Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 910 Running

After Daqing left, he immediately approached Xiaoqing, Xiaocang, Ashen, and Amu to discuss the matter in secret.

The reason why I told them was that I wanted to work together so that he wouldn't have to run around alone, and I also wanted to see if there was any method or spiritual object in their inherited memory that could hypnotize a godly monk.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about for monks under the transformation of gods. The Li Family Sutra Pavilion has similar elixir recipes, and Li Zhirui has also refined many of them.

After Daqing finished speaking, the scene was silent for a moment, and Xiaoqing exclaimed: "You think so long-term!"

They were all shocked by Daqing's suggestion just now, because they knew that once the secret of the space was leaked, they would probably have to hide.

But they really couldn't refuse the benefits Daqing said.

Such as the planting and care of spiritual objects.

When Ashen was only at the first or second level, he was really keen on this and took good care of the various spiritual creatures in the space.

But as his cultivation level improved and he spent more and more time on cultivation, he naturally could no longer devote so much energy to spiritual objects.

"Let's find a way to find a magic door or spiritual object first." Xiao Cang interrupted everyone's confusion.

If this is not possible, there is no need to continue Daqing’s suggestion.

"Xiao Cang is right! It should indeed be so."

Daqing nodded, looked at everyone, and asked: "So, do you have similar methods or spiritual objects in your inherited memories?"

Several people frowned and said nothing. After all, this is a relatively rarely used spiritual object. In the past, no one paid attention to it, so naturally it needs to be recalled.

Among them, the most likely ones are Xiao Cang and Amu, because their bloodline is the noblest and their bloodline inheritance is all-encompassing. Maybe their ancestors have similar methods.

"I know a spiritual creature called Menghuangliang."

But unexpectedly, it was Ashen who spoke.

"Fifth-level dream yellow beam, mixed with green clouds, mist and other spiritual objects, can be made into a stick of spiritual incense. All living beings within a radius of fifty miles will fall asleep and fall into sleep."

After a pause, Amu added: "And it is colorless and odorless. It can be completed quietly, but it takes a long time and takes half an hour to take effect."

It is precisely this that makes Meng Huangliang quite useless.

But for Daqing and others, this shortcoming is actually a good thing, because it is not precious enough, which makes it easier for them to buy it.

Several other people also thought of various spiritual objects that can make people sleep. Xiao Cang even came up with a method, but in general, it was not as good as the dream Huangliang mentioned by Ashen.

"Then let's focus on Meng Huangliang! In addition to entrusting the two top chambers of commerce, Xuanfa Pavilion and Nanya Chamber of Commerce, we should also contact other large chambers of commerce in the Eastern Region. At the same time, we should go to Tianji Pavilion to see if we can buy similar ones. information."

Daqing made a decision immediately, thought about it, and added: "If you find a spiritual object with similar effects during the process, you can buy it first."

It can be considered an extra layer of insurance.

Da Qing, Xiao Qing and Xiao Cang immediately took action. A Mu and A Shen had relatively low cultivation and special heels, so it was better not to show them to others.

Maybe they were lucky. Xuanfa Pavilion and Nanya Chamber of Commerce actually had Meng Huangliang in stock. After paying the deposit, they could just pick it up according to the agreed time. They didn't need to run around.

After the primary goal was accomplished extremely smoothly, Daqing began to carry out the subsequent plans. First, determine the list of clan members to be taken to the upper world.

But he didn't expect Xiao Cang to be more radical than him, saying: "Can't we take away all the clan members? It's only more than 10,000 people, and take away tens of thousands of mortals by the way. In this way, after the family reaches the upper world, We can start developing directly, instead of having to move to Darong Island like we did when we first moved to Darong Island. There were very few tribesmen, and it took us many years to reach the scale we have now."

"That's right! In this way, the family can resume production as soon as possible." Xiao Qing and others also think it makes sense.

Daqing thought for a while and said: "Have you ever thought about how to keep all the clan members in the family? Prevent them from going out to experience?"

"Let Brother Ninth tell us a few years before the tribulation, and then tell the news to the clansmen. Are we still worried that they won't stay?"

Even those members of the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core clansmen could not understand anything from the thunder tribulation, but they would still stay in the family to witness this great moment!

"What will happen to the millions of secular people on the island after all the monks leave?" Daqing asked again.

"We can only let them leave Ten Thousand Immortals Island and go to the mainland to survive."

Ten Thousand Immortals Island cannot be defended by a group of mortals. Even though the spirits will definitely move and most of the great spiritual veins on the island will be removed by then, it is not a place where they can live.

"Where are the spiritual veins in various places?"

"Let those vassal forces buy spiritual veins with spiritual stones, or give them up directly. There shouldn't be a shortage of spiritual veins in the world, right?"

No one knows the answer to this question. After all, they have never been there, and there is no relevant content in their inherited memories.

Daqing kept asking questions, while Xiaoqing and the others brainstormed and came up with solutions.

In the end, Da Qing approved Xiao Qing's plan and took all the clan members directly to the upper world! There are tens of thousands of mortals by the way.

As for the island, the spirit beasts that the Li family has worked hard to cultivate and the precious spiritual objects they have planted over the years cannot be given up. The former uses a spirit beast bag, and the latter directly digs out the soil with roots and temporarily plants it in the space to wait for the upper world. After determining the clan area, transplant it out.

Of course, you can only choose those precious things, and it is impossible to bring all the spiritual beasts and spiritual objects with you.

Moreover, it is impossible for just a few of them to complete this huge and complicated work in a short period of time. Even the spiritual creatures and spiritual beasts they have discussed cannot do it.

But I can't let anyone else help, because this is too abnormal.

"We can control a large number of low-level puppets to do these tedious things. As long as we make preparations in advance, it can be completed!" Xiao Qing, who has a lively mind, quickly came up with a solution.

"Okay!" Daqing clapped repeatedly.

In addition to the problems mentioned, there are still many problems that have not been mentioned, but solutions have been relatively smoothly figured out.

Even though Daqing and the others were very careful in their actions to avoid everyone's eyes, they still attracted the attention of a few people.

Such as Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengsheng.

They didn't know very well what Daqing was doing, and they thought they were gathering together to discuss matters related to Li Zhirui.

It wasn't until Jiang Fengwu checked the situation of the island protection formation as usual and accidentally discovered that Daqing and the others had been out frequently recently, which attracted her attention.

"What are they doing? Is it their own idea, or is it an arrangement made by Zhi Rui before retreating?" Jiang Fengwu murmured to himself.

She has not and will not doubt the loyalty of Daqing and the others. Because of the existence of the contract, the relationship between the spirit beast and the monk has long been closely related. (End of chapter)

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