Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 888 Persistence

Only after Li Zhirui entered the inner treasury did he truly realize what the secret was!

The space of the inner treasury is not much smaller than that of the outer treasury, and even if it is sealed in a jade box, Li Zhirui can still feel the rich treasure light.

"You are free to browse around. Each jade box has a logo and a general introduction in front of it." Zhen Yunzi reminded: "But don't touch the jade box, otherwise the alarm will be triggered."

"I see."

Li Zhirui nodded. He did not look at each one. Instead, he strode through the passages and wrote down the contents of all the signboards with his spiritual consciousness.

Then he walked to the door again, closed his eyes, and began to sift through the spiritual objects.

Only then did Li Zhirui know how many spiritual objects there were in the inner treasury, two thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight! This is a very astonishing number.

Because most of them are fifth-level spiritual objects, and there are also a small number of fourth- and sixth-level spiritual objects!

It is understandable that sixth-order spiritual objects are rare. After all, the Xuanyuan World is just a small world. Normally, sixth-order spiritual objects cannot be produced.

As for why fourth-level spiritual objects are rare, it is because only sufficiently precious and rare fourth-level spiritual objects are eligible to be placed in the inner treasury!

It took Li Zhirui more than an hour to select ten treasures that were beneficial to his cultivation from nearly three thousand spiritual objects.

"Fellow Taoist, can I take a look at those spiritual objects and make a choice?"

Zhen Yunzi thought for a moment and said, "If the quantity is not large, that's fine."

"Tian Xin Mu, Long Zhi, Qing Xin Lian..." Li Zhirui announced ten names in a row and said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry to trouble you, fellow Taoist."


Zhen Yunzi took the ten spiritual objects in his hand through the token and opened them one by one for Li Zhirui to observe at close range.

After weighing the pros and cons, he said: "I want Qing Xin Lian, Zhi Feng Cao and Tian Xin Mu."

Qing Xin Lian and Zhi Feng Cao are both fifth-level spiritual objects, which Li Zhirui prepared to use to deal with internal calamities of wind and fire. Qing Xin Lian can not only guard against Yin Fire, but also make the mind clearer and calmer.

Wind-stopping grass, as its name suggests, can stop the wind and also has a certain weakening effect on the dark wind.

Tianxin wood is also a fifth-level spiritual object, but its effect is more special. After scraping the wood with incense and lighting it, it can make people fall into trance quickly, making the mind as calm as Tianxin, which makes it easier for monks to understand the laws.

However, it is not without its drawbacks. If Tianxin Wood Incense is used for too long, it will cause confusion and gradually lose emotion.

Li Zhirui did not deliberately choose high-level spiritual items. After all, no matter how high-level the spiritual item is, if he cannot use it or the effect is not good, he might as well get the one that suits him best.

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yunzi pushed the jade box that was about to seal the three spiritual objects in front of Li Zhirui, and then used his hand command to lift the restriction, "Fellow Taoist, you can put it away now."

Li Zhirui took advantage of this gap to plant Tianxin wood in the space.

There is another very important reason why he chose Tianxinmu, that is, Tianxinmu still has a chance of survival! Can be farmed.

This is not difficult for Li Zhirui, who has so much space!

In a few hundred years, he would have had a Tianxin tree with lush branches, but now he could only look at the bare branches.

"By the way, you can think about those three conditions when you have time." On the way back, Zhen Yunzi said suddenly.

Li Zhirui said without hesitation: "I have already thought about it. I hope to enter the Sutra Collection Pavilion and redeem three methods from it except those related to the inheritance of your sect."

"I will report it to the head and elders and follow their instructions."

Although Zhen Yunzi is also a god, he is a junior, so naturally he cannot make the decision on this kind of thing. Regarding this, a group of elders also discussed it, some agreed and some refused.

Fortunately, Li Zhirui's replacement was finally agreed to.

So, the day after the treasure house came out, Li Zhirui followed Zhen Yunzi to the Sutra Pavilion.

The Scripture Collection Pavilion of Wanjian Sect is nine stories high and covers an area of ​​three to four acres. There are tens of thousands of jade slips placed inside, which dazzled Li Zhirui.

This time, Li Zhirui was unable to collect and integrate the information on all the jade slips, so he could only start with the method of transforming into gods.

He chose a volume of "Experiences of Cultivation in the Divine Transformation Realm", and the other two volumes were a fifth-level elixir recipe and a magical power that allowed golden light to penetrate the earth.

The elixir recorded in the elixir is called the Five Elements Great Return elixir. It is an elixir with excellent healing effects. Even with just one breath, it can save you!

The reason why Li Zhirui chose it was not because of its powerful healing effect, but because of the possibility of splitting the Five Elements Pill.

After all, the Five Elements Great Rejuvenation Pill requires too many spiritual substances. The main medicine alone requires eight kinds of fifth-level elixirs!

If Li Zhirui could separate it, the potency would definitely be reduced, but the difficulty and cost of refining would also be reduced.

And the golden light that penetrates the ground is a very good escape magic power. It is said that when you practice it to a high level, you can travel thousands of miles in a day.

At this point, except for Li Zhirui's additional request - to watch Daotong transcend the tribulation and ascend, he has nothing to do with Wanjian Sect.

So for the next time, Li Zhirui stayed behind closed doors and practiced hard in the cave.

It wasn't until more than two months later that Zhen Yunzi came here again and knocked on Li Zhirui's door.

"Your Excellency, Uncle Daotong will be going through a tribulation tomorrow, and I invite you to come and observe." Zhen Yunzi still maintained a respectful attitude.

"So fast?"

Li Zhirui was shocked by this speed. He originally thought that Daotong would pass the tribulation after a year and a half, but it has only been more than two months!

He was planning to find an opportunity to propose leaving the Wanjian Sect's mountain gate and go to the nearest fairy city to stay.

Although Li Zhirui is now in Yingke Mountain, it is still inside the Wanjian Sect and is not suitable for long-term living.

Others may not know much about Daotong's physical condition, so how could Li Zhirui, who helped him deal with the demon species, not know?

Because his lifespan is about to end and his body begins to decay, and he has just undergone a treatment, his body is depleted, which will make it more difficult for Daotong to overcome the tribulation.

"Uncle Daotong insists on overcoming the tribulation tomorrow. We have repeatedly tried to persuade him, but he just refuses to change." Zhen Yunzi looked bitter.

Li Zhirui comforted him: "Senior doesn't seem to be a reckless person. Since he dares to set the date for tomorrow, he must be fully confident. Fellow Taoist, don't worry."

"I would like to lend you your kind words!"

Zhen Yunzi was full of worries and didn't want to talk more. He also talked about observing the tribulation tomorrow. Because Li Zhirui had saved Daotong's life, he was positioned very forward and there were no monks blocking his view.

After explaining, leaving a body to lead the way tomorrow, Zhen Yunzi left in a hurry.

Daotong's Ascension Thunder Tribulation was no small matter. The entire Wanjian Sect began to work hard to prevent anyone from sabotaging the Tribulation.

After a night of silence, Zhen Yunzi appeared on time at Mao o'clock the next day and took Li Zhirui to the tribulation site.

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