Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 893 Understanding

A spirit testing conference opened Li Zhirui's eyes, especially when Tianhua Mountain rejected a child with Tianling roots, which shocked him even more.

Li Zhirui had no way of knowing the specific reason. He only knew that the child failed to pass one of the tests, and then Tianhua Mountain rejected him without hesitation. Finally, he was accepted by a newly promoted Huashen Sect.

According to Li Zhirui's understanding of the Central Territory, looking at the entire Central Territory, Tianhua Mountain is actually not ranked high.

But it was such a force that rejected a Tianlinggen, a child who was destined to become a Nascent Soul.

Li Zhirui couldn't help but think of Wanjian Sect. Although they had many disciples, their recruitment threshold was definitely higher than Tianhua Mountain.

From this point, we can also see how many excellent seeds for cultivating immortals there are in the Central Territory!

As for Li Zhixuan, who joined the Wanjian Sect halfway, it was because the Sword of Killing vein was inherently special, and there were very few monks who practiced the Sword of Killing without any influence on their Taoist hearts.

Even so, Li Zhixuan's official admission into the Wanjian Sect had to go through some assessments and tests.

Originally, Li Zhirui thought that the Li family could still develop very well in the Eastern Region and Ten Thousand Immortals Island, but now it seems that he thought too simply.

In the Eastern Region, no matter how the Li family develops, they will never be able to surpass the big forces in the Central Region.

Just look at this spirit testing conference and you will know that the Li family has only given birth to one heavenly spirit root in so many years, but in the Central Territory, there will be several heavenly spirit roots in any spirit testing conference!

And how many spirit testing conferences are held in the Central Territory every year? At least fifty games!

This doesn’t even count the children from the Immortal Cultivation Clan in the Central Territory!

The starting points are completely different, so how can they be compared?

From this, Li Zhirui came up with the idea of ​​moving the Li family to the Central Territory.

As the saying goes, if you can't beat it, join it!

If the Li family can establish a firm foothold in the Central Territory, will the clan members born in the future have such excellent qualifications?

But the problem is that there is no room for other forces to develop in the Central Territory now!

As powerful as the Sword Sect, this sect that can compete with the Ten Thousand Swords Sect in the way of swordsmanship is still in the Eastern Region.

Didn't they notice this? How can it be!

Then why doesn't Jian Zong come? Don't you want to?

If we only talk about strength, Jian Zong can sweep away 70% to 80% of the forces in the Central Region, and can easily grab a large piece of territory from them.

But why not?

Because after beating the younger one, the older one came! Standing behind the small forces in the Central Territory are forces no weaker than the Sword Sect!

The layers are connected with each other, forming a big net. Even if they are as strong as the Sword Sect, they cannot break free from this big net.


Thinking of this, Li Zhirui sighed heavily.

Shaking his head and putting aside these unrealistic fantasies, Li Zhirui felt that it would be more reliable to increase the intensity of spiritual energy on Ten Thousand Immortals Island.


Wanxian Island, inside the cave on the left side of the top of Wanxian Mountain.

"How can we unite the heaven and the earth and see the sea of ​​laws?" Li Chengsheng said to himself, his eyes full of thoughts.

"My father took the Great Dream Fruit, reincarnated countless times in the dream, and finally broke through to become a god in one fell swoop. My mother wandered around the mortal world, entered the Tao in the way of a mortal, and walked towards the transformation of a god step by step..."

As for the former, Li Chengsheng doesn't have the conditions. The Great Fantasy Dream Fruit can only be encountered but cannot be obtained. I'm afraid he will never have the chance to get one again in his life.

the latter……

Li Chengsheng frowned. Logically speaking, this was the most suitable thing for him. After all, years of wars had made him take a step forward, but it would take a lot of time to achieve a breakthrough.

But Li Chengsheng was a little greedy. He wanted to make a breakthrough as soon as possible and was unwilling to spend tens or hundreds of years to travel around the world and understand the great road.

"Why did I forget this!" Li Chengsheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he turned over his hand and took out the sun gem.

There is a trace of real sun and fire wrapped in it! Will the law of the sun be missing from the true fire of the sun?

Li Chengsheng doesn't need to follow the path his parents took, he just needs to directly understand the Sun Gem!

He really has a treasure in his hands and doesn’t even know it!

With a sigh in his heart, he put away all kinds of thoughts, calmed down his mind, and began to seriously understand the laws of gems.

The law of the sun includes the scorching heat of the sun, the warmth of the wind and the sun, the fire that burns everything, and the sunshine that brings vitality to all things...

This is an all-encompassing law, vast and vast.

Li Chengsheng knew that with his current cultivation level, he could not comprehend the complete law of the sun, because he might not be able to comprehend anything in his entire life.

You can only selectively understand part of it, master these first, and then as your cultivation level increases, you can gradually improve your mastery of the law of the sun.

After Li Zhirui's careful consideration, he chose the part of the law that represented the most rigid and yang.

The reason for making this choice is that it has very good killing power, especially it has a strong restraint effect on evil things.

After determining the direction, Li Chengsheng began to devote himself wholeheartedly to understanding the rules.


Li Chengsheng is working hard to find a shortcut to break through to become a god, but Li Chengshuo on the other side is worried about how to touch the threshold of becoming a god.

"How can we find a way to break through the shackles?"

That's right! Li Chengshuo encountered a cultivation bottleneck!

Li Chengsheng was lucky enough to break through the bottleneck due to the war, but Li Chengshuo was not so lucky, and now that the war was over, she could only rely on herself.

"You can't be one step behind big brother, right?" Li Chengshuo has always wanted to surpass Li Chengsheng, but unfortunately, so far, she has never defeated Li Chengsheng.

Retreat? It might work, but I don't know how long it will take.

Then the only way left is to travel.

Li Chengshuo's hesitant expression gradually became determined. Even though Li Chengsheng clearly had the advantage, she still never thought of giving up the idea of ​​surpassing him!

And this is also the reason why Li Chengshuo gave up seclusion in the family and directly chose to go out for training.

After all, the former may take a long time. In most cases, it is impossible to catch up with Li Chengsheng who was first.

So Li Chengshuo could only find another way, maybe he could overtake in a corner!

After making up her mind, she never wavered again. She spent some time in her family preparing the spiritual objects needed for the trip, then went to see Jiang Fengwu and report.

As a mother, Jiang Fengwu obviously understood Li Chengshuo's thoughts very well. He looked at her for a moment, sighed inaudibly, and said, "Since you want to do it, then go ahead and do it."

"This is a fifth-level offensive and defensive formation, please accept it."

Li Chengshuo is also an formation mage. Although he is not as talented as Jiang Fengwu, he is still a fourth-level formation mage. He can easily arrange the fifth-level formation engraved in the formation flag.

And with this grand formation, Jiang Fengwu can feel more at ease.

Unless the Avatar takes action personally, or dozens of Nascent Souls surround it, it will be difficult to break this formation. (End of chapter)

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