After Daotong successfully survived the thunder catastrophe of ascension, a spiritual light fell from the sky.

In an instant, immortal energy filled the air, flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and a mysterious and mysterious Tai Chi Golden Bridge connecting the two worlds appeared at the foot of Daotong.

Daotong raised his feet and walked forward, flying upwards following the light from the sky.

Just when Daotong walked to the middle of the golden bridge, two spiritual lights flew out of his hands, one fell into Li Zhirui's hand and the other fell into Dafeng's hand.

"Fellow Taoist, please accept this gift of thanks and don't refuse it."

Daotong's hearty laughter rang in the air, "Fellow Taoist, see you in the upper world in the future!"

The laughter echoed and lingered for a long time.

The surrounding god-transforming monks looked at the jade slip in Li Zhirui's hand with curious eyes, guessing what content was engraved inside.

"Since it's a thank you gift from Daotong, I just accept it." Dafeng joked, "I just want to refuse, but now I can't find anyone from Daotong."

With Dafeng's words, no one else could ask for the jade slips in Li Zhirui's hands.

"Then it's better for me to be respectful than obey my orders!" Li Zhirui bowed slightly, turned his hand and put the jade slip away.

The thunder tribulation dissipated, and everyone naturally left one after another.

Li Zhirui went to Zhen Yunzi and said, "Please help me, fellow Taoist, to send me out of the mountain gate. I have been away from home for many days, so I have to rush back as soon as possible."

"Your Excellency has just observed the Thunder Tribulation. It is better to stay in the sect for a while to digest it before leaving." Zhen Yunzi advised.

But Li Zhirui had made up his mind, so Zhen Yunzi had no choice but to take him away.

In fact, as Zhen Yunzi said, after observing this thunder tribulation, Li Zhirui not only gained a clear and clear understanding of the ascension thunder tribulation, but also gained some cultivation gains, which should be digested as soon as possible.

But he stayed in Wanjian Sect for too long! Especially with the thank you gift given by Daotong in front of everyone, it will definitely arouse the covetousness of a group of people.

Even if Dafeng opens his mouth, he can't resist everyone's greed!

If a conflict breaks out between the two sides, there is no doubt that Wanjian Sect will not side with Li Zhirui.

Therefore, while the relationship between the two parties is still good and before there is a stalemate, leave as soon as possible in order to maintain a good relationship.

As for insights? With space in hand, after Li Zhirui left the gate of Wanjian Sect, he could just find a deserted place and enter the space to comprehend.

"Brother Ninth, have a nice trip!"

Li Zhixuan was a little reluctant to give up, but not too sentimental. As a monk, it is normal to gather less and stay away more.

"Practice well! Keep a good Taoist mind!"

A jade box suddenly appeared in Li Zhirui's hand and was delivered to Li Zhixuan, "These are some treasure pills I refined."

But the secret message said: "This is a specially made spirit-sealing jade box that can preserve spiritual objects for a long time. There are three white lotus seeds in it that I have repeatedly refined using the purification rules. It should be able to help you resolve some evil spirits." '

The genuine sealing spirit jade box is too big and conspicuous. This is what Jiang Fengwu realized based on the restrictions of the jade box after breaking through to become a god. Although the effect is not as good as the original one, it is much better than the ordinary jade box.

'Another point! Try not to choose the five realms of chaos when ascending! After Daqing's previous breakthrough, his newly awakened bloodline inheritance told him that wars in the Five Hun Realms were frequent, and the monks were not the strongest! '

Of course, if Wanjian Sect established a sect in Wuhun Realm, after Li Zhixuan ascended, he would be protected by his master and sect, so he would not be so dangerous. 'I got it. '

After almost all the monks from all forces ascended, they were unable to contact their original sects. Even the life cards left behind before would become ineffective due to the barrier between the two worlds.

Therefore, even a large force like Wanjian Sect does not have much information about the Five Hun Realm.

The Li family knows this all because of the bloodline inheritance awakened by the contracted spirit beasts. This is the only aspect in which the Li family is ahead of other major forces.

However, this is not stable, because the bloodline of the spirit beast is too complicated, and it is unknown how many ancestors there are, so except for the most basic ones, such as practicing exercises, other inheritances are random.

Just like after Xiaoqing and Xiaocang broke through to the fifth level, they didn't know the news about Wuhun Realm at all.

After bidding farewell to Li Zhixuan and Zhen Yunzi, Li Zhirui flew to a remote mountain forest and used his spiritual consciousness to investigate to make sure no one was nearby. He immediately entered the space and began to comprehend the ascension thunder tribulation.

Time passed quickly, and several months passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Zhirui slowly opened his eyes, his breath slightly improved. In addition, he also had an understanding of the intensity of the thunder tribulation, so that he could be prepared in advance when he overcame the tribulation in the future.

"I wonder what kind of gift Daotong gave me."

Li Zhirui took out the jade slip with some anticipation, probed into it with his spiritual consciousness, and then became obsessed with it. Ashen walked up to him without even noticing.

After a long time, Li Zhirui woke up from the jade slip and sighed quietly: "What a precious gift of thanks."

In the jade slips, there are tips on how to easily survive the internal calamity of wind and fire, the experience of cultivating gods, and the final insights into overcoming the calamity and ascension!

If such a jade slip were placed in the outside world, all the monks would go crazy!

And with this precious jade slip, Li Zhirui's confidence in ascending has increased by at least 20%!

"Brother Ninth! After so many years, why hasn't that Kirin egg hatched yet?" Ashen complained, "You'd better take him out of space."

I don’t know what happened, but the Kirin Egg has become very active recently, and it can also control the spiritual energy to carry him around.

The space was so disturbed that he messed up the elixirs he had just planted and had to replant them later. This increased Ashen's workload and he really couldn't bear it!

After hearing Ashen's long list of complaints, Li Zhirui's heart moved and he asked, "Is it about to hatch?"

With this thought in mind, he flew to the place where the unicorn eggs were placed and asked, "Are you going to be born soon?"

"It should be, I feel it vaguely."

Li Zhirui was overjoyed when he heard this. After waiting for so many years, it was finally here. He thought it would take thousands of years to hatch.

Although after hatching, you still have to start from the first level to improve, but with Qilin's heels, the cultivation speed is probably as fast as a rocket.

Of course, Li Zhirui will not allow this situation to happen. He will suppress Qilin and help him lay a good foundation.

The foundation determines the upper level!

If you don’t pay attention to the basics, it will be too late to regret it later.

"Don't go around wreaking havoc, otherwise you'll anger Ashen and lock you up. I won't let you out," Li Zhirui reminded.

After so many years of training, Ashen has already become a third-level demon spirit. Although the Qilin bloodline is extremely high, it is just an egg now. Even after it hatches, it will only be at the first level. It is easy for Ashen to deal with him!

"I know." Little Qilin responded nonchalantly.

Li Zhirui shook his head and didn't listen at first glance.

However, he didn't want to say more. After all, no matter how much he said, it would be better to experience it in person and be more impressed.

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