Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 895 Excitement

Chapter 895 Excitement

In the past twenty years, the Li family's strength has greatly increased, with eleven more Nascent Soul monks, and more than fifty Golden Core monks, not to mention those from the Foundation Building and Qi Training clansmen.

Thanks to this, the Li family has been able to fully and deeply rule the Wanxian State and fully develop the spiritual veins in various parts of the Wanxian State.

You know, before this, because the Li family did not have enough golden elixir monks, some third-level spiritual veins in remote areas could only use formations to seal the mountains, and send a few clan members to spend a few days every year to take care of them.

But things are different now. The Li family is sending out clan members, led by the Jindan clan, with many foundation-building and Qi-training clansmen, to develop these spiritual veins and obtain greater benefits for the family.

And every thousand miles, the Li family would dispatch a Nascent Soul monk to sit in the place where the spiritual energy is the strongest to protect the family's residence within a thousand miles.

At the same time, the Li family began a new round of expansion to Ten Thousand Immortals Island!

In order to defend against the sea clan war and prevent the war from spreading to Ten Thousand Immortals Island, a long chain of islands was established two thousand miles away.

But now that the war is over, these island chains have no meaning to exist. Instead of wandering outside, it is better to integrate into Ten Thousand Immortals Island and expand the family's territory, which also gives the secular people a greater living space.

After so many years of living a contented life without fighting against the world, the number of secular people has reached a very terrifying level.

After all, the Li family has always encouraged them to have children, and the related benefits have not only not weakened over time, but have actually increased.

In addition, the damage caused by natural disasters and man-made disasters is not great. Sometimes, the Li family has already sent monks to come to the rescue as soon as a natural disaster occurs.

As for man-made disasters? On Ten Thousand Immortals Island, there is no so-called man-made disaster.

This has caused the originally empty Ten Thousand Immortals Island to become overcrowded. Some mortals have even reclaimed land in the mountainous areas on the edge of the island and established small villages.

The Li family did not choose to let the secular people go to the land to spread their branches, but instead thrived on Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

First, it is convenient for management, and second, the island is rich in spiritual energy. Although mortals cannot actively absorb the spiritual energy, living in such a place is still of great benefit to them.

For example, a strong body and a long life.

And they never lacked food, which also benefited from the rich spiritual energy.

There is no need to worry about inbreeding, because whether the Li family wants to marry a wife, take concubines, or recruit a son-in-law, they will go to the mainland to find someone, and every time a large number of mortals actively sign up.

Therefore, the first thing the new patriarch Li Xiansong did after taking office was to organize the family's transformation gods and Yuanying to move the island chain thousands of miles away and integrate it with the Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Even if Li Zhirui and others take action, this is still an extremely huge project that will take a long time to complete.

It was not until five years later that the expansion of Ten Thousand Immortals Island was completed.

The current Wanxian Island is 1,800 miles long from north to south, 1,300 miles from east to west at its widest point, and only a few dozen miles at its narrowest ends.

Except for the three hundred-mile radius boundary in the center and the scattered spiritual veins on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, the other places are for secular tribesmen to reproduce their offspring.

On this day, the wind and clouds over Ten Thousand Immortals Island suddenly changed, and black clouds of calamity rolled in, covering the top of Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain.

The sudden change attracted the attention of many tribesmen, who gathered around him one after another.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the Li family. Everyone knows that someone from the clan is going through the tribulation, but the momentum is even greater.

"The only ones who can open caves on the top of the mountain are those Yuanying elders. If there is a thunder disaster here, could it be that some elders have broken through to become gods?"

"After so many years, is another god-forming ancestor going to be born in the family?"

In fact, in the past twenty years, Feng Peng, one of Jiang Fengwu's three contracted spirit beasts, has successfully broken through to the fifth level, while the other two spirit beasts are still in retreat. "The most likely one is Ancestor Cheng Sheng. His cultivation is the most powerful among the Nascent Soul elders. It must be him!"

Because the top of the mountain was too high, there were clouds and mist all around, and the line of sight was blocked. In addition, with the appearance of thunder and calamity, it was impossible for them to get close, so it was not clear which Nascent Soul it was.

But the tribesmen who know a little bit about the family have the answer in their hearts.

Not long after, Li Chengcheng flew out of the cave and began to welcome the thunder disaster, confirming everyone's guesses.

The process of overcoming the tribulation was very uneventful, and it was not easy for Li Chengsheng to successfully overcome the tribulation.

As for inner demons? In front of Li Chengsheng, who was as bright as the sun, there was no way he could find anything good.

When Li Zhirui finished his training, he discovered that the two communication talismans sent one after another were about Li Chengcheng's escape from the tribulation.

"It only took 20 or 30 years to successfully take this step and become a transformed god, which is even more powerful than my parents, Feng Wu and I." Li Zhirui said with a smile.

Just in time to finish the training, fly to the cave on the top of the mountain.

Li Chengsheng was in seclusion to consolidate his realm of course. Li Zhirui was just taking a look when he happened to meet Jiang Fengwu.

"I didn't expect that Sheng'er would succeed in breaking through so quickly." Jiang Fengwu said with emotion.

Of course she believed that Li Chengsheng could break through to become a god, but it was really unexpected that he succeeded in just thirty years.

"Sheng'er has a sun gem in his hand, which contains a trace of real sun fire. He should have made a breakthrough so quickly by understanding this thing." Although it is just Li Zhirui's guess, it is no different from the actual situation. .

"My children are so diligent, maybe they will surpass me in a few years." Jiang Fengwu said with a smile.

Li Zhirui doesn't have to worry about this problem. His cultivation has been advancing steadily, and he is already in the middle stage of becoming a god. However, Jiang Fengwu, who hasn't broken through for too long, has no chance to catch up.

"How can it be that easy? Your cultivation is not slow to improve, and Sheng'er is not even in the spiritual realm yet. Work hard and leave them far behind." Li Zhirui comforted him.

Jiang Fengwu was not a blaming person. After all, she had time to complain, so it was better to calm down and practice. However, this reminded her of Li Chengshuo who was traveling abroad.

"I don't know how Shuoer is doing now."

At the moment when Li Chengsheng successfully broke through to become a god, Li Chengshuo, who was thousands of miles away, felt a sense in his heart.

"Did brother break through to become a god?"

Li Chengshuo's whole person's aura dropped. A few years ago, by chance, she saw the opportunity to break through to become a god, and she is constantly working hard for it.

And during this period of time, Li Chengshuo's realm has improved a lot, and he is getting closer and closer to becoming a god.

Seeing that she had a chance to surpass Li Chengsheng, who had been pressing on her, it turned out that he had already made a breakthrough!

Li Chengshuo felt that all his efforts over the years were in vain.

"No! It's not in vain! If not, how could I have reached this point in thirty years?"

(End of this chapter)

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