Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 918 Mountain

After seeing Wang Huoyi off, Li Zhirui closed the door, laid out the formation, took out the dictionary jade slip, and began to study the words of the Xuanyuan Realm carefully.

With Li Zhirui's learning ability, it only took most of the night to learn the commonly used characters in the Yuanling world.

In the middle of the night, Li Zhirui contacted Daqing and others, telling them that he had settled down temporarily and was now looking at the surrounding maps to determine the family's foothold.

"I will send the comparative dictionary into space now, and you can learn it as soon as possible."

In order to let his tribesmen learn it, Li Zhirui spent several times the spirit stones to buy higher authority. After all, relying on human teaching alone would not only take too much time, but also make it more difficult.

"Daqing, please pay attention to the status of the secular tribesmen and the children who have not yet begun to practice." Finally, Li Zhirui did not forget to remind them.

After all, sleeping for three days or even longer may not have much impact on Jiang Fengwu and other monks, but it is different for those mortals, who may cause internal injuries.

"Brother Ninth, don't worry, we are always paying attention to everyone's health."

Fortunately, those puppets were not abandoned on Ten Thousand Immortals Island. Otherwise, the five of them alone would not be able to take care of so many mortals.

Li Zhirui spent the rest of the time looking at the map and the "Detailed Explanation of Yuanling Realm" he bought before leaving.

Xiaoyuan Immortal City has a radius of thousands of miles, and most of it is a plain land with almost no ups and downs. There is not even a hill. The aura of any place is richer than that of Ten Thousand Immortals Island. It is indeed a good place to build a family.

Unfortunately, this is the territory of the combined family, the Ohara Zhang family!

If the Li family did not want to join the Zhang family and become its vassal family, they would have no choice but to leave Xiaoyuan's territory.

Li Zhirui sincerely did not want to become a vassal of other forces.

First of all, there is no way to explain how so many of them came, especially since it is easy to reveal that they are not creatures born in the Yuanling world.

Once exposed, it will definitely attract the attention of the Zhang family, and the Li family has no power to resist in front of the combined family.

Secondly, even if these problems did not occur, a small family that had just come over would probably only be used as cannon fodder, and the Li family would probably decline by then!

Therefore, that map is no longer of much use to Li Zhirui. He can only read "Detailed Explanation of Yuanling Realm".

Compared with the thin map, this detailed explanation is a tome, containing a lot of useful knowledge, as if it was specially prepared for monks like them who ascended from the lower world.

Unfortunately, Li Zhirui doesn't have time to read this now. His first priority is to find a foothold for his family.

I don't know how much time passed, but I finally found a place in the vast sea of ​​books that seemed suitable for the Li family.

Silent all night.

Li Zhirui left the restaurant early the next morning. After determining the direction, he went straight to the place he had determined last night.

After galloping all the way east, it was not until the afternoon of the third day that Li Zhirui came to a mountain with overlapping mountains and mist.

This place is called Qianzhong Mountains in the Yuanling Realm. You can tell from the name how many peaks there are here.

The reason why Li Zhirui chose this place was that it was not occupied by a big force and the Li family did not have to become a vassal of other forces. Second, the spiritual energy in the mountains is relatively thin, about the same as the third-order spiritual energy. There are many small forces among them. The Li family may not be the strongest, but at least they can survive the early stage safely.

The last point is that the geographical location of the mountains is very good. To the east is the East China Sea, to the north is close to the Cold Wind Wasteland, to the south is Zhangjia Plain, and to the west is the Ten Thousand Miles of Bamboo Sea.

The complex and changeable environment has created a variety of spiritual creatures, and Qianzhong Mountain is located in the middle, making it easy to go anywhere.

But it is not without its shortcomings, that is, the spiritual energy is thin and there are many monsters in the mountains. If he wants to occupy a big mountain, he may have to go through a big battle.

Li Zhirui took advantage of the fact that it was still early and flew back and forth over the mountains, looking for the most suitable place.

He waited until Taiyin lifted into the sky, then stopped, then entered the space, and discussed with Daqing and others which place would be more suitable.

Li Zhirui took a fancy to three spiritual mountains, two of which were located deeper. The mountains were tall and flat and had rich spiritual energy. If they were integrated into the fifth-level spiritual vein brought from Wanxian Island, the spiritual energy would be even better, but life on the mountain There are many fifth-level monsters, and the Li family may have to pay a certain price to capture them.

The third Lingshan Mountain is located on the periphery. It is tall but steep and has slightly poor spiritual energy. The advantage is that there are only a few groups of fourth-level monsters on the island, and Li Zhirui can deal with it alone without any casualties.

And it is located just on the outermost periphery. The large areas of land in the south and east are relatively flat, which will facilitate the establishment of towns and multiplication of secular people in the future when the number of secular people increases.

Originally, Li Zhirui thought Xiaoqing and Xiaocang would choose from the two spiritual mountains, but unexpectedly, all five of them chose the outer spiritual mountain.

"The mountain is steep and can be flattened with magic power; the spiritual energy is thin and can be integrated into spiritual veins and spiritual stones to improve the grade. However, if there are too many casualties among the clan members, the family will not be able to quickly replenish it, and it is located in the mountains. , we have to face the invasion of monsters all the time, it’s too dangerous!” This was their reason.

"What you said makes sense." Li Zhirui, who originally planned to take the risk, thought the same thing after hearing their reasons. There are only tens of thousands of secular clan members now. If there are too many casualties, the family will be in danger.

Now is the time to play it safe, rather than to take risks impulsively.

"Then I will start to deal with those monsters tomorrow."

Daqing shook his head and suggested: "Brother Ninth, they will wake up at noon tomorrow. First move them to those cloud whale spirit ships, and let everyone make an oath of Taoism and an oath of inner demons before taking them with them." Let them go and carve out clan territory.”

"It's just a good opportunity to let them realize that they have left the Xuanyuan World and come to the Great Thousand World."

In the early morning of the next day, Li Zhirui's half-step refining strength fully exploded. Those monsters were like ants in his hands. He crushed them lightly and turned them into corpses.

However, Li Zhirui did not harm those fourth-grade cubs and eggs, which would be able to provide new contracted spirit beasts for the clansmen.

The originally green mountain peaks were covered with a layer of blood.

Li Zhirui took action and set off a purifying wind to remove all the filth.

Then several cloud whale spirit ships were released and all the monks were put inside. As for the secular tribesmen, since there was no need to worry about them escaping, they were placed directly at the foot of the mountain. When they woke up, they built their homes on the spot.

Time flew by and it soon came to noon.

When the sun rose into the sky, tens of thousands of people, from Jiang Fengwu and others with the highest cultivation level to the secular clansmen, woke up from their deep sleep within a quarter of an hour. (End of chapter)

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