Li Chengshuo left Ten Thousand Immortals Island the next day, taking the spirit beast with him and not knowing where he was going.

"I hope this won't become Shuo'er's obsession." Jiang Fengwu murmured with a worried look on his face.

It is a good thing to have a goal to chase, but if you pay too much attention to it, it may cause a catastrophe for the monks.

Jiang Fengwu didn't want Li Chengshuo to go to that point.

"Cheng Shuo, where are we going?" Yue Jiao asked curiously.

Li Chengshuo may be unlucky and has never met a suitable spirit beast. Of course, this is mainly because she has too high a vision and looks down on Taiyin spirit beasts below the fourth grade.

So so far, Li Chengshuo has only contracted with two spiritual beasts, Yue Jiao and Xiao Yue, who initially accompanied her.

"Let's go to the Central Territory, the center of the Xuanyuan Realm." Li Chengshuo had already thought of the destination for his training.

But she did not meet Li Zhirui on the way back.

Not long after, Li Zhirui returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

The first thing he did was to summon Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and others to come over and distribute the two copies of his cultivation insights that he had copied on the road, one to each person.

As for Daotong's understanding of overcoming tribulations, wind and fire inner tribulations, etc., Li Zhirui did not include them.

It's not that there are any restrictions, but that these things are still a bit far away for them, and letting them know too early is not a good thing.

Moreover, Li Zhirui planned to put the complete original jade slips into the Scripture Collection Pavilion, so that when they need it in the future, they can look through it themselves.

"Brother Ninth, you have gained so much from this trip!" Xiao Qing said with emotion in her eyes.

"That senior has a respected status, and he even successfully ascended!"

With that said, Li Zhirui took out an image stone from the storage ring and put a little spiritual energy into it to activate it.

"This is……"

"Senior Daotong's video of overcoming the tribulation and ascending to the sky, please watch carefully and attentively." Li Zhirui interrupted their words and reminded them.

Although the photo stone can only record the scene and cannot record the aura of the thunder disaster, it is not without some use to Jiang Fengwu and the others.

At least it can let them know how terrifying the thunder disaster is.

But it's a pity that Li Zhirui's idea failed!

Because in the picture, the process of Daotong overcoming the tribulation is extremely easy, and it is a simple success, and there is no challenge at all.

On the contrary, it gave Jiang Fengwu and others the feeling that this was nothing more than that.

"Brother Ninth, why is it so easy to ascend to the Thunder Tribulation?" Xiao Qing asked in disbelief.

Li Zhirui rubbed his brows in distress and said with a wry smile, "I made a mistake."

Then his expression became solemn, and he said extremely seriously: "The reason why you think it is easy is because this senior is so strong. His swordsmanship level...can really be crowned the best swordsman in the world."

After hundreds of years of being tortured by demonic energy day and night, you are still able to comprehend and improve your swordsmanship. What an amazing will you have!

It's a pity that they couldn't see it with their own eyes and understand Li Zhirui's original shock.

"That's all, you should forget those scenes just now."

After saying that, he put the image stone away and did not plan to take it out again in the future.

Jiang Fengwu and others looked at each other in confusion, and while chatting, they talked about Li Chengshuo's outing for training.

"What do you think should be done if Shuoer becomes obsessed with it?" Jiang Fengwu was still worried that this would happen.

"Don't worry, Shuo'er won't do it." Li Zhirui was still very confident in Li Chengshuo, and then asked about Li Chengsheng's situation.

"I don't know. He has been in seclusion in the cave and has never come out." Li Zhirui thought thoughtfully and said with a smile, "Maybe Sheng'er has found a way to cross the gate of transformation."

But Jiang Fengwu and others didn't really believe it, because they had all come here personally and knew how difficult it was to break through to become a god. How could Li Chengsheng take this step so quickly?

Several people were busy practicing, especially after receiving two cultivation insights, so they didn't chat for too long before they dispersed.


There is no calendar day in the mountains, and the year is unknown in the cold weather.

Time flies by and it is ten years later.

some day.

Qilin Egg, which had been very active for more than ten years, suddenly became quiet. This frightened Ashen, who was used to Amu's noisy behavior, and panicked, thinking that something was wrong with Amu.

When I took a closer look, I realized that it was about to be born!

Ashen hurriedly used a secret method to tell Li Zhirui about the incident through his soul.

Li Zhirui, who was refining the purifying elixir, immediately gave up on the precious fifth-level elixir after learning about it. He ducked into the space and stood by personally, fearing that something would go wrong when Amu was born.

Although it stands to reason that Amu has been gestating in the Kirin egg for such a long time and has been very active long ago, so there should be no problems.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected!

If there is any accident, Li Zhirui can handle it as soon as possible.


I don’t know how long it took, but with the first sound of shell breaking, Amu broke the thick egg shell with some difficulty.

Then, as if it accelerated, Amu's entire body soon appeared in front of Li Zhirui and Ashen.

It has antlers, a lion's head, a tiger's eyes, a wolf's hoof, an ox's tail, and is covered in scales, as if there is green light flowing around it. It is almost no different from the legendary unicorn!

It's just that the body is a little smaller, only two feet in size.

Li Zhirui didn't sigh for too long. He strode forward and signed a contract with Amu without hesitation.

After a while, the contract was established.

From then on, Li Zhirui and Amu were closely related and closely bound together!


Daqing and others outside all felt it, and then they remembered the eighth-grade unicorn egg in the space.


A few more years passed.

Li Mingzi, the outstanding female patriarch, is handing over the power in her hands to the next patriarch selected by the clan members - Li Xiansong!

He also comes from a secular clan, not from a certain faction.

It seems that starting from the previous patriarch Li Darong, this has become a default condition for serving as the patriarch.

However, after Li Zhirui's previous suppression, Li Mingzi's decades of differentiation and weakening, the strength of the factions within the Li family was not as strong as before.

Moreover, Li Xiansong also has one of the biggest characteristics, or advantages, that is, he is a Nascent Soul monk! The first Yuanying clan leader of the Li family!

In fact, now that the Li family has developed to this extent, it is no longer possible for a Jindan monk to serve as the patriarch who represents the family's image externally.

And Li Xiansong just broke through to Nascent Soul a few years ago, and he has been studying with Li Mingzi, so he is the so-called candidate for the clan leader.

When other competitors are still Jin Dan, Li Xiansong becoming the clan leader is almost a predetermined outcome.

Of course, Li Xiansong still has some abilities, otherwise, the clansmen would not insist on pushing him to the position of clan leader. (End of chapter)

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