Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 906 Thunder Method

Qianqing Thunder Pill is a very powerful spiritual object, but it is only at the fourth level. It can threaten the monks of the Transformation of God, but that's all, unless you throw dozens of them at once.

However, the refining of this type of thunder pill is difficult and expensive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that food is tasteless and it is a pity to discard it.

As for spiritual stones, ten million spiritual stones is indeed a lot, but just like that, Li Chengsheng is not lacking.

"Not enough." So Li Chengsheng shook his head and refused, but did not get up and leave.

Because he could see that the other party still had something in his hand that he could take out.

"Add another refining method of the Three Talents Zixiao Thunder Talisman. If you still don't agree, then this transaction will have to be abandoned." The man in black said with regret in his tone.

The Sancai Zixiao Thunder Talisman, a fifth-level talisman, is extremely powerful. Not only does it have an extra bonus in destroying demons, but it also has extraordinary lethality even against monks.

'Is it Refa again? '

Li Chengsheng began to guess the identity of the other party. At first, he thought it was from a certain thunder magic force, but then he thought, if so, how could he dare and trade this inherited method?

'Apparently, it should be derived from an inheritance that has been lost in the long river of history. '

It seems that the other party has shown all his sincerity, but Li Chengsheng has shaken his head and refused, saying: "It's still not enough. You should know where the sixth-level spiritual object was obtained. I took the risk of death to get this piece." Magnetite."

"Your Excellency is too greedy."

Even so, he did not leave the table angrily, but stood up and left directly.

Li Chengsheng knew clearly that he was in urgent need of the sun spiritual object, and the other party was also quite eager for the magnetite.

Seeing Li Chengsheng's silence, the man sighed softly and said, "I can also come up with a secret method for building a thunder-bathing Tianchi."

"Bathing in the Heavenly Lake of Thunder?" Li Chengcheng frowned slightly. This was a spiritual creature he had never heard of before, and said, "Please help me clarify my doubts."

"This object is a spiritual object that is similar to a formation but also like a magic weapon. The effect is just like the name. It is a thunder pool that bathes in thunder and exercises the physical body."

The man in black explained: "Bathing regularly can greatly improve one's resistance to thunder, which will have many benefits for overcoming tribulations in the future. This is also a fifth-level spiritual object."


Li Chengsheng was very excited. If the physical body has a certain resistance to the tribulation thunder, it can be said that there are many benefits in overcoming the tribulation in the future.

So he pretended to hesitate for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

He exchanged an unused sixth-level spiritual object for the fifth-level solar spiritual object that he urgently needed, as well as 10 million spiritual stones, a fourth-level Qianqing Thunder Pill, and a fifth-level third-level Purple Sky Thunder Talisman. The refining method, and the most important thing is the Thunder Bathing Heavenly Lake!

Li Chengsheng’s harvest was extremely rich.

But for the man in black, all he paid was the sun spiritual object and 10 million spiritual stones. Those three methods were indeed precious, but they were already in his hands, so he could just make a copy.

cost? That’s the cost of three jade slips.

But he got a sixth-level spiritual object that was very beneficial to the next major event related to him.

After the two reached an agreement, the cultivator of the Xuanfa Pavilion who had been sitting aside, pretending to be resting, opened his eyes instantly and said, "Please take out the trading spiritual objects."

Then he made three oaths: the Heavenly Dao Oath, the Dao Heart Oath, and the Heart Demon Oath. He would definitely keep the secret before starting to check the spiritual objects and Dharma doors.

About an hour later, he suddenly said: "That's right!"

This tells both of them that it is true and they can trade with confidence.

Of course, it is not that Xuanfa Pavilion has never made a mistake. If such an accident occurs, Xuanfa Pavilion will compensate for the loss.

Therefore, in dealing with this matter, the inspection monks of Xuanfa Pavilion are all knowledgeable and experienced monks, so as to minimize the accident as much as possible.

After all, even if Xuanfa Pavilion's family is extremely wealthy, it is impossible for them to pay compensation every day. After the transaction was completed, Li Chengsheng left Xuanfa Prefecture from a dark place under the guidance of Xuanfa Pavilion, and then went straight to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

The first thing he did after coming back was to ask Jiang Fengwu to help him refine a set of Yunling Cave Formation.

Li Chengsheng has been waiting for this Sun Spiritual Realm for more than ten years. Now that he is finally getting what he wanted, he is naturally extremely excited and excited.

While waiting for Jiang Fengwu to finish his training, Li Chengsheng began to comprehend the three thunder methods.

Of course, he was neither a weapon refiner, a talisman maker, nor an array master, so Li Chengsheng could only take a rough look.

Of course, with his current state, if he learns to refine the fourth-level Qianqing Thunder Pill, he can still succeed, but he will definitely consume a lot of spiritual materials during the process.

It doesn't have to be this way.

So after taking a rough look, Li Chengsheng handed it over to the family in exchange for contribution points.

A few days later, when Jiang Fengwu finished the repairs, he saw several communication talismans of Li Chengsheng, and then he knew why he was looking for him in such a hurry.

"It seems that Sheng'er has suffered enough from not having a spiritual realm."

Jiang Fengwu shook his head in amusement and left the spiritual realm, intending to take some time to help Li Chengsheng refine the Spiritual Cave Formation.

"Thank you, mother!" Li Chengsheng's face was full of excitement.

"Just wait, come back in a month to get the formation."

After all, it is a fifth-level formation. It is very difficult to refine. It only takes a month, which is already very fast.

"Thank you for your hard work, mother!" Li Chengsheng bowed again.

Spring passed and autumn came, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

One day, on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, a sun spiritual realm appeared on a high mountain in the east of the tribe.

This is also the most remote spiritual realm among all the spiritual realms in the Li family.

Li Chengsheng has no choice. Who makes the sun rise in the east? Who has the most sun laws in the clan?

Fortunately, this place is the tail of the fourth-level spiritual vein, otherwise, he would have to settle for the next best thing.

Not long after, Li Chengshuo, who had been in seclusion to consolidate his realm, finally made some movement.

"Shuo'er, this Taiyin spiritual object was obtained by Wei Niang and others when they went to the void to practice. It can be regarded as a gift for your breakthrough."

Jiang Fengwu added: "Let's take a look on the island to see where it is suitable to open up the Taiyin Spiritual Realm. I will help you refine the Yunling Formation and open up the spiritual realm as soon as possible."

Speaking of which, it was also Li Chengshuo's luck. When they went to the void to hunt for treasure, she was still in seclusion to transform into gods. As a result, she got a Taiyin spiritual object that could directly open up the spiritual realm.

Unlike Li Chengsheng, who had achieved the breakthrough of becoming a god for so many years, he only obtained the sun spiritual object a few months ago.

Speaking of which, the two are barely on the same level now.

"Thank you, mother!"

Li Chengshuo was so moved that he said a few personal words and then asked: "Why didn't I see my eldest brother when I left the customs? Could it be that he went out to practice again and looked for the sun spiritual object?"

"Some time ago, Sheng'er made a deal with a certain monk and is now practicing hard in the spiritual realm." (End of Chapter)

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