Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 896 4 people

Chapter 896 Four people

For a moment, Li Chengshuo had a clear idea, and the last obstacle in front of her suddenly collapsed!


After being stunned, Li Chengshuo didn't expect that the threshold that had trapped her for decades would be crossed like this. He couldn't help laughing loudly, and immediately turned east and galloped all the way to Wanxian Island.

She did not stay in the Central Territory to break through, mainly because she did not know how long she would need to retreat, and the price of the retreat cave rented in the Central Territory was extremely high, especially since Li Chengshuo still broke through to become a god. The high price was not something she could afford.

Two years later, Li Chengshuo returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island after a long journey, and then went straight back to the cave, unable to leave.

"Shuo'er came back in a hurry?"

One day during his free time, Jiang Fengwu told Li Zhirui the news.

The fifth-level island protection formation that protects the Li family is naturally a means of recording the entry and exit of people. Jiang Fengwu handed over the formation disks that record all the formations to the family, but she is the one who sets up the formations and can control the formations without the formation disks.

Of course, Jiang Fengwu would not do such a thing, but specially marked the identities of Li Zhirui, Li Chengsheng, and Li Chengshuo whom she cared about.

To put it simply, as long as the three of them use the formation to enter and leave Ten Thousand Immortals Island, they cannot hide it from Jiang Fengwu.

After Jiang Fengwu discovered that Li Chengshuo was back, he planned to visit her to see if anything had happened to her.

It turned out that Li Chengshuo couldn't come out of seclusion, and he didn't know whether he was healing his wounds or doing other things. This made Jiang Fengwu very concerned.

But she didn't dare to forcefully explore the cave, in case Li Chengshuo was in a critical period and disturbed her, causing errors in her performance and causing even bigger problems.

"Is it possible that he was seriously injured?" Li Zhirui frowned.

Li Chengshuo's two spiritual beasts were also brought in, and there was no one to answer questions.

"Yes, this stinky girl doesn't know how to leave a letter! As a result, we don't know anything about the situation. We must teach her a lesson when she comes out!" He said this, but Jiang Fengwu's face was full of worry. .

"Maybe it's not a bad thing, just relax and wait." Li Zhirui had no choice but to comfort him.

The two were worried about Li Chengshuo's condition, but they couldn't stop practicing because of it.

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

After Li Chengsheng broke through to become a god, he stayed on Ten Thousand Immortals Island for several years. Because he could not collect suitable fifth-level solar spiritual objects, he was unable to open up his own solar spiritual realm.

After a few years, I really couldn't bear the slow pace of cultivation, so I planned to go to the void to hunt for treasure.

As for the sun gem in his hand, it was too precious and Li Chengsheng was reluctant to merge it with the spiritual realm.

After all, there is a trace of the true fire of the sun in it. Not to mention that he is just a god, even if he is a Mahayana monk, it will be of great benefit to his own cultivation.

In fact, if it weren't for the Sun Gem in hand, Li Chengsheng's cultivation speed in the past few years would have been even slower!

Li Zhirui frowned and looked at Li Chengsheng who was standing in front of him, and asked: "Do you have to go to the void? Can't you look for solar spiritual objects in the Xuanyuan Realm?"

"Father, you also know that Xuanyuan World is just a small world, and fifth-level spiritual objects are very rare. What's more, what I want is a solar spiritual object." Li Chengsheng replied respectfully.

Li Zhirui's expression froze when he heard this, and then he said: "You also know that it is difficult to find the sun spirit. Even if you go to the void, it may be nothing."

"I hope it will be bigger than in the Xuanyuan world after all, and even if I get other fifth-level spiritual objects, I can try to exchange them with others."

Hearing what Li Chengsheng said, Li Zhirui knew that he had made up his mind.

Li Chengsheng, who had always been stubborn, could no longer listen to any persuasion.

But Li Zhirui doesn't want him to explore the void now, because it's too dangerous! A chaotic storm can kill Li Chengsheng!

"Does your mother know?" Li Zhirui asked after a long silence.

"do not know."

Obviously, Li Chengsheng understood that if Jiang Fengwu knew about it, he might not be able to leave.

Because Jiang Fengwu would severely object!

"But you can't hide such a big thing from her." Li Zhirui hoped that Jiang Fengwu could stop him.

But who would have thought that after Jiang Fengwu learned about this, not only did he not object, but he unexpectedly agreed!

"I originally planned to go to the void in the near future, but now I happen to be with Sheng'er, and we can still take care of each other." Jiang Fengwu explained.

Seeing this situation, Li Zhirui knew that there was no way to stop Li Chengsheng, and he had to take Jiang Fengwu with him.

"That's all, I'll refine some treasure pills for you these days."

Life-saving spiritual objects such as the Earth Escape Talisman have no effect in the void. You can only prepare more treasure pills and magic weapons.

Somehow, the news leaked that Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengsheng were about to go to the void.

Then Xiaoqing and Xiaocang came hand in hand and came to Li Zhirui.

"You also want to go to the void to experience?"

Xiao Qing and Xiao Cang have never been people who keep their peace, and Li Zhirui knew that they had always wanted to go to the void to practice, but because he didn't take action, he didn't bring it up.

But now Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengsheng are about to go to the void. It's okay if they don't know about such a great opportunity. How can they let it go if they know it?

"Brother Ninth has a sharp eye!" Xiao Qing chuckled.

"That's all, you can go if you want."

Li Zhirui waved his hands helplessly and said: "I have come to an understanding and my cultivation is expected to improve greatly. I cannot act with you. There will be no space for you to avoid. Everything must rely on your own strength."

The original sea clan war also brought benefits to Li Zhirui, but because he had just broken through the middle stage of becoming a god, it was not very obvious.

Then I observed how the Tao passed through the tribulation, and gained some insights. Coupled with the decades of hard training, and the gains gained from several cultivation experiences, not to mention the breakthrough to the late stage of divine transformation, but at least Li Zhirui's cultivation level can be improved. A big step forward.

"Brother Jiu, don't worry! The other cultivators can come back safely. With the four of us joining forces, it won't be a problem!" Xiao Cang said confidently.

Xiao Qing has always been confident, and Xiao Cang, who is a dragon, is even more so, but he is more reserved and not as flamboyant as Xiao Qing.

"Go back and prepare." Li Zhirui sighed helplessly, worried that they would encounter danger in the void, but also understood that it was impossible to stop them all the time.

As Li Chengsheng said, the Xuanyuan world is just a small world with limited fifth-level resources. As a new god-forming force, they have no channels to obtain other cultivation resources except the Yuanqi treasure pill refined by Li Zhirui.

Of course, the Yuanqi treasure pill is very good, and it has a great acceleration effect on the cultivation of the monks who transform themselves into gods.


The elixir is difficult to refine!

Even if Li Zhirui created the elixir and spent hundreds of years refining it, it only improved the success rate of elixir refining. The time, energy, etc. consumed did not improve at all!

(End of this chapter)

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