Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 916 Ascension!

Seeing this scene, Li Zhirui smiled.

Although using the natal magic weapon to deal with this much weakened tribulation thunder will cause some damage to it, luckily I can block the last tribulation thunder!


Suddenly spitting out a mouthful of blood, Li Zhirui was in so much pain that he couldn't stand any longer. He could only slump on the ground, seize the time to recover, and at the same time wait for the demise of the robbery and the arrival of the inner demon!

Although the Tribulation Thunder had been weakened and its power was only 20 to 30%, it still caused huge damage to Qianling.

The originally dense trees have now turned into dead branches and leaves, the auspicious clouds have completely dissipated, and a huge crack has appeared in the middle of the magic weapon, almost breaking the entire magic weapon!


His magic weapon was injured, and Li Zhirui spat out a large mouthful of blood. The little time he spent recovering could only be said to have not made his current injury more serious.

All the tribesmen who were watching from a distance had their hearts sinking. After the last tribulation thunder, only the inner demon tribulation was left!

In their impression, Li Zhirui's Taoist heart has always been tenacious, and his inner demons will not pose any threat to him at all.

But Jiang Fengwu and others are not as confident as them.

Because Li Zhirui's injury is too serious!

This will definitely affect the state of the soul and Taoist heart.

But this time, the worries of Jiang Fengwu and others were in vain, because Li Zhirui was in the early stage of virtual refining, and the inner demons that came to prevent him from transcending the tribulation could only be transformed into gods. Even though his current condition was very bad, he still did not need to fear the inner demon tribulation. .

So within a moment, the dark clouds in the sky turned into masses of extremely pure spiritual energy, turning into a huge pillar of light, completely covering Li Zhirui, as if he had entered a warm spring. Incomparable comfort.

This beam of light did not dissipate as usual, but became brighter and brighter. The high-quality spiritual energy falling from the upper world turned into mist. Flowers fell from the sky. White lotuses grew on the earth. All kinds of strange phenomena were seen. It shows that Li Zhirui has successfully overcome the tribulation and is about to ascend!


The movement of Li Zhirui overcoming the tribulation was so loud that even outside Ten Thousand Immortals Island, one could see the scope of the tribulation thunder, especially since there were many monks in Xishanfang City.

They spread the news to their own forces, so during Li Zhirui's tribulation, many monks came to watch.

"It's really an ascension thunder disaster!"

"How can this be?!"

They had doubts before, but in their impression, the Li family did not have a monk who had perfected the spirit transformation, so they did not believe it very much, thinking that other reasons caused the increase in the power of the thunder tribulation.

For example, if there happen to be two Nascent Soul monks who have broken through to become gods, their lightning tribulations will react with each other, which will increase the power of the tribulation thunder!

But now that there are so many visions, facts speak louder than words!

"Congratulations to Ruizu for ascending to the upper realm!"

All members of the Li family, whether monks or mortals, burst into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami at the moment they received the immortal light.

Even the monks who were watching outside the island could hear it clearly.

They looked at each other, their eyes full of curiosity and enthusiasm. No one wanted to know why Li Zhirui was able to break through to Divine Transformation Consummation so quickly.

This allure completely surpasses the previous "All Spirits Sutra"!

Many people are thinking that even if they have to pay a high price to attack Ten Thousand Immortals Island, they must get the answer from the mouths of the Li family monks.

Of course, not now!

After all, an ascended monk appeared in the Li family, and they were not ready yet.

However, they never expected that when they came to Ten Thousand Immortals Island again, they would no longer see the monks, and even the fifth-level spiritual veins on the island had disappeared!

From then on, the story of the mysterious disappearance of tens of thousands of monks from the Li family spread throughout the Xuanyuan world.

Some people say that it was a lie deliberately spread by some forces to cover up the massacre of tens of thousands of monks in the Li family. Others say that one man attained enlightenment and ascended to the upper world, and those monks followed Li Zhirui and ascended to the upper world. Back to now!

bang bang bang-

When everyone was cheering that Li Zhirui was about to ascend, they suddenly fell down one by one and fell into a deep sleep!

But Meng Huangliang Lingxiang has taken effect!

Even the god-transforming monks like Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengsheng didn't notice anything was wrong!

In the extremely pure spiritual energy, the injuries in Li Zhirui's body were quickly healed, and he consciously refined the spiritual energy and turned it into mana to improve his cultivation!

Under the impact of a large amount of mana, Li Zhirui's cultivation level was slowly improving. If he was given another half an hour, he might be able to break through to the early stage of Void Refining!

Such pure spiritual energy can only be enjoyed after overcoming the tribulation.

It's a pity that God will not allow Li Zhirui to take advantage.

In an instant, a mysterious and mysterious Tai Chi Golden Bridge connecting the two worlds appeared in front of Li Zhirui.

As long as you walk along the Golden Bridge, you can go to the upper world.

"Brother Jiu!" Daqing shouted.

Li Zhirui looked down and saw all the clansmen, regardless of their level of cultivation, sleeping on the ground in disorder, as well as the hundreds or thousands of storage magic weapons on Daqing and the others. He couldn't help but smile, and then took action to bring them together with Daqing. Qing Wu people all have income space.

In addition to these more than 10,000 tribesmen, there are also 30,000 secular tribesmen who were also taken in by him.

After all, when it comes to reproduction speed, you have to be a mortal!

Finally, he appeared and pulled out the fifth-level spiritual vein on the island and sealed it temporarily.

After the spiritual veins were extracted, the originally vibrant Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain instantly became a lot darker. All the spiritual realms attached to the spiritual veins separated from the earth, some collapsed directly, and some were hidden in the boundary membrane. Perhaps many Years later, it will become a secret realm for monks to explore.

Li Zhirui felt that spiritual veins should be relatively common in the world, but high-level spiritual veins would definitely be occupied by forces large and small. The Li family could only pick out those low-level spiritual veins.

And with this fifth-level spiritual vein, the Li family can gain a foothold in the world faster.

As for those fourth-level spiritual veins? It wasn't that Li Zhirui didn't want to keep taking away, but he didn't want to take advantage of other monks. However, Tiandao urged him to leave immediately.

Taking one last look at the Xuanyuan Realm, Li Zhirui stepped onto the Tai Chi Golden Bridge and flew upwards following the light from the sky.

It looked extremely far away from the sky, but he only took a few steps before leaving the Xuanyuan Realm and arriving in a mysterious space.

Surrounded by a vast white mist, Li Zhirui's spiritual sense frantically reminded him not to go in, as if there was some huge crisis inside.

Fortunately, the Tai Chi Golden Bridge under his feet exuded spiritual light, which not only protected Li Zhirui, but also restricted his movements.

The Golden Bridge opened up two passages in the thick fog, one pointing to the Middle Thousand World and the other to the Great Thousand World. It all depends on Li Zhirui's own choice.

And without any hesitation, he walked directly towards the passage of the vast world called Yuanling Realm! (End of chapter)

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