"Brother Ninth has broken through to the late stage of divine transformation!"

Because of this incident, Daqing and others gathered together again.

However, Ashen was attacking the fourth level and Amu was sleeping and refining his magic power, so they did not participate.

"Isn't this a little slow for Brother Ninth?"

Xiao Qing frowned. He suddenly thought of a bad guess and said, "Is it possible that the Tianhua Dream Yin Fruit did not allow Brother Ninth to elevate his realm to the perfection of divine transformation?"

"How is that possible! With Brother Jiu's talent, he will definitely be able to improve his realm to perfection in three hundred years, and maybe even further." Xiao Cang shook his head, not agreeing with Xiao Qing's guess.

"If it's really like what you said, why did it take Ninth Brother thirty years to break through to the late stage of divine transformation?"

They all know that if the realm exceeds the cultivation level, the cultivation speed is very fast, and Li Zhirui was already in the middle stage of divine transformation for a long time before he retreated.

"There's no need to think wildly. Just use the secret method to transmit the voice. Just ask Ninth Brother and you'll know." Daqing ended the quarrel with just one sentence.

Under the gaze of the two people, Daqing began to use the secret technique.

Li Zhirui, who was refining his magic power in the spiritual realm, immediately stopped his power and began to respond.

Speaking of which, he really forgot to contact Daqing and the others!

So when Li Zhirui heard Da Qing talking about the argument between Xiao Qing and Xiao Cang, he said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I was too happy before, and then I was concentrating on practicing, and I forgot to tell you that I'm safe."

"Brother Jiu, just be okay."

Then Li Zhirui explained to Daqing why it took him so long to break through to the late stage of divine transformation. The main reason was that he was too striving for perfection!

Thinking that he had a long life and no need to rush to improve his cultivation, he spent a lot of time refining his magic power and made his own magic power extremely pure.

If the mana before was as soft as cotton wool, then Li Zhirui's mana now is as hard as steel.

Of course, Li Zhirui will not be so extreme next time.

Because it’s too time consuming!

He felt that it was enough to refine his magic power to the level of 'stone', and there was no need to reach the level of 'steel'.

Because Li Zhirui can't wait to see the scenery of the world!

And he also felt that he had gone astray.

Li Zhirui was certainly young in the Xuanyuan world and still had a lot of longevity left, but in the vast world where there are so many geniuses, he would probably be lost to everyone.

Moreover, the road ahead was difficult and dangerous. Without the guidance of his teacher, he could only find his way out on his own.

Thinking like this, Li Zhirui didn't feel like he still had a lot of life left.

Therefore, he estimated that the tribulation would begin in fifty years, which was twenty years earlier than his original estimate.

"How are you preparing for your original plan?" Li Zhirui asked.

Daqing naturally wouldn't hide anything and told Li Zhirui everything about the five of them's preparations.

"Okay, I will tell you a few years before I go through the tribulation, and then you will announce the news and let all the clan members stay." Li Zhirui thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with their perfected idea.

After asking Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng, Li Chengshuo, and their families about the past thirty years, the conversation ended. After all, the secret method of soul transmission consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness. They have been talking for a long time, and Daqing's spiritual consciousness is about to be exhausted.

Within thirty years, the Li family experienced several more thunder disasters.

Among them, two of Jiang Fengwu's spirit beasts, Dragon Carp and Blue Bird, have successfully broken through to the fifth level, and she herself is also expected to break through to the middle stage of divine transformation in the past ten years due to the feedback of her magic power.

And Li Chengcheng’s Chaoyangwu also broke through the fifth level.

In addition to the three spiritual beasts, Li Xianxun and Li Mingyao, who were once regarded as the seeds of divine transformation by Li Zhirui, have successively achieved breakthroughs in divine transformation within five years of each other.

Among them, Li Xianxun based on the incomplete "Taiyi Xun Feng Dao Jing" and combined all the popular skills in his family to create a technique tailored for himself!

In this process, Li Xianxun's realm improved very quickly, and it was a matter of course for him to break through to become a god.

Li Mingyao was a little different. He steadily reached the realm of divine transformation step by step.

That is to say, he has excellent qualifications and extremely high understanding. Otherwise, Li Mingyao's steady and steady method would not have allowed him to break through to the gods so quickly.

As for the monks from other realms in the family, many have emerged in the past thirty years.

In general, the strength of the Li family is still growing rapidly, and it is soaring all the way. The forces near Xuanfa Pavilion and Nanya Chamber of Commerce are dumbfounded and shocked in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this that many forces are eyeing the Li family, wanting to know what is unique about the Li family's monks who have improved so quickly.

Naturally, they dare not take action against the Li family. After all, the Li family now has more than a dozen transformed gods, and Ten Thousand Immortals Island is also protected by a fifth-level island protection formation. How much would it cost to take down the Li family? The price?

And once it takes action, it must be eradicated, otherwise the consequences will be endless!

Otherwise, if a certain transformed god or several transformed gods are allowed to escape, then from now on, the disciples or clan members who go out to practice will have no peace!

He didn't dare to do anything openly, so he could only use secret means behind the scenes.

They ambush outside and capture the Li family monks alive, and try their best to infiltrate the inside.

Using a two-pronged approach, it didn't take long for them to know that it was because of the Li family's unique inherited technique, the "All Spirits Sutra"!

Once you contract a spiritual beast, you can increase the purity of your spiritual roots, although only by a few points.

Whether it is a monk or a spiritual beast, as long as the cultivation level breaks through, mana can be fed back to the other party. The most important thing is that as long as the spiritual beast is not bound by blood, there will be no bottleneck until the cultivation level exceeds that of the monk!

The advantages of the "All Souls Scripture" were discovered despite the efforts and efforts of various forces.

After knowing the reason, most of the forces were disappointed. Although the "All Spirits Sutra" was unique, it was not worth the risk they took to attack the Li family.

Because they see clearly that the "All Spirits Sutra" has many advantages, but also many disadvantages.

After contracting a spirit beast, you have to spend resources to cultivate it, right? And you should contract with high-grade spiritual beasts as much as possible, otherwise you will have to find spiritual objects in the future to help improve your grade.

Do you want to give up? The cultivation level of monks and spiritual beasts cannot exceed a great realm! If you want to break through the Nascent Soul, then your spirit beast must break through the third level.

Moreover, if the spirit beast dies, then part of the soul's origin will be permanently lost, which is equivalent to the severance of the path!

This risk is not small.

After all, starting from the Golden Core Realm/Level 3, every time you break through a major realm, you have to overcome a disaster!

As we all know, the power of thunder tribulation of spiritual beasts is much stronger than that of monks.

If the spirit beast dies in the thunder disaster, its own cultivation will stop there.

These kinds of costs made the "All Spirits Sutra" become tasteless in their eyes, and it was a pity to discard it. (End of chapter)

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