Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 907 Preparation

'Only half a step slower! '

Li Chengshuo secretly thought that through chatting with Jiang Fengwu, she knew that Li Chengsheng's cultivation had not improved much in the past few years.

And her spiritual realm can be opened soon!

Therefore, the gap between the two is now only half a step.

'So, I don't believe I can't catch up with you! '

Li Chengshuo never gave up on surpassing Li Chengsheng, and she still didn't give up. Although Li Chengsheng had a slight advantage, she didn't take it to heart.

Jiang Fengwu saw the change in Li Chengshuo's expression and wanted to persuade him, but he thought that the competition between the two of them had not caused any harm, not even a bad influence. Instead, it had helped both of them in their cultivation. Then he swallowed back what he was about to say.


"Finally back!"

With a sigh, Li Zhirui stepped into the Shengxu Formation, and then his eyes blurred. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the Ten Thousand Immortals Island he was familiar with.

Thinking about what to do next, Li Zhirui flew straight to the family hall.

"Xiansong has met Ruizu!"

Li Xiansong was very nervous. He didn't understand why the ancestor met him suddenly. Could it be that he had done something wrong?

"Clan leader doesn't need to be so nervous."

Li Zhirui comforted him and then said: "I am lucky enough to have the opportunity this time. I need to seal off the spiritual realm and practice in seclusion for a hundred years. During this period, except for the overthrow of the family, nothing can disturb me."

Li Xiansong's pupils shrank suddenly. Ruizu's words were too serious. He immediately thought of the first half of the words, and his heart beat wildly. He had been practicing in seclusion for a hundred years!

Li Zhirui is now in the middle stage of divine transformation. Is it possible that he wants to hit the late stage of divine transformation or even reach perfection?

When he thought of this, Li Xiansong's face flushed with excitement, his eyes filled with ecstasy, and he asked expectantly: "Does Ruizu plan to go all out to overcome the tribulation and ascend to the throne?"

"Indeed." Li Zhirui nodded and admitted.

There is nothing to deny. This is a great joy for the Li family.

However, the matter has not yet settled. In order to create twists and turns, Li Zhirui still asked Li Xiansong to keep it a secret and wait until a hundred years later.

Maybe it won't take a hundred years.

After all, Tianhua's dream lasted for three hundred years, but in reality, it only lasted one night.

The hundred years Li Zhirui mentioned was the time it took for him to refine the energy of heaven and earth, enhance his magic power, and survive the internal calamity of wind and fire after his realm breakthrough.

However, if other god-transformation monks were to know that Li Zhirui boasted that he would use a hundred years to reach the tribulation from the middle stage of god-transformation, they would definitely laugh at his whims and nonsense.

The reason why Li Zhirui wanted to seal off the spiritual realm was to isolate himself from the exploration of Heavenly Dao.

You must know that the reason for the formation of thunder calamity lies in the realm, not the cultivation level.

In other words, if Li Zhirui uses the Yin Fruit of Tianhua Dream to upgrade his realm to the realm of refining the void, then even if his cultivation is not in the middle stage of becoming a god, he will still face ascension!

Under such circumstances, how could Li Zhirui survive the thunder tribulation?

"Xiansong hereby wishes Ruizu that he will get his wish and ascend to the upper world!" Li Xiansong naturally agreed to keep the matter confidential.

"By the way, Shengzu handed over several spiritual objects to the family some time ago. Among them, the spiritual object named Yulei Tianchi may be helpful to Ruizu." Li Xiansong also suddenly remembered.

"Really? Then I'll go to the Sutra Pavilion and take a look, so I won't disturb the clan leader."

Having said all that needs to be said, Li Zhirui naturally would not stay and chat with an unfamiliar clan leader. "Ruizu, walk slowly!"

Li Xiansong sent the person out of the hall, and then turned back after seeing that the figure was no longer visible.

Not long after, Li Zhirui appeared outside the Sutra Pavilion.

This is an important place for the family. Even if you are a god, you cannot walk in directly. You have to show your identity jade badge and verify it before you can enter it.

Soon, Li Zhirui stood in front of the jade slip that recorded Yu Lei Tianchi, printed his identity jade tag next to it, and removed the formation to get it.

Although he only looked at the small part at the front, Li Zhirui was sure that it was indeed what Li Xiansong said, this object would help him overcome the disaster.

And after diverging his thinking, Li Zhirui felt that it could not only be used to exercise the physical body, but also be used to cultivate Thunder Vine spiritual seeds!

He consciously cultivated the Thunder Vine in the first place in order to survive the calamity more safely. The Thunder Vine was cultivated, but unfortunately it had many shortcomings.

Now Li Zhirui sees an opportunity that might make up for his shortcomings.

After he copied the jade slip and saw the complete content, he couldn't help but frown, because the refining of Yulei Tianchi was quite difficult and required a god-changing monk who was good at formations and had certain attainments in weapon refining.

In terms of formations, Li Zhirui believed that Jiang Fengwu was fully capable, but weapon refining? She has never learned how to truly refine weapons.

However, there is a saying that there is not much difference between the formation master and the weapon refiner.

The basis for saying this is that the formation master draws formation patterns and refines formation flags and formation disks. Aren't these two special magic weapons?

When the weapon refiner refines the magic weapon, he needs to engrave restrictions on the core, and restrictions are a major branch of the formation!

That's why this kind of saying spreads, but there are specialties in the art industry. The two may not seem to be different, but the internal differences are not small.

Formation masters specialize in formation patterns, and special magic weapons such as formation flags and formation disks remain the same, and there is not much difference.

In addition to restraints, weapon refiners also need very high attainments in the tempering and fusion of fire, various spiritual materials, otherwise how could they possibly refine high-level magic weapons?

Judging from Li Zhirui's eyesight, the special spiritual object of Mu Lei Tianchi should be regarded as a special magic weapon if strictly attributed.

So if you are a fifth-level weapon refiner, it would be easier to learn it.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Li Zhirui planned to ask Jiang Fengwu to redeem the method and take a look for herself. If it would not waste her too much time, he would trouble her to refine it.

But if it doesn't work, then Li Zhirui can only give it up.

After all, he couldn't possibly let Jiang Fengwu abandon his practice to do this for his own selfish purposes, right?

You know, Jiang Fengwu has wasted a lot of time in order to create the Yunling Cave Heaven Formation.

Li Zhirui would also feel a little regretful if he had to wait for another few decades to understand Yu Lei Tianchi.

Moreover, even Li Zhirui himself is not so selfless.

The Yuan Dan he refined for Jiang Fengwu and others was refined without delaying his own cultivation.

Li Zhirui himself was like this, so how could he be qualified to ask Jiang Fengwu to sacrifice his own interests?

I activated a communication talisman, and with good luck, I met Jiang Fengwu the next day.

"Zhirui? You're back!"

Jiang Fengwu asked curiously: "You want to see me for something?"

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to wait here specifically.

"I have something to ask you. First come with me to the Sutra Pavilion and redeem a copy of the Dharma. Then I will explain it to you in detail." Li Zhirui didn't want to embarrass Jiang Fengwu. (End of chapter)

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