They dare not take action against Ten Thousand Immortals Island, because doing so would mean completely breaking their skin and fighting to the death!

Facing the Ten Thousand Immortals Island shrouded in aura, no matter how unwilling these monks were, they could only leave some people behind. The other monks returned to the mountain gate. After all, they didn't know how long the Li family would seal off the island, and they couldn't stay here forever. Is it a waste of precious practice time?

One year...

Two years...

Time flies, more than twenty years have passed, and there is no possibility of the Li family being unblocked. All these monks finally left.

Wanxian Prefecture, without the Li family in charge, has also begun to become turbulent. Some stronger forces have divided their territories. Although they have not declared independence for fear of causing trouble after the Li family is unblocked, various actions can reveal their ambitions.

They asked the surrounding forces to pay tribute, established fairy cities, and divided up the cultivation. Their interests and ambitions gave them the idea of ​​​​expansion!

When the first force perished, wars broke out across the Wanxian State. A large number of monks died in the war, and the originally peaceful and peaceful land became extremely chaotic.

After all, under the cultivation of the Li family, Wanxianzhou now has relatively rich spiritual veins, and its grade is not low, so it will naturally attract coveted eyes.

And now that most of the spiritual veins have been sold and are no longer owned by the Li family, the various forces have no scruples.

Loose cultivators began to flee in large numbers, and this was no longer their holy land of cultivation!

And this further accelerated the decline and decline of Wanxian State.

Fortunately, those forces still have some sense. They know that the Li family is just sealing off the island and will not appear for the time being. They are not surprised that they will not return in the future, so they dare not take action against the few spiritual veins of the Li family.

Under the restriction of entry and exit, clan members who went out to practice could only practice on the island after returning to the family.

Except for a very few tribesmen, most of the tribesmen have returned one after another in the past twenty years.

In order to appease the emotions of the tribesmen and to solve the problems they encountered in cultivation, Li Xiansong and a group of elders tried their best.

First of all, the monthly payment has increased by 50%! Various other benefits of the family have been improved.

That is to say, there are many spiritual realms and spiritual veins on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, which can produce a large number of spiritual objects to meet the needs of the tribesmen.

Moreover, the Li family also has a window open to the outside world, and that is Xishanfang City!

With the help of the market, the spiritual objects refined by the family are sold to external parties. While earning spiritual stones, they also need to purchase some spiritual objects that the Li family cannot produce.

Secondly, various competition venues have been opened, and the arena allows clansmen to compete with each other, enhance their strength, and vent their emotions at the same time.

There was also the Mortal Questioning Heart Formation arranged by Jiang Fengwu back then, which allowed the tribesmen to hone their Taoist minds, which could be regarded as making up for the problem of not being able to go out to practice.

Then they also arranged sermons by Huashen, Yuanying, and Jindan monks, giving layer-by-layer guidance that could include all members of the Li family.

After a series of combined punches, most of the clan members were finally appeased.

However, Li Xiansong and others understand that this is not a long-term solution. It has good results now, but as time goes by, there will be more and more problems.

Not to mention anything else, in the past twenty years, the number of clan members who have achieved breakthroughs in cultivation is 10% less than before!

In addition, through Xishanfang City, Li Xiansong and others knew that no monks from the outside world were ambushing the Li family monks, so they discussed with the elders whether they should end the island seal and restore the normal situation in previous years.

When Daqing knew that the elders were discussing to lift the blockade, he knew that the time had come to reveal Li Zhirui's ascension.

"It's a pity that it only lasted more than twenty years."

He sighed helplessly, and the next moment, Daqing appeared in the family hall.

"I've met Lingzu!" Li Xiansong was stunned when he saw Daqing arriving, and then hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"Clan leader, please summon all the elders. I have something important to announce."

Li Xiansong was very curious, but he still followed Daqing's instructions honestly. Not long after, all the elders gathered in the main hall.

"Brother Ninth is striving for the perfection of divine transformation, and is expected to overcome the tribulation and ascend in the next few decades, so I hope the island closure time can be extended!"

When Daqing saw everyone gathered, he threw a thunderbolt, shocking the elders.

"May I ask Lingzu, Ruizu should have been in the middle stage of becoming a god before he went into seclusion, right? It has only been less than thirty years, so why is it that he is about to go through the tribulation?" After a while, an elder asked.

"Brother Ninth had an opportunity in the void before, so his cultivation level improved so quickly." Daqing did not explain in detail.

Li Xiansong also remembered that Li Zhirui had told him about this decades ago, but he was so wrapped up in trivial matters that he had forgotten it.

"Don't untie Ten Thousand Immortals Island for the time being. After a while, I will announce it in public and it will appease the clansmen for a while." Daqing advised.

Li Xiansong glanced at Daqing thoughtfully. He seemed to have been thinking about letting his clansmen stay on Ten Thousand Immortals Island from the beginning. Why did he do this?


Daqing didn't expect Li Xiansong to agree directly. He looked at him in surprise, but didn't ask any more questions.

After talking to the elders, they instantly gave up the idea of ​​opening Ten Thousand Immortals Island, and instead began to think of ways to continue to appease the tribe.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and it is so cold that I don’t know the year.

Decades pass by in a blink of an eye.

On a small Ten Thousand Immortals Island, the tribesmen who have been trapped for decades can no longer bear it even though they enjoy many benefits.

It was like a volcano about to erupt, and there was no telling how the family would be blown up with a bang.

So when Daqing noticed something was wrong, he immediately stood up and summoned all the clan members.

"Ninth brother Li Zhirui is about to ascend! I hope everyone can endure it for a while longer, because you will witness the first ascended monk in the family!"

At the same time, you will also enjoy a great opportunity! Daqing did not say this last sentence.


As soon as these words came out, the scene instantly erupted into exclamations of surprise.


"real or fake?"

The next moment, doubts arose.

"In less than ten years! Brother Ninth will be able to overcome the tribulation!" Daqing did not answer their questions, but directly told everyone in a loud voice.

"Ten years is neither long nor short, just watch."

Daqing dared to say this and give a more accurate time, naturally because Li Zhirui took the initiative to contact him yesterday.

Li Zhirui spent decades improving his cultivation to the perfection of becoming a god!

At first, he planned to leave a few more years to make it as perfect as possible and increase his chances of successfully overcoming the tribulation.

At the same time, Li Zhirui also needs to prepare some treasure pills and thunder vine spiritual seeds, which will take time.

But when Daqing told him that due to some accidents, all the clan members were now staying on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, and had been for decades, Li Zhirui planned to compress some more time!

It ended up being within ten years. (End of chapter)

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