Li Zhixuan on the side had already raised the sword in his hand and said: "Brother Ninth has urged me several times to take out the spiritual object quickly!"

In the half-quarter of an hour since Zhen Yunzi was not in the spiritual realm, Li Zhirui had already asked three times!

The reason why he is so urgent is because Li Zhirui underestimated the demonic energy before!

In the beginning, the demonic energy was indeed easy to neutralize and resolve, but as the demonic energy on the surface was dissipated and the accumulated demonic energy deep inside was exposed, the purification laws consumed increased greatly!

If it were in the outside world, Li Zhirui could still gather laws from heaven and earth, but this was in a spiritual realm with healing laws, and there were too few purification laws!

Li Zhirui spent a lot of energy, but he might not be able to gather the ten rays of law.

In view of this, he did not dare to use the Law of Purification to confront the demonic energy head-on. Instead, he tried to find a way to draw them out of his dantian. After no longer gathering a large amount of demonic energy, he immediately activated the Law of Purification to eliminate them.

If you don't do this, the Purification Law will be consumed faster!

But in this way, Daotong will be even more painful.

But Li Zhirui had no better way, so he could only do this.

When Zhen Yunzi heard this, he didn't dare to delay and hurriedly dumped all the spiritual objects on the ground. Five or six gods incarnations took action to destroy the spiritual objects.

After Li Zhirui noticed the rapid growth of the purification laws around him, he immediately dedicated a part of his mind to gather them and merge them into the light group in mid-air.

With the addition of this batch of spiritual objects, Li Zhirui breathed a sigh of relief.

As time passed by, the demonic energy in Daotong's body gradually dissipated. The demonic energy that originally occupied most of his dantian was now only an inch or two in size.

But before Li Zhirui could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw clearly the source of the remaining demonic energy, and his expression suddenly changed. This must be the original demonic seed!

After weighing it in his mind, Li Zhirui mobilized the remaining purification laws and turned it into a white lotus demon-suppressing restraint, temporarily trapping the demon species in it to prevent it from continuing to emit demonic energy and erode Daotong's Dantian.

After some operations, when Li Zhirui regained his consciousness, he had a splitting headache, was so weak that he almost fell to the ground.

"Ninth Brother!"

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Li Zhixuan cast a spell to hold the person up, and asked with a worried look on her face: "Are you okay?"

Li Zhirui shook his head slightly and said: "I have exhausted too much, and I am a little weak. It will take a while to recover."

"Your Excellency, Master Daotong, he..." Zhen Yunzi looked uneasy and asked with a bit of expectation.

"It was not completely cured. I underestimated the power of the demon seed. I could only remove the demonic energy from the Dantian, and the demon seed was temporarily sealed with a restriction."

Even if Li Zhirui wants to persist, in his current state, he might get himself involved.

"This...can you deal with that demon seed?"

"I need more purifying spiritual objects, and I also need to adjust my breath well."

Li Zhirui suddenly said: "By the way! Senior Daotong is old after all, and he needs to rest for a while, otherwise I'm worried that he won't be able to hold on."

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency."

Zhen Yunzi turned around and said to a transformed god: "Junior brother Zhenji, please take your Excellency and uncle out first."

Li Zhirui and Li Zhixuan followed Zhen Jizi out of the spiritual realm, while Zhen Yunzi quickly walked up and carefully checked Daotong's situation.

It was found that Daotong's body was indeed injured, but the mana flowing in his meridians became pure, which shows that Li Zhirui's treatment was indeed effective.

Finally, I took a look at Dantian. I saw a very conspicuous white lotus, sealing a mass of dark evil energy. The evil energy was spreading outward, trying to break through the white lotus's trap.

"Brothers, please take good care of Uncle Daotong. I will report this matter to my uncle and the leader." After saying that, Zhen Yunzi turned into a spiritual light and disappeared. “Are you saying that things have really improved a lot at Tong?”

Seeing Zhen Yunzi nodding, Dafeng asked again: "Did that kid say when he will take action?"

"No, I think his condition is very bad."

Dafeng decisively ordered: "Then collect some more purifying spiritual objects first to prepare for emergencies, and let Daotong recover from his injuries at the same time!"

"If you don't have it in Zhenyi Mountain, just go to other sword veins to change it. For this, I have to trouble the leader to come forward."

The head of the sect said warmly: "Uncle Master is seriously ill. If Uncle Daotong can recover, it will be good for the sect."

What's more, Zhenyi Jianmai took out spiritual objects in exchange, and it wasn't in vain.

With the help of the leader, almost the entire Wanjian Sect's purified spiritual objects gathered on Zhenyi Mountain, and they also paid a huge price, almost emptying out most of the warehouse of Zhenyi Sword Vein.

In order to save Daotong, so many spiritual things were spent, plus the expenses in the previous years, there were already voices of dissatisfaction within Zhenyi Jianmai.

And not only the low-level disciples, but even the transformed gods also have opinions.

Dafeng, who has matured as a man, naturally sees all this. He also knows that if it succeeds, with Daotong's strength, he will be able to successfully ascend by then, and all kinds of dissatisfaction and opinions will naturally disappear.

At the same time, it can also resolve his knot in heart! Perhaps by then his realm will be able to take a step forward, and he will be able to trigger the thunder catastrophe of ascension.

That’s right! The reason why Daotong ended up in this situation was all caused by Dafeng.

At that time, Dafeng was practicing in the void, fighting for a piece of Taibaijin Essence, but unexpectedly it was a trap set by the demon cultivator. He could not escape despite all his efforts. When he was about to fall, Daotong appeared!

At that time, Daotong had just broken through to the late stage of divine transformation. How could he be the opponent of several old demons in the late stage of divine transformation?

That is to say, those demon cultivators were mostly consumed by Dafeng, and another chaotic storm struck, and they were able to escape.

But Daotong has been planted with demon seeds by demon cultivators, but they don't know it.

As Daotong's strength grew, the demon species absorbed a large amount of mana, which was revealed.

But at this time, it was already too late to eliminate the demon seed!

This is also the reason why Da Feng is fully committed to the plan, but Daotong must be treated in everything.

If it fails, Zhenyi Sword Meridian may experience a turmoil!

All intelligent beings have seven emotions and six desires. Those transformed gods use this to cause trouble, just to compete for rights and obtain more spiritual objects.

"I'm not dead yet! I haven't made a move for hundreds of years. Could it be that I have forgotten how sharp the sword in my hand is?!"

You must know that the reason why Dafeng was ambushed by the demonic cultivators back then was because he was jealous of evil. He held a three-foot green blade and killed a large number of demonic cultivators. Several major demonic forces jointly issued the highest wanted order.

Unfortunately, that ambush did not kill Dafeng, but instead completely angered him, and he went to the Western Regions to kill him.

Time goes by, and in the blink of an eye it is a month later.

In fact, it only took Li Zhirui five days to fully recover, but the reason why he has not taken action is because Daotong's condition is not very good and he needs more time to recover.

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