Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 915 Overcoming the Tribulation

Seven years passed by in a flash.

On this day, Daqing, Xiaoqing, Xiaocang, Ashen, and Amu all walked out of the spiritual realm and came to the purified spiritual realm.

Some people were very confident in Li Zhirui, while others still looked worried, worried that something might go wrong.

There is only one reason why they suddenly gathered here!

That was what Li Zhirui had just told them through soul transmission that he would overcome the tribulation today!

"Inform all the tribesmen to come over. We will take advantage of this opportunity to make arrangements. In addition to all the monks, we will take as many spiritual creatures away from the island as possible." Daqing and everyone said.

"it is good."

"Li Zhirui is about to survive the catastrophe, everyone can come and watch!"

The five people joined forces and spread the sound throughout the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Island. Not only the monks heard it, but also the millions of mortals!

Everyone looked up at the source of the sound. Some were suspicious, thinking that Li Zhirui could not break through so quickly; some were ecstatic because Li Zhirui's breakthrough meant that the Li family would have a person more suitable for practicing the "All Spirits Sutra" The practice inheritance!

If it succeeds, it will be a good thing for all the monks of the Li family.

Believe it or not, most of the clan members gathered around.

On the first day, there was no movement, because Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng, and many clan members were practicing. Daqing specially told Li Zhirui the secret method.

The tribesmen who were watching couldn't wait any longer and started talking one after another. However, seeing the five Daqing people standing around the purifying spiritual realm like Dharma-protecting generals dispelled some of their distrust.

But as time went by, the tribesmen's patience continued to wear away, and many people had already left, thinking that this was a lie!

Until Li Chengsheng and others all finished their training and came to Daqing and others!

"Uncle Daqing, is dad really going to survive the tribulation?" Li Chengsheng asked curiously and worriedly.

"I'm just waiting for you." Daqing opened his eyes and said, "This is the last opportunity that Brother Ninth gives you here!"

After that, he used his secret method to contact Li Zhirui, who had been waiting in the secret realm for a long time.


The next moment, when Li Zhirui left the spiritual realm and entered the Xuanyuan Realm, Tiandao immediately realized that he had exceeded the limit of this realm!

In the blink of an eye, calamity clouds swarmed in. Within a moment, layers of extremely thick calamity clouds appeared in the sky above his head. Thunder roared, wind returned and lightning surged, creating a terrifying scene of doomsday!

Such a huge thunder tribulation could not help but be believed by the tribesmen. Everyone rushed over impatiently. Even the secular tribesmen who were unable to practice also took action to get closer and see clearly the first ancestor of the Li family who had overcome the tribulation. !

And this just made it easier for Daqing and the others to move.

In order to avoid affecting Li Zhirui, they placed the location of Menghuang Liang's spirit incense in a few remote corners. Unknowingly, the spirit incense was lit, and wisps of green smoke melted into the sky and earth as soon as they appeared. Can't notice it!

At the same time, the five Daqings each controlled countless puppets, avoiding the sight of the tribesmen, walking around Wanxian Island, collecting various spiritual objects and magic methods, and in short, they would take away everything they could!


At the same time as they were moving, the first thunderbolt of the Ascension Thunder Tribulation crashed down.

The speed was so fast that even the Nascent Soul cultivator could only see a little white light and couldn't see the appearance of Jie Lei at all!

Li Zhirui responded calmly, and little flashes of light emerged, transforming into tall ancient trees, blocking the tribulation thunder. The roots spread and whipped the tribulation thunder continuously. Although the roots will be burned to ashes the moment they are touched, with the support of Li Zhirui's magic power, the endless roots will completely submerge the robbery!

Before Li Zhirui could take a breath, the second thunderbolt exploded towards him quickly.

The tribulation thunder, which was still tiny compared to the first one, is now the size of a bowl!

Li Zhirui no longer dealt with it so easily. A large amount of mana poured out crazily, turning into an extremely thick steel vine, beating the thunderbolt crazily.

But before it was about to turn into ashes, the volume suddenly expanded, and the tribulation thunder was taken away with a death blow.

The rumble of thunder sounded, and thunderbolts fell one after another, giving Li Zhirui no chance to breathe for a moment.

After enduring eight tribulation thunders, Li Zhirui's current condition is very bad!

And even though he had prepared a lot of magic pills to restore his magic power, he still used them seven or seven times amidst the tribulation thunder.


An extremely subtle breaking sound suddenly sounded, and everyone looked around for this strange sound, not knowing where it came from.

Daqing and others all looked at the calamity clouds in the sky, their expressions solemn and their eyes full of worry.

Because they knew that the breaking sound came from the sky and the underworld!

This means that even the space in the Xuanyuan Realm cannot bear this thunder!

Accompanied by roaring and shattering sounds, a millstone-thick calamity thunder poured down from the calamity cloud and headed straight for Li Zhirui!

Under this tribulation thunder, the terrifying aura made all the onlookers panic, as if they were just ants and couldn't even think of resisting!

"How could the Ascension Thunder Tribulation be so terrifying?!" Daqing lost his previous calmness and shouted in panic.

They had also seen Dao Tongdu Tribulation before! Although it was only recorded with a photo stone, his thunder disaster could never be so terrible!

This is the last thunderbolt! Li Zhirui looked firmly at the calamity thunder flying towards him. Regardless of whether the meridians in his body could withstand it, he swallowed a large amount of treasure pills. His magic power had no time to be refined and poured out like a torrent.

Hundreds of thousands of wooden shields gathered and stacked, and countless Thunder Vine Spirit Seeds were scattered around. At the same time, the magic weapon of his life was sacrificed. With a pinch of the magic weapon, the thousands of spirits turned into dense forests, blocking Li Zhirui's front.

The thunderbolt and the wooden shield collided in mid-air, and the lightning exploded for a moment, turning the sky and the earth white, and everyone was so blinded that they could not open their eyes.

With a bang, Li Zhirui's magical power was finally defeated by the thunder and was blown to pieces.

Fortunately, the Tribulation Thunder has also consumed a lot of its power and is no longer so thick.

Lei Teng couldn't withstand the tribulation thunder at all, but fortunately there were enough of them to buy Li Zhirui a few breaths of time.

At this critical moment of life and death, how could Li Zhirui care too much?

Using the extra time, he once again crudely refined a large amount of treasure pills. The restless magic power made Li Zhirui's Dantian and meridians extremely uncomfortable, but he had no other choice but to grit his teeth and persevere.

Countless spiritual lights floated and flickered in mid-air, and under the influence of massive mana, they eventually turned into a lifelike vine dragon and fought with the Tribulation Thunder.

After a while, the calamity thunder became smaller again, but under the death explosion of Vine Dragon, only broken black vines were left everywhere! (End of chapter)

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