Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 913 Sealing the Island

However, some forces did not give up and tried every means to obtain the "All Spirits Sutra".

Because the clan members who went out to practice suffered heavy casualties, it attracted the attention of Li Xiansong and others. When some clan members escaped from the ambush and returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island to report the matter, they learned that the family's martial arts had been used by many forces. Covet!

In view of the fact that the Li family is quite powerful, those forces are secretly capturing the Li family members in order to obtain the skills.

As soon as Li Xiansong learned about the matter, he held an emergency family meeting and called all the elders to discuss how to solve it.

"The enemy is hiding in the dark, and the news from those tribesmen is that there is at least one Yuanying monk in the ambush team. We have no way to deal with it." An elder said with a frown.

Once the Li family sends out powerful tribesmen, those monks will definitely hide and try again later. Should the Li family let those tribesmen keep searching outside?

"Yes, and those forces might even infiltrate the family." Another elder said worriedly.

Although every tribesman will swear an oath and an inner demon oath before practicing, if the technique is after the golden elixir realm, a divine soul jade slip will be added to ensure that the technique will not be leaked.

There may be no solution to the divine soul jade slip, because the moment you want to spread the technique, the jade slip will explode, blowing the soul to pieces!

However, if a monk is willing to give up his own path and bear the pain of the inner demon's soul-devouring soul, he can record the skills on jade slips.

Li Xiansong frowned and his face became increasingly ugly. If such a major mistake really happened during his term of office, what face would he have in the future?

"Notify all clan members that they must learn the sealing seal!"

This is the secret technique with the widest spread, the longest history, and the best effect in the Xuanyuan world to prevent the leakage of skills.

In fact, the effect is similar to that of the Divine Soul Jade Slip, but the curse seal is more complicated.

The Li family also spent a lot of spiritual stones to buy it from Xuanfa Pavilion after they became the Huashen family.

Of course, the one bought by the Li family is the most original version, and each faction will modify it on this basis to make it more difficult to crack.

But even so, the difficulty of cracking is not small.

After the Li family bought it back, they did not force every clan member to learn it, but clan members who acquired the technique from then on had to learn the curse seal.

After all, at that time, the Li family was not attracting much attention, and with the protection of the Taoist Oath, the Inner Demon Oath and the Divine Soul Jade Slip, I felt that there would be no problems.

But it doesn't work anymore. The Li family's cultivating gods are growing too fast, which has attracted the attention of many forces. They all want to get the "All Souls Scripture". As a result, the Li family's previous methods are not enough.

In addition to learning curse seals to prevent the leakage of the skills, Li Xiansong also activated the dark department to secretly investigate the activities of the tribesmen. The most important thing is to keep an eye on the number of times the tribesmen go out!

The effect of this approach was indeed good, and several tribesmen were captured by Li Xiansong.

Their punishment is to lose all their cultivation and be imprisoned in a dungeon to wait for death.

This is because they are members of the Li family, otherwise, they would be killed directly!

But the disadvantage of this method is also very obvious, that is, it can only be implemented in Ten Thousand Immortals Island, and there is no way to monitor the stations outside.

In desperation, Li Xiansong could only ask to see Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and other god-forming ancestors, hoping that they could come up with a better solution.

Since everyone's monk progress is different, we can only meet them separately.

After Daqing heard about it, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Just call all the clansmen back, and no one is allowed in. After a few decades, those monks will naturally leave."

It just so happens that Brother Ninth should also have improved his cultivation to perfection by then and be ready to transcend the tribulation and ascend.

Let the clansmen stay on Ten Thousand Immortals Island decades in advance. Maybe all the clansmen can be taken away by then!

"Of course, you can also practice in the nearby waters. Once you encounter danger, your family can rescue you in time."

"This..." Li Xiansong frowned, hesitated, and said, "But in this case, what should we do with the spiritual veins outside the island? We can't seal them."

"Just sell the spiritual veins directly to various vassal forces. Anyway, there are dozens of spiritual veins on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, which is enough." Daqing said directly.

Take this opportunity to exchange for a large amount of spiritual stones and take them directly to the upper world when the time comes.

As for the dozens of spiritual veins on the island, most of them came from the last expansion of the area and the integration of the island chain.

"This matter is of great importance, please allow me to consider it for a while."

Li Xiansong always felt that Daqing was a little anxious about this matter, as if he had some purpose, but he couldn't guess it.

"Okay." Daqing noticed that Li Xiansong's expression was a little strange, and immediately realized that he was too anxious. He originally wanted to continue to persuade, but he swallowed it back instantly.

However, he discussed the matter with several other gods one after another, but none of them came up with better suggestions. Li Xiansong had to talk about Daqing's idea with other elders.

The elders discussed it a lot, and some people agreed, thinking that Daqing's idea was effective, and those forces might not wait for decades.

Some people disagree that sealing off the island for decades, with no entry or exit allowed, will delay the cultivation of many tribesmen.

The two sides argued endlessly and almost started a fight in the family hall.

"What are you doing!" Li Xiansong's face turned ugly, Nascent Soul's coercion completely exploded, and he shouted coldly.

The scene fell silent instantly, and all the elders sat back in their seats.

"Let's vote with a show of hands!" Li Xiansong withdrew his pressure and said solemnly: "Raise your hands if you agree!"

After three breaths, Li Xiansong began to count the quantities.

"Nineteen people agree! Then notify the clan members and implement it as soon as possible." Li Xiansong knew why so many elders agreed.

It seems that because the news of the Li family's request for all clan members to learn the magic seal spread, all the forces lurking outside have accelerated their actions.

As a result, the number of casualty monks in the Li family has skyrocketed, but they can't think of a solution. Now only Daqing has come up with a method that can effectively reduce casualties. They have no other choice!

Is it possible to sit back and do nothing, let nature take its course, and let the clan members be killed?

And this idea was proposed by Daqing. If anything goes wrong, he will take more responsibility.

However, not all the spiritual veins controlled by the Li family in various parts of Wanxian State were sold.

For example, those fourth-level spiritual veins were sealed using formations and could be restarted after the crisis was over.

Some tribesmen who didn't understand the situation naturally had a lot of opinions after learning that entry and exit from Ten Thousand Immortals Island would be allowed in the future.

But when they learned about the dangers outside and how many forces coveted the "All Spirits Sutra", they immediately shut their mouths.

"The Li family has actually closed the island?"

They had seen all the Li family's recent actions and thought they were just trying to avoid the enemy temporarily, but they didn't expect it to go this far! (End of chapter)

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