Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 904 Ecstasy

This is a relic of a powerful being!

And he is also a demon cultivator!

As we all know, the internal strife among the demon cultivators is extremely serious. Even those from the same sect and clan are their own competitors, and they will never trust each other.

Therefore, most magic cultivators carry all their collections with them, not wanting to take advantage of their opponents.

Even if there is an accident and they die outside, and these spiritual objects are obtained by the murderer, they will not stay in the sect or family and be divided up by those hateful competitors.

And the same is true for ten thousand snakes.

It can be foreseen how many spiritual objects Li Zhirui got!

Hundreds of jade boxes, dozens of high-level spiritual objects that were not sealed in the jade boxes, a large number of bottles and jars, two seriously damaged seventh-level defensive magic weapons, one with most of its spiritual light dissipated due to the death of Wan Shen. The natal magic weapon - Ten Thousand Snakes Gourd.

In fact, there was also a seventh-level robe, but in the fierce battle with the fused monk, it was beaten to pieces.

Li Zhirui immediately classified the high-level spiritual objects into categories and sealed them in jade boxes to prevent the spiritual energy from leaking out.

Among them, there are thirty-seven fifth-level spiritual objects, but most of them are seriously damaged and have faint signs of falling in grade. The remaining dozen or so are sixth-level spiritual objects. There is only one thick magnetic pole stone, which is intact because of its hardness. , the others are also overflowing with spiritual light.

Then Li Zhirui began to count the bottles and jars. Because the other party was a demon cultivator, he was extra careful to prevent them from containing some kind of terrible poison.

In fact, Li Zhirui's caution did allow him to escape!

Among those bottles and jars, nearly one-third of them were empty. They should be elixirs for healing wounds and restoring mana, and they were all taken by Wan She.

The other third contained various poisons, some of which were very toxic. Even though Li Zhirui was far away and could only smell a wisp of breath brought by the breeze, he felt a little dizzy and hurriedly took out the antidote pill to take it. .

The rest were all kinds of weird treasure pills, most of which Li Zhirui couldn't identify, and he could only guess that they were probably used for practice.

However, in view of those poisons, Li Zhirui did not dare to try the effects of these treasure pills on himself. He could only put them back and seal them in a spirit sealing box. Perhaps he would have the opportunity to identify these treasure pills when he ascends to the upper world in the future.

In the end, only the hundreds of sealed jade boxes were left, which have not yet been counted.

"Brother Ninth, can you give me some of these treasures?" Ashen and Amu ran over after hearing the commotion. They had been watching eagerly. When they saw Li Zhirui had a little gap, Amu asked hurriedly.

As a member of the Kirin clan, Amu also has a great vision of collecting various treasures.

Even though he had just emerged from his shell, he was still at the first level.

Of course, as Amu, who has almost pure Qilin bloodline, even though he is the first level, he still has extremely extraordinary intelligence.

"Let's wait until your cultivation level improves. You can't use these treasures now. It would be a waste to put them aside." Li Zhirui refused without hesitation.

It can be predicted that most of these sealed spiritual objects will be sixth- and seventh-level spiritual objects.

How could Li Zhirui be willing to give such a treasure to a first-order spirit beast? What's more, what he said was not unreasonable.

"You are lying to me." Amu curled his lips and said dissatisfied.

Li Zhirui smiled slightly, said nothing, and began to use his spiritual consciousness to penetrate into the jade box to see and record these high-level spiritual objects.

Because Li Zhirui, who was born in the Li family with a shallow background, did not know these high-level spiritual objects and could only identify the attributes of the spiritual objects based on the aura they emitted.

There was only one thing that seemed very familiar to him!

After taking notes, Li Zhirui took out the spiritual object that seemed familiar to him.

It was a spiritual fruit that was a dreamy purple all over, like clouds and mist, not solidified, and seemed both real and illusory. This is almost exactly the same as the Big Dream Fruit he took back then!

If there is any difference, it is that the spiritual fruit in front of me is more mysterious, more dreamlike, and of a higher grade.

Li Zhirui frowned. When he investigated, he found that its grade was as high as eight! But it was a little unstable, as if something was missing.

"I know what this is!" Amu suddenly said.

Li Zhirui's eyes lit up and he asked, "What is this?"

If nothing else, this should be Amu’s inherited memory.

"I can tell you, but you have to give me two seventh-level spiritual objects." Amu took the opportunity to ask for the spiritual objects.

"Okay!" Li Zhirui agreed, but he was thinking that maybe he should find an opportunity to let Amu record all his inheritance memories!

Amu thought hard for a while, and after a while, he said: "This thing is called Tianhua Dream Treasure Fruit! The fruit is divided into yin and yang. If taken at the same time, you can build an illusory world that lasts for thousands of years in the dream, and the illusory world It can continue to evolve according to the preset settings.”

"But Brother Ninth, you only have one Yin Fruit in your hand, so the effect is greatly reduced. It should only be able to maintain the dream for three hundred years."

Thump thump——

In an instant, the world was silent, and Li Zhirui could only hear his own beating heartbeat. A huge wave called ecstasy completely submerged him, leaving him unable to recover for a long time.

"Brother Ninth! Brother Ninth! You promised to give me two seventh-level spiritual objects. Are you trying to renege on your debt now?"

Amu called several times, but there was no response from Li Zhirui. In desperation, he bumped into him, which made him wake up from the almost unbalanced state of his Taoist heart.

"Of course I won't default on my debt."

Li Zhirui denied it flatly and said: "But your cultivation is too low now, and you can't use it with seventh-level spiritual objects. I will save them for you first, and then give them to you after you break through the sixth level."

"You big liar!"

Amu angrily kicked Li Zhirui a few times, but it was neither painful nor itchy, and he didn't feel anything at all.

All Li Zhirui's thoughts were once again focused on the Tianhua Dream Yin Fruit.

"No wonder the two combined powerful men fought desperately, it turned out to be because of this treasure!"

If according to what Amu said, gathering the yin and yang fruits can create a dreamland equivalent to the real world for thousands of years, then the two great masters will naturally want to get them all, because this can help them quickly break through the Mahayana!

However, judging from the fact that Wan She was seriously injured and on the verge of death but managed to escape, it seems that both of them suffered losses and no one was the winner.

Does Li Zhirui want to get the other half of his penis? Of course!

After a thousand years of dream enlightenment, Li Zhirui believed that he could take a few steps forward, even if he knew very little about the Void Refining Realm.

You know, the Li family's "All Spirits Sutra" can be cultivated to the early stage of integration! Li Zhirui had no problems with his skills at all.

It took two to three hundred years to break through the Void Refining Realm, and he could keep trying for the remaining hundreds of years. After such a long time, Li Zhirui did not believe that he would achieve nothing in the Void Refining Realm.

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