Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 891 Spirit Seed

as predicted.

Ah Jian Li Zhirui did not interfere in this matter. When the little Qilin destroyed the spiritual seed he had just planted, he used a spell to hang him up on a branch. He did not put the little Qilin down for several days.

At this time, Li Zhirui had already left the secret realm and embarked on the journey back to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Because he was not in a hurry to go back, Li Zhirui was not in a hurry, but walked between heaven and earth with the attitude of traveling and appreciating the scenery.

Perhaps because of his different cultivation and improved vision, Li Zhirui had a deeper understanding of the Central Territory.

The reason why the Central Territory is far superior to the other domains is not only because of the rich spiritual energy, but also a strange energy similar to merit that permeates every corner of the Central Territory.

"what is this?"

Li Zhirui was curious, but he couldn't touch them and could only 'see' their existence with his spiritual consciousness.

If he could analyze and copy this energy, maybe Ten Thousand Immortals Island could rival the Central Territory, which would be of great benefit to Li Zhirui and the development of the Li family.

After thinking hard, he still couldn't find any thoughts. Li Zhirui had no choice but to keep it in his heart. Maybe he could find out the truth after his cultivation level improved in the future.

Along the way, Li Zhirui walked and stopped, as if he were really like a talented man in the world, admiring the beautiful scenery everywhere.

In the process, he continued to understand the jade slips given by Daotong and the cultivation experience of the Wanjian Sect exchange, and absorbed the essence that was beneficial to himself.

Although he is not in a spiritual realm where the law of purification is strong, and his cultivation speed is far slower than before, Li Zhirui's realm is slowly but surely improving.


On this day, Li Zhirui came to a huge fairy city.

The city gates are tall and thick, the city is majestic, and the avenue outside the city is full of people, including mortals and monks. The two are mixed together, and it looks very lively, indicating that something big is about to happen here.

Li Zhirui was curious and condensed his aura into a small Qi practitioner, and lined up at the end of the queue.

"I dare to ask the old man, what is going on? There are so many mortals and monks gathered here." Li Zhirui asked the old man in front of him with curiosity.

"Is the Immortal from out of town?"

The old man was not worried about Li Zhirui's identity, and his attitude was respectful but not humble. He said with full force: "Tomorrow is the annual spirit testing conference in Qiudao Immortal City. We mortals will either bring our juniors to come here to test spirits, or come here to It’s fun to watch.”

As expected of the Central Territory, the nearby mortals came to participate in the spirit testing. How could other places dare to do this? I'm afraid that most of those mortals would be devoured and kidnapped by monsters and demon cultivators halfway through.

"As for those immortals, they took this opportunity to exchange their favors. I don't know exactly what happened."

"That's it! Thank you, old man, for informing me." Li Zhirui suddenly understood. After thanking him, he quietly lined up at the end of the line and walked forward with the flow of people.

Despite the long queue, they entered the city very quickly. Within a moment, Li Zhirui entered the city. When he was outside, he felt that the city was huge. When he came in personally, Li Zhirui realized that he might have underestimated the area of ​​the city.

After casually walking around the city, Li Zhirui found the gathering place of the monks - behind a huge square that could accommodate hundreds of thousands.

While passing by the square, Li Zhirui saw several monks checking a formation, which should be testing spiritual roots for mortals.

Walking into it, you will find that the monk's territory is also very lively, with the sounds of selling and bargaining everywhere.

It's just that there is a formation blocking it, so that mortals can't see or hear what's happening here.

"Fellow Taoist, I have several second-level spiritual seeds in my hand. They are all good things. When they mature, they can definitely be sold at a high price. Large quantities are discounted. With only ten spiritual stones, you can take away a hundred. Spiritual seed!”

The stall owner who was nearest saw Li Zhirui's eyes looking around and his cultivation level, which was only in the middle stage of Qi training. He knew at a glance that this was a newcomer and quickly spoke out to attract his attention.

After all, this kind of newcomer is the easiest to deceive.

Li Zhirui naturally saw the stall owner's trick, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he walked forward pretending to be innocent and asked: "Senior, are these really second-level spiritual seeds of yours? Can I pick them up and take a look? ?”

"Of course!" The stall owner didn't worry at all that he would be exposed. This was a spiritual seed he had carefully forged. As a young Qi practitioner, it was impossible for him to see through it. He immediately handed over a small bag of spiritual seeds.

But who would have thought that this was an old monster who transformed into a god? And he is also a fifth-level alchemy master.

Without even picking it up, Li Zhirui could easily tell that these were all the most common alfalfa seeds. These were not even first-order spiritual objects. They only contained some spiritual energy and were eaten as snacks by Huang Lingniu and other carnivorous first-order spiritual beasts.

This small bag only contains one spiritual stone at most!


Li Zhirui subconsciously used his spiritual sense to explore it - as a monk, using his spiritual sense has long been embedded in his blood and has become an instinct - and found a somewhat strange seed.

It seemed that the vitality was bleak and it would soon turn into a dead seed, but Li Zhirui was keenly aware that the surrounding spiritual energy could not meet the needs of the spiritual seed, so that the vitality continued to flow away, and it finally became like this.

'Even the rich spiritual energy in the Central Realm can't satisfy a single spiritual seed? '

You know, the spiritual energy in the ordinary realm of the Central Region is comparable to the second and third level spiritual veins!

Even a fourth-level spiritual creature can barely survive, let alone a mediocre 'grass seed'?

With a thought in his mind, he put the seed into the space, then randomly picked up ten grass seeds, put down a spiritual stone, and decisively turned around and left.

"Hey, fellow Taoist! Why don't you take a look again?" There was a hint of surprise in the stall owner's eyes, and he put the spirit stone away quickly. When he raised his head to call someone, Li Zhirui had already blended into the crowd and disappeared.

The reason why Li Zhirui was so anxious to leave was because he discovered that the moment the spiritual seed was placed in the space, a storm of spiritual energy was set off!

The dense and substantial spiritual energy in the space came from all directions and was constantly absorbed by this seemingly inconspicuous spiritual seed, no bigger than a grain of rice.

After Li Zhirui rented the inn and entered the space in person, he was keenly aware that the spiritual energy in the space was thinned by 10%!

You know, since Li Zhirui broke through to become a god, the spiritual energy in the space is comparable to the fifth-level top-grade spiritual veins!

But in front of this spiritual seed, in less than a quarter of an hour, it was absorbed by a full 10% of the spiritual energy!

Fortunately, the spiritual seed seems to be satisfied and no longer swallows the spiritual energy and falls from the sky.

Before falling into the spiritual soil, Li Zhirui moved the spiritual seeds to a large mountain. The mountains were planted with common low-level spiritual objects. He didn't feel bad if they were destroyed.

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