After the space returned to calm, Ashen approached cautiously, with a touch of fear on his face, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Jiu, what is this? How can it be so scary?!"

Li Zhirui glanced at A Shen thoughtfully. You must know that in front of the eighth-grade unicorn, A Shen did not feel a trace of blood suppression, but he was afraid of this mortal spiritual species.

After thinking for a while, he said: "It should be a very high-grade spiritual seed. As for what kind of spiritual object it is, I don't know very well."

"But if nothing unexpected happens, its origin should be the same as that of the little Qilin Amu. It comes from outside the world, not the spiritual seed bred in the Xuanyuan world."

Since none of the spiritual seeds have fully recovered their vitality, Li Zhirui cannot accurately judge their grade, but they are all at least seventh grade!

"Ashen, please help me take care of this spiritual seed."

Seeing that Ashen was still shrinking, Li Zhirui said funnyly: "Don't worry, there won't be such a big noise again."

"By the way, where's Amu?"

Amu, who has always been lively and active, has not been seen until now, and there is obviously something wrong with him.

"I tied him up. Teach him a lesson so that he won't destroy the spiritual seed in the first place." Ashen said with a hint of resentment.

"Well, he should indeed be taught a lesson."

Li Zhirui warned: "You must be optimistic about this spiritual seed and don't let Amu destroy it."

"Don't worry!" Ashen promised, patting his chest.

Li Zhirui was secretly amused. If you bully Amu now, after he is born, his cultivation will surpass yours, and then there will be fun.

This is not impossible!

Although Ashen is now a third-level spiritual beast and Amu has not yet been born, he is an eighth-level unicorn! It is a real thing that you will make great strides with each passing day as you practice.

However, Li Zhirui did not remind Ashen that there was a competitor who could 'compete' with each other and could better improve their cultivation.


Li Zhirui practiced in space for one night.

Early the next morning, he followed everyone to the Soul Detection Square. He wanted to see how big the gap in qualifications was between the mortals in the Central Region and the secular people of the Li family.

Maybe it was because the time had not yet arrived and the square was noisy.

The monks discussed how many monks would appear in this spirit testing meeting and what their qualifications were; the mortals prayed to various gods and immortals, hoping that their children would have spiritual roots and become a monk seeking immortality.

But both sides of the road leading to the avenue were piled with countless corpses. Maybe they would die in an unknown corner at some point.

If this was the outcome, would these mortals still be so eager to expect their children to become monks?

Li Zhirui, standing in the crowd, seemed to be in two different worlds from them, watching everything happening in front of him indifferently.


At some point, a bell rang over the square, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Hundreds of monks came here on spirit ships. Most of them were golden elixir cultivators. Only the leading dozen or so were Nascent Soul.

It can also be seen from the clothes worn by everyone that they belong to different sects.

Generally speaking, the Immortal Cultivating Family will not recruit children who have just discovered their spirits, but will recruit grown-up guests and retainers.

Then the monks separated and set up signs of their sects around the square. Li Zhirui glanced at it and found that these were all sects within a hundred thousand miles of the Immortal City. There were the God Transformation Sect as powerful as the Tianhua Mountain Sect, and the Jindan Sect as weak as the Sanxing Sect.

On the surface, there are no sects or families in the Central Region that only build foundations and practice Qi, so they are not qualified to participate in such a spiritual testing conference that openly recruits disciples.

As for how they increase their disciples? Either pick up children with extremely poor qualifications that are not wanted by each sect, or go to a mortal village in advance to test spirits and bring the children back to the sect.

However, the latter carries certain risks, and if discovered, you will be punished.


Five people from more than a dozen sects walked out and stepped forward to activate the spirit detection array.

"In the 13,852nd year of the Immortal Calendar, the Spiritual Testing Conference in the Immortal City of Seeking the Dao has officially begun!"

With a loud shout, tens of thousands of school-age children walked into the formation.

Li Zhirui's eyes flashed with surprise. He could actually test whether more than 10,000 children have spiritual roots at one time? He secretly thought: 'After I go back, I can let Feng Wu think about it and reduce the time for the family to detect spirits. '


The formation began to rotate, and the streams of light transformed by various spiritual energies wandered in the inner space, like a world of colors, extremely gorgeous.

Almost as soon as the streamer appeared, a child's head lit up with a spiritual light.

Li Zhirui's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Tianlinggen!"

This caused the monks on the side to look over, their eyes seeming to tell where this bumpkin came from.

It is not difficult to see from their reactions that although Tianling roots are rare, they are definitely not very rare. Maybe there will be several of them in every spirit testing conference.

Li Zhirui immediately thought of the Li family. Over the years, tens of thousands of monks have been born in the family, but so far, only Li Mingyao has a heavenly spirit root!

Soon, the spiritual root test was completed. Li Zhirui scanned it with his powerful spiritual consciousness and came up with a number that shocked him.

One thousand and thirty-seven people!

In other words, in the Central Realm, the proportion of mortals with spiritual roots is as high as one tenth!

And how old is the Li family? Even if both parents are monks, the proportion of their children with spiritual roots is not as high!

These are just mortals in the Central Realm. If they were the children of those monks, to what extent would the ratio of their spiritual roots be exaggerated?

Thinking of this, Li Zhirui sighed in his heart: "No wonder the Central Territory has been able to prosper so long. With such an exaggerated spiritual root ratio, hundreds of thousands of monks are born every year."

In the next few rounds of spirit testing, the ratio of spiritual roots was about 10%, and several heavenly spiritual roots also appeared.

Li Zhirui had calmed down about such a result, but he kept deducing in his mind the reason why the mortals in the Central Realm had such an amazing spiritual root ratio.

Unfortunately, the knowledge in this area is too profound, and Li Zhirui has never thought about it before. How could he have a clue now in a hurry?

The preliminary test of spiritual roots is completed, and then the children can freely choose the sect to join according to their own qualifications.

Of course, sects also have conditions. For example, Tianhua Mountain requires at least three spiritual roots. Even if the qualifications are met, there will be several rounds of tests in the future. Only those who pass all the tests can join.

However, for those children with Tianlinggen, various sects will definitely relax the conditions for them. If they choose Yuanying or Jindan sect, they may be tested to see if they are not undercover agents sent by other sects, and then they can be accepted directly under the sect.

As for whether any sect would be willing to use Tianlinggen as an undercover agent, that is another matter.

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