Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 919 Reconstruction

Chapter 919 Reconstruction

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around them, the most important thing is that the heaven and earth are filled with spiritual energy that is extremely attractive to them, all of which remind the clan members that they are no longer on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, but have come to a strange place.

And the cage that was entangled with countless vines and trapped them made everyone even more frightened.

If they hadn't seen Li Zhirui and the others outside, everyone would have been eager to run away.

"Zhirui, where is this place? Why are we trapped in the spirit ship?" Jiang Fengwu asked with a puzzled frown after he woke up.

"This is the world after my ascension, called the Yuanling World!"

The first sentence made all the clan members excited. Before that, no one had ever thought that they could ascend with Li Zhirui.

But after getting excited, I started to wonder what method he used to hide the truth from Heaven and bring so many people to the Yuanling Realm.

In addition to these more than 10,000 tribesmen, there are also tens of thousands of secular tribesmen on earth.

"Therefore, I ask that everyone must take an oath of Taoism and an oath of inner demons, not to reveal that they are from the lower realm, and only after they have learned the language of the Yuanling Realm and have a general understanding of it, can they leave the new clan." Li Zhirui burst out with pressure and looked at everyone with a cold expression.

In an instant, everyone was fighting, and they couldn't even think of resisting in their hearts, even Jiang Fengwu and other transformed gods were no exception.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiansong took action boldly. His attack was like thunder, and dozens of wooden thorns instantly penetrated their Dantian.

But no matter what, everyone must make two oaths!

But for the sake of his own wealth, life and safety, Li Zhirui will imprison them on the spirit ship and will never let them leave!

Under their leadership, most of the tribesmen completed this matter, and only a few dozen tribesmen kept their heads down and remained silent.

A cold light flashed in Li Zhirui's eyes. He would not kill them directly, but he could wait a few years and then destroy their cultivation!

Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng and many other clan members stood up immediately and took the oath without hesitation.

But as soon as he said two words, Li Xiansong suddenly stood up and shouted: "You traitors who were bribed by other forces!"

In fact, Li Zhirui saw a secret method in Cangyu Tower that could allow people to keep secrets or even tamper with memories, but the price was relatively expensive and he couldn't get so many spiritual stones.

The other tribesmen looked at the blood dripping in front of them in fear and shock. Even Li Zhirui did not expect that Li Xiansong would kill them directly.

Faced with Li Zhirui's threat, everyone had different opinions. Some were dissatisfied with his overbearing behavior, while others understood the reason for his request.

The dozens of blood relatives of the clansmen looked at him angrily. If Li Zhirui hadn't been in charge, they might have killed him directly.

"When I was on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, I had the evidence that you betrayed the family's interests, but I never took action. But I didn't expect that after ascending, you would still think of betraying the family! You should be punished for your crime!"


For the sake of his fellow tribesmen, Li Zhirui would not kill them. That would be too much and would chill the hearts of other tribesmen and make the family have no cohesion.

"Hmph!" Li Xiansong snorted coldly and said, "I have not wronged them. These are tangible evidence that they betrayed their family interests! Everyone can circulate it to each other."

As he spoke, dozens of jade slips flew out of his hands and fell into the hands of Li Zhirui and others.

In just a moment, Li Zhirui read the contents, and then looked at Li Xiansong with a hint of complexity in his eyes. With the strength of his soul, how could he not tell that some of the contents of the jade slip in his hand had just been tampered with?

Li Xiansong is just substituting another thing and placing the crimes of other tribesmen on their heads!

Li Zhirui didn't have much contact with the clan leader, but he didn't expect him to be so decisive and quick-witted.

Others can't see the traces of the content being modified, and as more and more people check it, the traces will gradually fade away, so they really think that these monks have all betrayed the family and are still obsessed with it until now.

Only Li Zhirui and those who really betrayed the family knew the truth. The former didn't want to tell, and the latter didn't dare.

As for their blood relatives, their anger faded quickly and their faces became very ugly. They began to worry that they would be affected and dragged down by it.


Li Zhirui sighed and said: "This matter ends here. Everyone, please follow me to Xinwanxian Mountain to build a home."

The first thing is to set up a mountain-protecting formation. Jiang Fengwu will lead a group of family formation masters to determine the location and complete the formation as soon as possible.

The second thing is to integrate the original fifth-level spiritual vein into the spiritual vein in the mountain to increase the richness of the spiritual energy.

Then there are various constructions, such as caves, spiritual realms, spiritual fields, cultivation grounds for spiritual beasts, etc.

At the same time, some tribesmen must be allocated to help the secular tribesmen build their homes. Otherwise, with their own strength, they will never be able to build a town that can accommodate tens of thousands of people and cultivate fields for them.

All the clan members started working enthusiastically, and Wanxian Mountain became a huge construction site, even Li Zhirui was no exception.

The Li family's movements were huge, and naturally they couldn't be hidden from the various nearby forces.

Within a few days, several monks were sent to spy on them secretly.

Li Zhirui discovered their existence immediately, but in order not to cause trouble, he only warned them not to enter the Li family's clan territory, and did not even drive them away, leaving them to collect intelligence.

"A family that fled from nowhere!"

This is the guess given by several forces within a thousand miles radius after reading relevant information about the Li family.

The reason why they are not suspected of migrating from other realms is because the number of secular members of the Li family is too small. There are only tens of thousands of people. If it is a normal migration, it is impossible to have such a small number of people.

You know, for a family, secular clan members are the foundation and the source of growth!

With tens of thousands of people, all of them young and middle-aged, it was obvious that they were in some kind of danger. In order to preserve their heritage and fire, that family abandoned middle-aged and elderly mortals with declining fertility.

"Don't worry about them."

Mortals say that a sad army will win, and for the monks, it makes sense.

In the current state of the Li family, I am afraid that I will have to pay a huge price to take them down. After all, they are also a god-forming force. At most, they have more god-forming monks.

Unfortunately, they couldn't even imagine that the Li family did not come from the lost dogs as they thought, but sneaked from the lower world!

A very important reason why Li Zhirui chose to rebuild his family in Qianzhong Mountains is that everyone's strength is not much different!

There are only a few virtual refining forces in the mountains, and they are all far away from the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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