Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 909 Persuasion

The most important thing is that, under normal circumstances, no force would be willing to accept a monk like Li Zhirui who is the first to ascend from a certain force in the lower world.

He can only become a casual cultivator!

As for the suffering of casual cultivators, even if Li Zhirui has not personally experienced it, he doesn't know how much he has seen it.

Although Daqing didn't know anything about that vast world and didn't even know its name, it was not difficult to guess this.

Which force would accept someone who is a half-way apprentice?

Even if there is one, he will not be regarded as a confidant or personal disciple. He will be regarded as an inner disciple.

After all, in the vast world with clear laws and full of aura, there will never be a shortage of geniuses. Li Zhirui's outstanding achievements in the Xuanyuan world may be no different from ordinary trivial matters in the vast world.

How many years would it take to recruit a genius and train him slowly? And people are more loyal.

Of course, with the current strength of the Li family, taking them to the vast world through the special characteristics of space may not be of much help, just like the Qi training forces in the Xuanyuan world.

But something is better than nothing. No matter how small a force is, it is better than a casual cultivator!

Small forces also have fellow sects, and clan members help each other, but casual cultivators are alone and have to rely on themselves for everything.

For example, regarding the opening of the spiritual realm, Li Zhirui did not have a second purifying spiritual plant in his hand, but he had previously obtained a sixth-level purifying spiritual object in the void.

Then he must rely on Jiang Fengwu's power.

And after the spiritual realm is opened, it's impossible for Li Zhirui to stay by the side all the time, right?

Occasionally, I go out to experience and look for opportunities. At most, one of Daqing and the others can be left to guard the spiritual realm. What's the use of that?

Li Zhirui is tempted!

What Daqing said makes sense.

"But how do you conceal the existence of space? And what makes space special?"

This is what Li Zhirui is most worried about.

Why didn't he tell his relatives about the existence of space, except Daqing and several contracted spirit beasts?

Isn’t it just because people’s hearts are unpredictable and changeable!

How many stories have there been about relatives and friends who betrayed themselves in previous lives?

Apart from other things, the mere existence of space is enough to make many monks become greedy. If they knew that space has the effect of accelerating the growth of spiritual beings, Li Zhirui did not believe that so many tribesmen would not reveal the secret!

"This problem is not difficult to solve."

Since Daqing dared to make suggestions, he naturally thought of the existence of various problems and ways to solve them.

He said: "Before Brother Nine survives the tribulation, you can tell me and Xiaoqing through the soul transmission that we can put them to sleep while most of the clan members are watching."

"Once they reach the upper realm by attracting the fairy light, release them, and then the existence of the space can be concealed."

"But everyone will still be curious about how they came to the world." Li Zhirui shook his head and let the tribesmen guess. It was not a good idea, and the rumors might become more and more outrageous.

Daqing looked solemn and said: "Let everyone take an oath to heaven and an oath to the inner demons, not to reveal that they are from the lower world."

"As for their guesses, let them guess. If we don't explain it, we can't say it out loud anyway."

“This way, when the next generation grows up, they won’t have to worry about these issues.”

Li Zhirui's eyes lit up, this was indeed a good idea.

After all, most of the people's purpose of leaking secrets is to obtain cultivation resources from other forces. However, if they violate the oath of heaven and the oath of the inner demon, their cultivation will never progress, so what's the point of leaking secrets?

Of course, there must be many problems in the process. After all, they are still discussing in advance and it is impossible to solve them all.

But just like that, Li Zhirui has been convinced by Daqing.

"Then you've worked hard over the years to find a way to get a spiritual object or a method that can make even the gods unconscious." As soon as Li Zhirui said this, Daqing knew that he agreed.

In fact, Daqing also has his own selfish motives.

He reluctantly abandoned all his descendants in the Xuanyuan Realm.

But these heirs have already signed contracts with the clansmen, and there is no way to separate them and can only be taken away together.

Is there any difference between taking away a small number of tribesmen and the majority of tribesmen?

Everyone is guessing and curious, so why not bring more clan members with you so that we can provide more help when the time comes.

"Brother Jiu, just practice with peace of mind. Xiaoqing and I will solve this matter." Daqing promised.

"it is good."

Li Zhirui smiled and nodded, then watched Daqing leave.

Sitting alone in the spiritual realm, Li Zhirui thought carefully about what Daqing said.

It can also be seen from here that he is still a little hesitant and uncertain about Daqing's suggestion.

After all, once the news is leaked, Li Zhirui will probably fall into endless pursuit and escape.

He doesn't believe in human nature, but he is unwilling to give up the benefits brought by his family.

After weighing it in his mind, he finally decided to let Daqing do it first, and he only needed to concentrate on training and wait until his level improved before making plans.

After making the decision, Li Zhirui exhaled a long breath, closed his eyes and meditated, dispelling all the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Then he set up restrictions and blocked the spiritual realm to ensure that his aura would not be leaked at all.

After doing this, Li Zhirui returned to the futon and began to adjust his condition.

A few days passed by in a flash.

One night.

Li Zhirui took out the sealed and intact Tianhua Dameng Yin Fruit and drank it without hesitation.

The spirit fruit is not big, and it seems to be solid, but it is like smoke. Put it to your mouth, inhale it gently, and it will disappear into the body. Unlike other spiritual objects, the smoke does not flow down into the Dantian, but upward. He entered the sea of ​​consciousness and was finally absorbed by the soul.

In an instant, a mysterious Taoist charm came over him, and Li Zhirui began to set various settings for the evolution of the dream world. After completing it, the whole person fell into a big dream!

I don’t know how much time passed, but Li Zhirui opened his eyes and regained the light in front of him. He looked at the layout that was exactly the same as the purification spiritual realm on Wanxian Mountain not far away, and the rich spiritual energy around him...

Even though he had known for a long time that all this was fake and just a dream, he was still shocked by the sense of reality.

"It is worthy of being a treasure that all the great masters would fight for! Even if it is only half of it, to me, it is still a supreme treasure!"

Li Zhirui sighed, closed his eyes, and concentrated on practicing.

The magic power and cultivation are fake, but the realm is real!

Therefore, Li Zhirui mainly focused on improving his realm, and did not care much about cultivation and magic power.

Three hundred years of dreaming seems to be a very long time, but when you devote yourself to cultivation, you will find that the time is too little, not enough at all!

Naturally, Li Zhirui didn't want to waste time thinking about how the Dream Treasure Fruit was so realistic, because he had self-awareness and knew that this was something he couldn't explore. (End of chapter)

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