This also made it difficult for Jiang Fengwu and others to learn how to refine the Yuan Qi treasure pill. They could only rely on Li Zhirui for the treasure pill they needed for cultivation.

But Li Zhirui also needs to practice, so how can he spend a lot of time refining Yuan Dan for everyone?

There's no way they could shamelessly ask Li Zhirui to refine more Yuan Dan, right?

Therefore, although Jiang Fengwu and others had Yuan Dan to take, the amount could not fully meet their needs.

Even because so many Yuan Dan were refined for them, the Purifying Yuan Dan that Li Zhirui took was not as abundant as before.

As the saying goes, poverty leads to change!

Jiang Fengwu and others knew that until the second and third level five alchemy masters appeared in the Li family, the insufficient number of Yuan Dan would continue to trouble them.

To break this deadlock, the chances of treasure hunting in the Xuanyuan Realm are slim, and the hope is not great. We can only seek externally, looking for spiritual objects in the vast void.

Li Zhirui naturally understood these principles, so he did not forcefully suppress everyone's actions.

Time flew by and it was two months later.

At the top of the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain, all the gods of the Li family gathered here.

Li Zhirui, Daqing, Xiaoqing, Xiaocang, Jiang Fengwu, Fengpeng and Li Chengsheng, a total of seven gods.

It may not be as good as those great powers that have been inherited for thousands of years, but it is enough to be proud of. Especially in this remote place in the far east, the Li family can be said to be the well-deserved overlord!

Moreover, the development of the Li family so far, even including the time in Bailang County, has only been inherited for a thousand years. I don't know how many monks were shocked by this speed of development and growth.

Except for Li Zhirui, the other six transformed gods will all go to the void today!

Feng Peng, who had just broken through, had not planned to go to the Void, but when she saw Jiang Fengwu and the four of them teaming up to go to the Void to experience treasure hunting, she was finally moved and took action.

As for Daqing, Li Zhirui once asked him why he didn't follow the others. After all, many times, the more people, the stronger the strength. And Li Zhirui knew that Daqing didn't want to go to the void to experience.

"Brother Ninth is practicing in seclusion and will not show up in a short time, but Ten Thousand Immortals Island needs to be transformed into a god to take over." This was Daqing's answer.

Li Zhirui shook his head and said, "It doesn't have to be like this. The reputation of the Li family has already been spread out, and there are no forces nearby that can threaten the Li family. There is no need for you to sacrifice yourself like this."


"Nothing to worry about, you can go to the void with them." Li Zhirui directly finalized the matter.

It is indeed a good thing for Daqing to be calm, but he is too calm, so that he seems a bit forward-thinking and indecisive, which is not beautiful.

Therefore, except for Li Zhirui who will stay on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, the other six gods will go to the void.


"The date of my return is uncertain. Dragon Carp and Blue Bird are retreating to attack the fifth level. Troublesome Rui has protected them." Jiang Fengwu said softly.

"Don't worry, I will ask the family to protect you."

Li Zhirui turned around and said: "Chaos storms occur frequently in the void. You must pay more attention. If you notice that a battle breaks out, you should not just sit back and reap the benefits, but should stay away as soon as possible."

After repeated instructions, Li Zhirui watched as the Shengxu Formation was activated, sending them all into the void.

"You must come back safely!"

Among these six people, three are Li Zhirui's contracted spirit beasts and are closely related to him. If something unexpected happens, their own paths will be cut off. One is his Taoist companion and the other is his son, all of them are the closest people.

Even Fengpeng, who has a distant relationship, is related to Jiang Fengwu's path and is still Xiaoqing's Taoist companion. But at this time, only Li Zhirui was left in the place, and the formation whose aura was gradually dimming.

After saying that, he turned around and left, returning to the spiritual realm.


"Is this the void?"

Although they all knew what the void looked like from Li Zhirui's mouth, when they saw it with their own eyes, they were still shocked by the vastness and boundless void.

Chaos spiritual energy rolled not far away, forming a small storm in the blink of an eye, raging around.

The faces of Jiang Fengwu and others changed slightly. With their cultivation level, they could naturally sense how terrifying the energy contained in the storm was.

If you are caught in it, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die!

And this is just a small chaotic storm. What if it is expanded several times, even dozens or hundreds of times? By then, they may not even have the ability to resist.

Before, everyone thought Li Zhirui was exaggerating, but after seeing it with their own eyes, their impetuosity and disdain instantly dispelled, and they had a sense of awe for the void.

"Which direction are we going?" Xiaoqing broke the silence.

"How about just moving forward?"

Everyone had no objection to Xiao Cang's proposal and immediately flew forward.

Jiang Fengwu, who has the most powerful spiritual consciousness, takes the lead so that he can detect the changes in the chaotic aura in time. Behind Daqing Palace, which has the strongest defense, the other four people are in the middle to take care of both sides, and at the same time, they must be ready to help.

Perhaps because of their good luck, not long after, they encountered a spiritual object wrapped in chaotic aura in the void.

Jiang Fengwu's eyes suddenly lit up, but he did not relax his vigilance and carefully brought the spiritual object in front of him.

"This is a sixth-level spiritual object of the Law of Cloud and Mist!" After using his spiritual sense to explore it, Jiang Fengwu said with surprise.

When the others heard this, a smile appeared on their faces.

Just a few days after they entered the void, they actually got a sixth-level spiritual object!

If Li Zhirui knew about it, he would definitely be envious. You know, he had been in the void for several months without encountering a spiritual object!

Finally, on the way back, I got the eighth-grade wooden unicorn egg by chance.

"Brother Ninth also said that the void is infinite. Although most of them are high-level spiritual objects, they are very rare. Now it seems that he is probably unlucky." Xiao Qing said with a smile.

Of course they knew everything about Li Zhirui's deeds.

"It's a pity that we can't use the Cloud and Mist Law." Xiao Cang said with some regret.

"You can go back to Xuanyuan Realm and trade with the monks." Xiao Qing disagreed.

Sixth-level spiritual objects are much more valuable than fifth-level spiritual objects. Even if several fifth-level spiritual objects are traded, the other party will make a profit. There will definitely be gods willing to trade.

And before they left, they also asked the family to help collect information about the god-transforming monks in the Xuanyuan Realm, so that it would be easier to exchange.

"Put away the spiritual objects first, we have to continue exploring." Daqing reminded.

There was a hint of contemplation in Daqing's eyes. It was not a good thing to stay in one place all the time, and it was impossible to get a spiritual object. He had to stop and investigate clearly. This would not only waste time, but also focus everyone's attention on the spiritual object. , neglecting to be vigilant about the surroundings.

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