Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 887 Treasure House

For this, Li Zhirui waited for more than a month.

After checking to make sure Daotong was in good health yesterday, we were finally ready to take action.

"Your Excellency," Zhen Yunzi led several fellow disciples and entered the spiritual realm with Li Zhirui.

Of course, Li Zhixuan is also among them.

Li Zhirui originally wanted to say that it would be more convenient and less expensive to treat him outside, but looking at their attitude, he knew that they would not agree, so he would not waste any more words.

"Using money to do things, fellow Taoist, is serious."

Li Zhirui walked up to Daotong and said, "Senior, I am not completely sure of getting rid of that demon seed, but I will definitely try my best."

"Whether it succeeds or not, just do your best, fellow Taoist." Daotong said calmly.

It must be said that Daotong's state of mind is extremely strong, and he can deal with it calmly when faced with the horror of life and death.

Li Zhirui nodded slightly, took a few steps back, and said to Zhen Yunzi and others: "Thank you for your hard work, let's start now."

One by one, the purifying spiritual objects were roughly poured to the ground. For a moment, the treasure light shined brightly, forcing Li Zhirui and others to put away their Dharma Eyes.


As a sound of shattering spiritual objects rang out, it quickly expanded several times and reverberated throughout the entire spiritual realm.

And the purification laws in the spiritual realm became more and more intense. Under Li Zhirui's control, it was like a thick white water flowing directly into Daotong's Dantian.


The water flow rushed towards the demon species. When the law came into contact with the demon species, it was like drizzle touching the fire, constantly being evaporated and disappeared.

But the drizzle fell continuously, washing away the demon seeds.

The already weak demon species was gradually 'extinguished' a little, and the Dantian occupied by the demonic energy further shrank.

Li Zhirui was not satisfied with this result. He remained calm and drove away the demonic seeds like a frog boiled in warm water.

Everything was going very smoothly, but suddenly, something unexpected happened!

The demon species became extremely violent and aggressive, and began to actively attack the law of purification. At the same time, it also emitted strong demonic energy, infecting the nearby Dantian.

Li Zhirui was overjoyed, the trapped beast was still fighting!

If you think about it carefully, you will feel that it is normal. No matter how powerful the demon is, it is still rootless in Daotong's Dantian, especially when the demonic energy in the periphery has been dispelled.

Not to mention that Zhenyi Jianmai spent a lot of purifying spiritual objects for this. The resources consumed twice before and after can be used to pile up many Nascent Soul monks.

But this is really painful for Daotong, the demon seeds are raging in Dantian, and he is the one who suffers! He gritted his teeth and endured the excruciating pain. Except for the cold sweat all over his body, it was impossible to tell how much pain he was suffering.

As time passed bit by bit, offset by a large number of purification laws, the demon species became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely!

"That's it!" Seeing that Zhen Yunzi and others were still destroying spiritual objects, Li Zhirui quickly called for a stop.

"Your Excellency, uncle, he..."

"Fortunately, I live up to my fate!"

"Thank you! If you hadn't taken action... Thank you very much!" Zhen Yunzi was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

Li Zhirui was humble and saw that there were still a lot of purification laws left, so he put them into Daotong's body and helped him solve other problems in his body.

After some operations, Daotong's physical body became a little stronger, and the decaying aura was not so strong.

However, Shouyuan has not changed at all. It does not mean that Shouyuan will recover after the injury is cured.

Therefore, Daotong still only has less than ten years to live, and he must successfully ascend to the upper world within this time, otherwise he will inevitably die. "Let Senior Daotong have a good rest." Although Li Zhirui consumed a lot of energy, he was not as exhausted as the first time.

After the group left the spiritual realm, Zhen Yunzi asked a junior brother to escort Li Zhirui back to his guest cave, and he himself told Uncle Dafeng the good news.

"Okay, okay!" Da Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard the news, and then he was overjoyed, laughing and cheering. As he laughed, the knot that had troubled him for countless years was broken bit by bit.

His whole aura suddenly changed, as if a peerless sword was unsheathed, and the terrifying sword intent soared into the sky, tearing apart the clouds above the nine heavens.

In the next moment, all the momentum and sword intent disappeared without a trace, as if the scene just now was just Zhen Yunzi's illusion.

"That is……"

But how could such momentum and sword intent be concealed from others?

All the successful monks from the huge Wanjian Sect looked over.

"Uncle Grandmaster Dafeng, has your heart been broken?"

On Wanjian Mountain, the headmaster put down the jade slip in his hand and said to himself thoughtfully: "It seems that Uncle Daotong's problem has been solved!"

It can be foreseen that Wanjian Sect will usher in two ascending thunder tribulations in the near future!

If both are successful, it will greatly enhance the reputation and prestige of Wanjian Sect and help recruit disciples.

Even Li Zhirui, who was on the distant Yingke Peak, felt the terrifying power of this sword.

"As expected of a first-class sect in the Central Region! Another great master who has perfected his divine form!" Li Zhirui said with emotion.


"This is my order. Tomorrow you will take Little Friend Li to the inner treasury to select three spiritual objects, and ask him if he has any other requests." Dafeng said warmly.

"Yes!" Zhen Yunzi was stunned for a moment, then bowed in agreement and slowly exited the hall.

At this time, Zhen Yunzi realized that he was covered in cold sweat. His uncle's momentum just now almost engulfed him!

If Zhen Yunzi hadn't become a god after all, and was a swordsman with a tenacious Taoist heart, his Taoist heart would have been shattered when he faced Dafeng's sword intent at close range.

The next morning.

Zhen Yunzi knocked on the door of Li Zhirui's cave.

"Your Excellency, if you have nothing to do today, why don't you go with me to the inner treasury to select spiritual objects?"

Li Zhirui's eyes lit up when he heard this. He didn't expect that the reward would be received so soon!

Although he was not worried about Wan Jian Zong going back on his word, if they deliberately delayed it for a period of time, it would be easy to do so.

Following Zhen Yunzi as he walked quickly inside Wanjian Sect, Li Zhirui had time to admire the scenery on the roadside.


Li Zhirui took a closer look and saw a thick stone door full of restrictions standing in front of him.

Although he didn't sense any monks guarding him nearby, Li Zhirui was sure that once he had the idea of ​​attacking, a large number of transformed gods would jump out in an instant!

And just that stone door brought huge pressure to Li Zhirui.

I saw Zhen Yunzi offering a token, the stone door slowly opened, and the huge space was filled with jade frames.

At a rough glance, each jade frame contains at least a thousand jade boxes.

Li Zhirui calculated in his mind and couldn't help but be surprised. There were at least tens of millions of spiritual objects!

Although there is a jade box blocking it, it is inconvenient for Li Zhirui to use his spiritual consciousness to forcefully detect it, but it is at least a third-level spiritual object.

"Your Excellency, this is just a foreign treasury, please come with me." Zhen Yunzi reminded softly.

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