The appearance of Li Zhirui, an outsider, attracted the attention of many disciples. Especially when they saw him standing at the front and able to observe the Tribulation at close range, there was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

Those elders knew about Li Zhirui, and they nodded with a smile wherever he passed.

"So many people have come before it even started?" Li Zhirui was a little surprised.

Zhen Yunzi smiled and explained, "There has been no ascension in the sect for decades, so everyone is naturally eager."

Li Zhirui suddenly fell silent. It had only been a few decades! In the eyes of Wanjian Sect disciples, it turned out to be very long.

From this sentence, we can also see how profound the foundation of Wanjian Sect is.

In the Central Territory, there are several forces that are almost the same in strength. Counting those forces that are slightly worse, wouldn't there be people in the Central Territory who survive the Ascension Thunder Tribulation every year?

After calculating in his mind, Li Zhirui was surprised. In all his years in the Eastern Territory, he had never heard of the news of ascension!

You must know that the ascending thunder catastrophe is so huge that it can be seen within dozens of miles and hundreds of miles away. There is no way to hide it from anyone.

"It is indeed a place favored by heaven and a place where spiritual wisdom gathers." Li Zhirui said with a smile, referring to Wanjian Sect and the Central Region.

However, Zhen Yunzi didn't think much of it. He only thought that he was praising Wanjian Sect, and he couldn't help but feel a touch of pride on his face.

Everyone didn't wait long before Daotong stepped out.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!"

Daotong saw Li Zhirui at the first sight, flew to him, bowed solemnly, and said: "I was seizing the time to heal my wounds before, and I didn't thank my fellow Taoist immediately, so I came here to make up for it."

"Senior, you are serious!" Li Zhirui was so frightened that he quickly bowed.

In front of tens of thousands of monks from Wanjian Sect, how could he afford such a great gift from a chief true disciple? !

Regardless of whether Li Zhirui really saved Daotong's life, in the eyes of outsiders, he was just a monk in the middle stage of becoming a god.

For a moment, the originally curious gaze became solemn and sharp, all focused on Li Zhirui.

"Haha, Daotong is rude, I hope you can forgive me." Dafeng noticed Li Zhirui's embarrassment and smiled to save him.

"Senior is joking."

With Dafeng's seniority, coming to the rescue really made Li Zhirui feel a lot better.

"Daotong, prepare to go through the tribulation."

"Yes! Master."

Daotong flew back to the top of the mountain and stood proudly in the clouds. After closing his eyes for a moment, his whole body was filled with momentum like a rainbow, soaring into the sky, as if a sharp sword was about to pierce the sky.


There was an explosion in the sky, and the calamity clouds were seen rolling in, swallowing up the spiritual energy for dozens of miles around and strengthening itself. Dark clouds filled the air for more than ten miles, thunder roared, and lightning rushed, like a scene of doomsday.

Even dozens of miles away, where Li Zhirui and other monks were, the sky turned dark and dark.


Only half a quarter of an hour later, the first tribulation thunder was brewing. The huge thunder pillar was like a wild beast, trying to devour Daotong.

I saw Daotong raising the Qingfeng in his hand, and just like swinging a sword in ordinary times, he raised it and slashed, and the sword energy went away and collided with the calamity thunder.

The sword energy that seemed to have no threat at all actually smashed the robbery thunder with ease!

Li Zhirui was astonished in his heart. The sound was loud and the elephant was invisible. Daotong's swordsmanship had probably already reached its peak!

'Is this the ability of Daotong alone, or do all those who ascended from the Wanjian Sect have such methods? '

Li Zhirui saw the surprise on the faces of Zhen Yunzi and others with his peripheral vision, and realized that it was probably the former. But think about how Daotong has been tortured by demonic energy for hundreds of years, and his will has been tempered like gold. He can't practice. He can only understand the laws and swordsmanship, and he has developed such a skill.

If other monks can do it easily, then what does the suffering that Daotong has suffered over the years count?

What do you mean by the proud man of heaven? Daotong is the chief successor of Wanjian Sect, how could his qualifications be so bad!

Thousands of thoughts, but only a moment of reality.

The next few tribulation thunders were all shattered very easily by Daotong. Simply speaking, this did not seem to be an ascending thunder tribulation.

The monks who were watching all had shocked expressions on their faces, more or less.

"Is this really the Ascension Thunder Tribulation?" A golden elixir disciple asked the question that arose in everyone's mind.

He had to pay a big price to overcome the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation. How could the Ascension Thunder Tribulation, which was dozens or hundreds of times more intense, look so easy?

Of course, he also knows that this is a human problem.

"so amazing!"

In Daotong, Li Zhirui did not notice at all that the difficulty of overcoming the tribulation was greatly increased after the body decayed, which simply went against common sense.


Before anyone could react, it was already the last two thunderbolts.

Daotong treated him seriously for the first time, but the sword in his hand was still simple and unpretentious, without showing off any skills, just a simple downward slash.

The sword energy collided with the tribulation thunder, and the tribulation thunder was no longer easily cut off. The lightning splashed everywhere, like colorful fireworks, and disappeared as quickly as the fireworks.

The last tribulation thunder brewed for a full quarter of an hour. When the tribulation thunder fell, a big hole seemed to open in the sky, and the thunder poured down, forming a thunder tribulation waterfall.

Daotong's eyes shone brightly, and he seemed to have met an opponent. His whole body became excited, and the sword in his hand shone brightly, but it emitted a seemingly ordinary sword aura.

The sword energy of only three feet flew away and was swallowed up by the waterfall in an instant, but Daotong turned his hand and put the sword back.

The next moment, under the surprised eyes of everyone, the waterfall roared and turned into thunder and spread out in all directions.

After the dazzling thunder light dissipated, those low-level monks saw a sword energy exuding a terrifying aura in the sky!


The crowd erupted into an overwhelming roar of surprise and cheers.

Li Zhirui looked at the sword energy with a solemn expression. He realized that if he faced this sword energy, there would be no possibility of survival except hiding in space!

One sword can kill an Avatar!

And judging from Daotong's state, this may not be his final trump card, but a killing move that can be performed one after another!


Li Zhirui murmured: "Why haven't you seen the inner demon come yet?"

If there are no inner demons, it will not be considered as successfully surviving the thunder tribulation.

"Since you refuse to show up, then just go and die!" Daotong said coldly, and saw him using his fingers as swords, slashing out several sword energy and flying towards somewhere in the void.

The sword energy intertwined into a sword net, trapping a mass of black energy within it.

And this is the inner demon that should have hindered Daotong!

The sword net closed towards the inside, and the inner demon wailed and struggled and turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared.

"Can you still overcome the inner demon tribulation like this?" Li Zhirui watched this thunder tribulation, it was really an eye-opener!

The inner demon is actually afraid! He didn't dare to show up, but unfortunately he still had to die in the end.

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