Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 905 Trading

Unfortunately, the other half of the yang fruit was in the hands of that powerful combination, and Li Zhirui didn't even know where his opponent was.

Even if he knew, could it be that with his cultivation level, he could still snatch the Yang Fruit from the other party?

You know, half a month has passed since the battle between the two combined powerful men, which is enough for him to regain a lot of strength!

It is impossible for Li Zhirui to deal with a combined power who has recovered a lot of combat power like he dealt with Wan She. This is no different from seeking death!

Being able to get this half of the Yin Fruit of Tianhua Dream is already a blessing. Any more extravagance would be too much.

"Three Hundred Years of Dreams!"

Li Zhirui murmured to himself: "I hope that I will survive the tribulation and ascend to heaven!"

Therefore, Li Zhirui ended this experience without hesitation and began to return to Xuanyuan Realm.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

"Will we stop at Nascent Soul in the end?" Li Chenghao, who was already gray-haired and decayed, could clearly feel his own decline and the passage of vitality.

Looking back on his past life, Li Chenghao has witnessed with his own eyes the whole process of his family from being weak to being strong now.

Apart from him, there are only three other people: Li Zhirui, Jiang Fengwu and Li Zhixuan.

Brother and sister Li Chengsheng and Li Chengshuo were born decades later. By the time they grew up, their families were already relatively powerful in nearby states, so they were not included.

"Time is destiny!"

Li Chenghao sighed. Although he also had dual spiritual roots, the purity of his spiritual roots did not have much advantage. Moreover, he was obsessed with refining weapons and practiced in isolation for many years.

So much so that when he broke through to Nascent Soul, he was already quite young.

So even if he wakes up later and wants to catch up, it's still a step too late.

Now Li Chenghao is over 800 years old, and his final date is only over a hundred years away. His physical body has begun to decay, but he has just broken through to the late Nascent Soul stage, less than thirty years ago.

If Li Zhirui were here, he would definitely find that Li Chenghao's body was not only in decline, but the most fatal problem was his will and Taoist heart!

He was no longer firm, and his Taoist heart began to become dusty, so he lamented that his life was not long, and he could only wait to die unwillingly.

So it obviously still has more than a hundred years of life, but now it looks like it is old and decaying.

"That's all, I just used my broken body to do something for the family, which can be regarded as repaying the family's years of training." Li Chenghao lamented and walked slowly towards the Refining Palace.

At the same time, a coercive pressure suddenly erupted on the top of the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain. Heavenly Dao sensed this, and calamity clouds rolled in. In an instant, there was a scene of black clouds overwhelming the city.

"Ancestor is going through the Divine Tribulation again?" The tribesmen looked up one after another.

The only ones who can live on the top of the mountain are the Yuan Ying Ancestors, and their tribulation is naturally the thunder tribulation of transformation into gods.

"Could it be the ancestor of Chenghu?"

"But didn't the ancestor break through to the late Nascent Soul stage not long ago?"

Until now, except for a few people such as Li Zhirui, most of the clan members did not know that Li Chengshuo had returned long ago. They thought that she was training in the outside world, so no one thought about her.

When they came to observe, they found out that the person who overcame the tribulation was actually Li Chengshuo.

I saw a ray of bright moon rising in the sky during the day, and the full moonlight fell down. In an instant, cold air spread everywhere, and the temperature between heaven and earth seemed to drop with it. This is the law that Li Chengshuo chose. Just like Li Chengsheng back then, the law of Taiyin is too vast and all-encompassing, and cannot be mastered by a small god-forming monk like her.

Therefore, Li Chengshuo could only choose one of them. She did not choose the gentle and moisturizing Taiyin Yuehua, but chose the more aggressive Taiyin Guanghan Law.

The cold light turned into ice blades and shot towards the robbery.

Jie Lei was frozen by the cold air and cracked inch by inch.

As time went by, the coldness did not melt away, but became more intense. The entire top of Wanxian Mountain was covered with a layer of frost.

And Li Chengshuo's attacks became more and more terrifying, and the chill was overwhelming.

"so cold!"

The tribesmen watching from a distance felt so cold and uncomfortable that they no longer wanted to watch Li Chengshuo survive the tribulation.

"What a terrifying law!" Of course they knew it was Li Chengshuo's idea.

If I fight her from now on, if I can't fight quickly, my winning rate will probably get lower and lower, and the coldness will continue to accumulate!

About an hour later, the calamity cloud dissipated, and another god-transformation monk was born in the Li family!


Half a year later, Xuanfa Pavilion sent someone to visit, saying that it was the fifth-level solar spiritual object that Li Chengsheng entrusted them to purchase, and now there was news.

"Fellow Taoist, please wait for a moment. I will contact the ancestor right away." Naturally, the elder who received him did not dare to neglect, and quickly asked someone to tell Li Chengcheng.

A moment later, Li Chengsheng came flying over.

"I've met my ancestor/senior." The two of them stood up quickly to greet him.

Li Chengsheng waved his hand and asked immediately: "Where is the sun spirit creature you mentioned? What conditions does the other party have?"

He was really fed up with the pain of not having a suitable spiritual realm and the extremely slow improvement of his realm!

"That senior is in Xuanfa State and wants to trade the thick magnetic pole stone in his hands."

Li Chengcheng's face instantly turned cold when he heard this. A fifth-level spiritual item was exchanged for a sixth-level spiritual item?

Even if he urgently needs the sun spirit object so that he can ask his mother Jiang Fengwu to refine the Dongtian Yunfa Formation, there is no way he would do such a stupid thing!

The man welcomed him and saw that his eyesight was not low, so he quickly added: "The senior is willing to use spiritual stones, or methods, or spiritual objects to make up for the price difference. I also ask the senior to go to Xuanfa Prefecture to discuss this matter with him personally. .”

Of course he doesn't want this deal to fail. You know, Xuanfa Pavilion does something similar to a broker, but there is a commission, and the proportion is not low!

Preliminary estimates suggest that he can get hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones from it!

After hearing this, Li Chengsheng's expression softened a lot. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed, "Then I'll let you go."

Xuanfa Pavilion acts as a guarantee, not only to keep the identity of the two people secret, so that there is no need to worry about being plotted by others, but also to ensure that there will be no problems with the spiritual objects.

It is precisely because of this that Xuanfa Pavilion can collect a considerable share of it.

So as soon as Li Chengsheng boarded the spirit ship, he was taken to change into a set of cassocks that concealed his identity, which could completely isolate the breath, spiritual consciousness and other detection methods. Even the power of becoming a god could not do anything.

Half a day later, Li Chengsheng stepped off the spirit ship, and under the leadership of the man, walked into the private room used for negotiation, and began to discuss the deal with a monk also wearing black robes.

"Do you still have fifth-level spiritual objects in your hand? You can use four fifth-level spiritual objects in exchange for the thick magnetic pole stone in my hand." Li Chengsheng wanted to seize the initiative as soon as he opened his mouth.

"You should know that fifth-level spiritual objects are very rare. I was lucky enough to get one. I don't know how much luck I wasted. How can I get a second spiritual object?"

The man in black said: "So, I plan to add 10 million spiritual stones and a refining method of Qing Qing Lei Pill in exchange for the magnetite in your hand." (End of Chapter)

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