attention to them." Li Zhirui waved his hand disapprovingly, since the initiative was in his hands anyway.

Seeing that Li Zhirui was so confident, Xiao Qing said nothing, chatted for a few words and left.

Li Zhirui took some time to calm down, then took out the alchemy furnace and started refining the elixir.

Even if he is on the battlefield, as long as there is no war, he will refine several furnaces of treasure pills after completing his daily practice.



"How many low-level water monsters did you bring back this time?" Ao Fan, the leader, asked hurriedly.

In the past, they looked down upon low-level water monsters, but now, they know the importance of low-level water monsters!

If there were no low-level water monsters, with powerful big monsters like them, even if a war started, they would not last long before losing.

Too many ants kill an elephant!

A large number of low-level monks launched an attack. They might not give way at first, but they couldn't hold on for long, not to mention that there were also god-transforming monks whose strength was no worse than them.

"There are less than 20,000." The big demon said with a sad face.

"What!?" The big demon on the side couldn't believe what it heard.

Less than 20,000 low-level water demons? If this amount is put on a battlefield like a meat grinder, almost all of them will be killed in less than an hour!

You know, there were 50,000 to 60,000 water demons in their heyday, but even so, they were still at a disadvantage in front of the monks who occupied the advantageous location.

Now with less than one-third of the number, it is impossible to initiate a battle.

"Why so few?"

"Other battlefields also need new forces to join."

The big demon sighed and said: "I heard that on the distant battlefield, we clearly had a great advantage and were able to break through the defense line immediately, but in the end, a seriously injured Avatar self-destructed!"

Speaking of this, Da Yao felt a sense of admiration in his heart.

You know, that man was only seriously injured and was not in a life-or-death crisis. Just to hold the line of defense, he resolutely took the initiative to self-destruct!

No one can stop the damage caused by a self-destruction of a god-transformation monk, and can only escape far away.

But at that time, who could have expected that the transformed god would sacrifice his life and self-destruct?

Time is running out, and most of the sea people have no time to escape!

One can imagine how many casualties were caused.

In comparison, it was nothing at all when they were attacked by monks on the island chain battlefield and most of the low-level water monsters were wiped out.

At least they, the fifth-level monsters, were still alive, and only one or two unlucky ones didn't escape. Unlike that battlefield, only a small number of distant water monsters survived.

Therefore, even if the races are different and the positions are opposite, it does not hinder the admiration in its heart.

If it were in that situation, it would never give up its life.

I admire them all, but this self-destruction brought them huge trouble!

The two battlefields need to replenish a large number of low-level water monsters. One of them also needs a fifth-level large monster. The other battlefields also need to send support.

However, there are not so many low-level water monsters that have been mobilized!

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